FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

Aaron Su

Aaron Su is a Software Engineer III on Geospatial Applications team at Azavea who is the Technical Lead of GroundWork product. He has worked on open-source products such as Franklin, and Raster Foundry, and has contributed to STAC spec.

  • Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning with Realtime Model Predictions using GroundWork and Raster Vision
Adam Laza

Open-source enthusiast. Always keen on learning new technologies but I believe there is no problem you couldn’t fix with Python, PostGIS and enough duct tape.

  • QGIS MapTiler plugin v3- vector basemaps & global DEM for 3D terrain
Adam Van Etten

Adam Van Etten is a machine learning researcher with a focus on remote sensing and computer vision. Adam helped found the SpaceNet initiative, and ran the SpaceNet 3, 5, and 7 Challenges. Recent research foci include semi-automated dataset generation, and exploring the limitations and utility functions of machine learning techniques. Adam created Geodesic Labs in 2018 as a means to explore the interplay between computer vision and graph theory in a disaster response context.

  • The Potent Mix of Computer Vision, Graph Theory, Satellite Imagery, Vehicles, and Roads
Adeel Hassan

Adeel Hassan is a Machine Learning Engineer on the Geospatial Technology and Research team at Azavea and a maintainer of the open source geospatial deep learning library, Raster Vision.

  • Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning with Realtime Model Predictions using GroundWork and Raster Vision
Adela Sobotkova

I am a landscape archaeologist who combines pedestrian field survey with digital methods to study the long-term history of the Balkans and Black Sea region, with focus on the evolution of social complexity. I use volunteers to collect data across the landscape, which I later aggregate and streamline for large-scale synthetic studies. I also serve as the domain expert for the FAIMS project in order to inform the development of spatial capabilities for the FAIMS Mobile platform, and I help design mobile applications for cross-disciplinary field data capture.

  • Just Enough GIS: Plugging Lightweight Mobile GIS into an Offline Field Data Collection Platform
Admire Nyakudya

Admire Nyakudya has been working in the geospatial industry since 2009. He graduated with a BSC Hons in Applied remote sensing and GIS from the University of Fort Hare in 2009. Admire has since acquired vast knowledge in Open Source GIS through his work at Afrispatial and Kartoza. He is an integral part of the GIS team where he heads up our training work and applies his knowledge on Open Source GIS to help our clients solve a wide range of geospatial problems.

  • SagtaMapDownloader - A guide on how QGIS and QGIS Server is being used to assist teachers and students in learning Geography in the classroom
Akbar Amini

GIS Officer at United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
UNMISS GeoStory Project manager

  • United Nations Mission in South Sudan GeoStories
Albert Bofill

Geographer specialized on GIS by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, I've been working as GIS Analyst in BGEO for 4 years. Most of my work is related to the development of Giswater, specially its data model and user interface. I've great skills on what's related to QGIS + Postgres/Postgis, because they are my main daily tools.

  • What is new in Giswater 3.5
Alessandro Frigeri
  • FOSS4G in the Solar System
Alessandro Parma

Senior DevOps Engineer @ GeoSolutions S.A.S. he designs and implement geospatial systems based on GeoServer and other great open source projects.

  • Deploying and operating GeoServer: a DevOps perspective
Alessio Fabiani

Software Engineer @ GeoSolutions

  • State of GeoNode
Alex Orenstein

I focus on remote sensing and drought monitoring and building tools to help farmers and herders deal with climate shocks. My projects focus on West and Central Africa, where I've worked for the past 12 years. I’m passionate about open source software and creating accessible data and toolkits for anyone to use. more information on my website:

  • Sharing EO data with farmers and herders in the West African Sahel: Lessons from the GARBAL program
Alexander Salveson Nossum

Working in the intersection between people, business, IT and location technology – Alexander has a demonstrated ability to transform processes, organizations and develop innovative technology. He holds a PhD in location technology from NTNU, regularly supervises and lectures at universities and works actively in scaling Norkart’s location data platform.

  • Norwegian National SensorHub - sharing IoT data with open standards and technology
  • KartAi – An open living lab for Ai in Norway
Alexandre de Amorim Teixeira

Experienced GIS Specialist that uses innovative and advanced geospatial technologies to teach and assist in decision making. GIS Specialist of the National Water and Sanitation Agency of Brazil. Spatial Database Systems Volunteer Instructor at the post-graduate program of the Geoscience Institute of the University of Brasilia. Founder and core developer of the PgHydro extension to PostgreSQL/PostGIS (

  • State of Pghydro Project: PostgreSQL-PostGIS extension for Hydrographic Applications
Amelie A. Gagnon

I am a Demographer, and I lead the geospatial data work at UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning. All the tools and methodologies that we design are based exclusively on FOSS, use only open access data and literature, so that everyone can replicate (we get CodeCheck'ed!)

  • Calculating school catchment areas - an open source solution
  • Geospatial data science for planning education systems
Amit Wadhwa

Amit's career has included 10+ years in WFP's Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping team (VAM, which is now a division at WFP called Research Assessments and Monitoring - RAM) along with several years of software development and enterprise technology deployments in the private sector.

  • Visualizing climate risks for disaster reduction and climate resilience programs – Interactive open-source tools for analysts and decision makers to utilize Earth observation data
Amour Nyalusi

Amour Nyalusi is a Community Microgrant manager at OpenMap Development Tanzania. He is an expert in OSM data quality checks, field data cleaning and delivering workshops on the use of OSM and other open mapping tools i.e QGIS, OpenDataKit, JOSM, etc. He believes in the use of geospatial technologies to solve different community challenges through evidence-based decisions.

  • The Growth of OSM Communities in Tanzania Through Community Microgrants
Amy Burness

I am a Graduate Environmental scientist and currently work at Kartosa as a Junior GIS specialist. I am passionate about the environment and using GIS to solve complex ecological and environmental issues. I think opensource technology is the future and enjoy interacting with the QGIS community and hosting the QGIS Open Day.

  • QGIS and Community: The QGIS Open Day
Andre Landwehr

Andre Landwehr holds a Master of Science degree in Sustainable Urban Management from the University in Malmö, Sweden. In his career he was worked in urban innovation projects for the municipality of Malmö, as well as for a tech-company developing online tools in the field of technical building equipment and energy efficiency. In his research in the Digital City Science he combines he technical and urban planning background to develop interactive simulation tools to support the planning of new urban neighborhoods.

  • FunctionalScope - Interactive real-time simulation tool for neighborhood planning
Andrea Aime

Open source enthusiast with strong experience in Java development and GIS. Personal interest range from high performance software, managing large data volumes, software testing and quality, spatial data analysis algorithms, map rendering.
Full time open source developer on GeoServer and GeoTools.
Received the Sol Katz's OSGeo award in 2017.

  • State of GeoServer
  • State of GeoWebCache
  • Creating Maps in GeoServer using CSS and SLD
  • Demystifing OGC APIs with GeoServer: introduction and status of implementation
  • Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: COG, STAC, OpenSearch and more...
  • Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence
  • Supporting precision farming with GeoServer: past experiences and way forward
  • Styling Natural Earth with GeoServer and GeoCSS
  • GeoServer Feature Frenzy
Andrea Antonello

engineering. He is co-founder of HydroloGIS, a company that makes use as well
as develops GFOSS software for environmental analyses. Andrea is lead of the
HortonMachine and SMASH projects and is part of the development team of BC3.
He has a PhD about GFOSS development for digital field mapping and currently
holds two positions of contract professor at the Free University of Bolzano.

  • SMASH, state of the art of the digital field mapping project.
Andrea Borghi

I currently work as devops senior engineer at Camptocamp geospatial solutions

  • GeoServer-cloud: Cloud Native GeoServer in production environments
Andreas Hocevar

Andreas is an accomplished open source developer. Not only as a small business owner, but also out of personal interest, he is an active steering committee member and committer for OpenLayers. He has been working in geospatial for more than 25 years, and is a frequent teacher and speaker.

  • OpenLayers Feature Frenzy
Andreas Jobst

Project Manager at Camptocamp

  • Implementation of the Chinese Postman Problem in the Valhalla Routing Engine
  • MapFish Print, the classic printing component, a project update
Andreas Jobst

Andreas Jobst.

  • MapFish Print, the classic printing component, a project update
Andreas Neumann

Andreas is a GIS project manager and developer at the Department of Geoinformation, Kanton Solothurn - a province in Switzerland. Andreas is also a QGIS PSC and board member and currently holds the position of the treasurer of the QGIS project.

  • Designing dynamic forms in QGIS Desktop with expressions
Andrew Bailey

A geospatial consultant at Astun Technology focusing on geospatial applications and services for enterprise environments. Previous experience of land survey, photogrammetry and research in defence applications of 3D environments.

  • From the field to the desk - end to end mobile data capture in an enterprise environment.
Andrew Bean

Geospatial Application Developer at the British Geological Survey (UK). Leading the development of the Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) tool - a web-hosted tool to estimate micronutrient deficiencies and explore pathways to improve nutrition.

  • Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) - A decision support tool for investigating the scale and geographic distribution of micronutrient availability in sub-Saharan Africa
Andrew Middleton

I'm a GIS Specialist atFehr&Peers where I work on transportation design and evaluation.
I'm originally from New York State and studied environmental conservation before leaning into GIS and moving to California. I make maps for scuba divers and run a wiki for diving called http:\

  • YouTube as Remote Sensing
Andrius Balciunas

Lecturer at Vilnius University, Cartographer and maps developer.

  • Implementation of INSPIRE in Lithuania: experience with the transition to FOSS4G
Angelos Tzotsos

Angelos is a remote sensing expert with background in surveying engineering and software development. He is currently an OSGeo Board member and serves OSGeo as President. He is an active advocate of OSGeo around the world at related conferences.

  • pycsw project status 2022
  • pygeoapi project status 2022
  • OSGeoLive project report
Anika Weinmann
  • News from actinia - let's STAC!
  • Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer
  • The GreenUr project: creating an application in QGIS to manage the impacts of urban green spaces on human health
Anita Graser

Anita Graser is a researcher, open source GIS developer, and author. She works at the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna, teaches Python for QGIS at UNIGIS Salzburg and serves on the QGIS project steering committee. She has published several books about QGIS, including “Learning QGIS” and “QGIS Map Design”. In 2020, she was awarded the OSGeo Sol Katz award. Her latest project is MovingPandas, a Python library for analyzing movement data. You can find out more about her work on and follow her on Twitter @underdarkGIS.

  • State of MovingPandas: analyze all those tracks (not just GPS)
Anna Petrasova

Anna is a geospatial research software engineer with PhD in Geospatial Analytics. She develops spatio-temporal models of urbanization and pest spread across landscape. As a member of the OSGeo Foundation and the GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee, Anna advocates the use of open source software in research and education.

  • Tips for parallelization in GRASS GIS in the context of land change modeling
  • State of GRASS GIS
Ant Scott

I've been working in GIS for the past fourteen years, following a career in publishing structured data. At Astun Technology, I work on implementation and integration of web-based mapping projects, and on QGIS-specific projects and training. I also volunteer for the humanitarian mapping charity MapAction, including both emergency response and QGIS training and development.

  • Analysing access to UK public rights of way with the QGIS Graphical Modeler
Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam

Earth Observation and GIS Scientist

  • Free and Open source GIS architecture for low cost inventory mapping of urban water supply network
Antonio Cerciello

I'm a freelance software developer. I'm specialized in the development on web architectures. I'm passionate about many things, but they have some things in common: being open, simple, neat, and down-to-earth but with some substance.

  • Implementing OGC APIs using Elasticsearch and pygeoapi
Ariel Anthieni

CEO of Kan Territory & IT, SDI specialist, computer-based with a track record between Open Source and the integration of systems for decision-making in the territory, with more than 20 years of experience in public administration and Spatial Data Infrastructure . Among the main positions he was as Manager of Data Engineering of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.
Entrepreneur and active communicator of the potential of geospatial technologies as facilitators for sustainable development, especially in emerging economies. Active member of international open data and open source technology communities, currently President of Geolibres Argentina.
Current advisor to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for the development of new technologies for the integration of geographic and statistical data within the framework of the ISO and SDMX Standards, for the publication of indicators at the regional level.

  • Generation of 3D geometries with Artificial Intelligence for the prediction of volumetry of the Urban Code of the City of Buenos Aires
  • Development of plugins in QGIS for the management of the Multipurpose Cadastre in the Government of Mexico City

Arthur VINCENT obtained his Master 2 degree in Real-Time Systems Engineering, option Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Robotics in 2015 at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse in 2015. He then did his internship at CESBIO (Toulouse), a CNRS laboratory, with Jordi Inglada where he specialized in the field of remote sensing and machine learning by highlighting the combined use of images from different sensors: Sentinel-1 (radar) and Sentinel-2 (optical). He then continued his work at CESBIO with the development of an automatic land use map production chain: IOTA². The development of IOTA² allowed him to acquire knowledge in computer science, management and distribution of code and HPC environment or image processing with the writing of OTB modules dedicated to this chain. During this period, knowledge in machine learning and deep-learning was also acquired.

  • IOTA2: large scale land cover mapping operational chain
Asger Skovbo Petersen

Asger is an open source and open data advocate. Open source geospatial software has played a central role in his professional life since 2000, where he does development, consulting and training on open source geospatial software. Asger co-founded the company Septima in 2013 with the aim to help Danish clients to utilize newly released open governmental geodata using open source software. Septima has since then helped numerous public authorities serve their open data using open source components.

OSGeo charter member since 2015.

  • Serving oblique aerial imagery using STAC and Cloud Optimized Geotiffs
Ashish Kumar
  • Computer Science and Engineering Graduate from IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India.
  • pgRouting Developer since 2020.
  • OSGeo GSoC Contributor (pgRouting), 2020 and 2021.
  • OSGeo Charter Member since 2021.
  • OSGeo GSoC Org Admin and pgRouting Mentor, 2022.
  • Are you lost? Get pgRouting to find your way
  • Location-based scheduling of VRP tasks using pg_scheduleserv
  • Google Summer of Code with OSGeo
Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. She was in the OSGeo Board of Directors from 2017 till 2021. She is the OSGeo Secretary. She received the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at the FOSS4G conference in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).

  • OSGeoLive project report
  • MapComponents, a new component framework for developing web map applications
Ata Franck AKOUETE

M. Ata Franck AKOUETE is graduate in forestry science. He is a very active member of OSM Togo community. He is author of several scientific papers and led many free GIS capacity building courses in Togo. He launched and coordinated since 2018 GirlsMap initiative. He also led recently "discovery the world of openstreetmap" session at the Understanding Risk Conference of West and Central Africa which was held in Abidjan (Ivory Coast). He is promoting OpenData, Free GIS and open Geospatial Software in Togo by making consulting in international institutions like GIZ in Togo.

  • Overview on the Free & Open Source Software for geospatial in Togo (West Africa)
Athina Trakas

Athina has presented internationally on geo-information management topics, mainly in the areas of networking within the community, OGC processes, interoperability, innovation and standards.
She has a diploma in Geography and started working in the field of GIS in 1998 in the private sector. In 2006, she joined OGC and since 2008 she is charter member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). In 2009 she was appointed OGC’s Director for European Services, adding Central Asia and Africa in 2015.

  • We are Open! OGC and OSGeo Collaboration
  • OGC API Standards: Past, Present, and Towards an Exciting Future
Bartlomiej Burkot

15 years experience in Open Source Spatial Data Infrastructure, Web-GIS development and architecture, Web-mapping, geoportals, development, open GIS consulting.
AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow - Geodesy and Cartography
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Currently: employee at Motorola Solutions Systems Polska

  • Buses moving on the map - use case of building web mapping portal
Beatrice Olivari

I'm full stack developer at Dedagroup Public Services in the Business Innovation & Development's team. I have a bachelor degree in Mathematics and a master degree in Data Science. My interests are: data visualisation, geographical data analysis and digital innovation.

  • How much “15-minutes” is your city? Using open data to measure walking proximity
Ben Kuster

2014 BSc Geoecology, Uni Potsdam
2017 MSc Geodesy & Geo Information Science, TU Berlin
2017 - present Software Developer @ virtualcitySYSTEMS with a focus on:
- modern JavaScript (nodejs, meteor, vue)
- C++
- some (too little) Rust

  • New OS: @vcmap/core
Benjamin Clark

I work on RapiD and other front-end software engineering work for Meta's XR Maps team. I believe user interfaces should be pleasing to look at and a joy to use. Despite that sentiment, I'm is also responsible for RapiD's yearly holiday-themed release.

  • Speeding up the RapiD map editor with WebGL and PixiJS
Benjamin Webb
  • Introducing WIS 2.0 in a box: an open source and open standards platform for international weather, climate and water data discovery, access, and visualization
Blagoj Delipetrev

Scientific Officer @ European Commission Joint Research Center
Working on AI, Geospatial and Open Source Software.

  • No-code geoAI
Blake Esselstyn

Blake Esselstyn (he/him) is a geographer, demographer, and redistricting consultant who first began studying GIS more than 25 years ago. In 2015 he founded Mapfigure Consulting. In recent years 15 U.S. government jurisdictions have adopted redistricting plans that Blake designed. He has served as an expert witness and consulting expert for multiple court cases and has presented widely on redistricting. His degrees are from Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania, and he holds professional certifications as both an urban planner (AICP) and GIS professional (GISP).

  • Political Reapportionment: Drawing Boundaries with QGIS
Boisteault Nicolas

I'm working for 3Liz for 4 years and love to improve the web GIS Lizmap.
I'm mainly developing the frontend part but I also like to make some SQL with PostgreSQL/PostGIS and some PHP.
I also like teaching and sharing web and GIS knowledge.

  • Advanced QGIS forms into the web with Lizmap
  • State of Lizmap - Past / Present / Futur
Borja Muñoz

Borja Muñoz is a product manager for developer tools at CARTO. He has been developing geospatial applications using open source software for more than 15 years. He loves anything related to geospatial stuff, specially data visualization.

  • An introduction to for data visualization
  • A new SQL library to enable spatial analytics in Spark
Brad Chambers

Mr. Chambers is a core contributor to the PDAL project with an extensive background in computer vision algorithm development.

  • Open Source Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Using AI/ML
Brandon Liu

Brandon is a cartographic technologist based in Taipei, Taiwan. He has a background in computer graphics and systems programming; some of his interests are language & localization, digital heritage, and computational map design. He's currenly working on Protomaps, a new suite of developer-friendly tools for mapmaking on the web.

  • Web mapping at any scale: Bite-size, full-stack cartography with Protomaps + PMTiles open source tools
Bryan Fuentes

Bryan Fuentes is a forest scientist from Honduras. His research focuses on the spatiotemporal variability of landscape dynamics and their relationship with climate gradients, forest ecology and soil properties. He is an active member of the FOSS community, where he develops computational tools for the user-informed and data-driven modeling of environmental phenomena.

  • rassta: Raster-based Spatial Stratification Algorithms
Bryan Housel

I build software and communities that help people everywhere contribute to OpenStreetMap. I'm currently an engineer at Kaart working with the MapWithAI team at Meta (formerly Facebook) on the RapiD editor. I’m also a maintainer of the iD-SDK, OSM Community Index, Name Suggestion Index and a handful of other Open Source projects. I believe that software should put people first, be a joy to use, and empower users to improve their world and build great things.

  • Speeding up the RapiD map editor with WebGL and PixiJS
Caitlin Haedrich

Caitlin is a 2nd year doctoral student in the GeoForAll Lab at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA. Through her work with Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras and Helena Mitasova, she has been working on improving the integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter Notebooks.

  • Using GRASS GIS in Jupyter Notebooks: An Introduction to grass.jupyter
Carlos Eduardo Mota

Geologist D.Sc. from Geological Survey of Brazil. 15 years of experience with FOSS4G - Python, Javascript, QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoNode

  • Hardening a GeoNode Project – Some considerations about container security and optimization
Carmen Tawalika

Carmen finished her studies in geography where she learned about spatial data and the matching software. She is a passionate geographer and loves traveling the world. After teaching remote sensing to other students and writing her bachelor thesis about a german spatial data exchange format, she started working for mundialis using and creating OSGeo software. One of these is actinia, to which Carmen actively contributes. She is an open source devotee and was very happy to take part in the FOSS4G 2016 organization team for Bonn. She is an OSGeo Charter Member since 2019.

  • News from actinia - let's STAC!
  • Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer
Casper van der Wel

I am currently working as a lead software developer at Nelen & Schuurmans, on the Python backends of 3Di (integrated hydrodynamic model) and Lizard (a data platform for the physical environment).

My background is a mix of different branches of science: I started out with chemistry and went via physics to software development. Especially during my PhD (thesis) I focused on data analysis, tracking colloidal particles in 3D microscopic images on lipid membranes.

Open source projects I am actively contributing to:

  • Shapely / PyGEOS
  • dask-geomodeling
  • trackpy
  • PIMS
  • Agile Geo-Analytics: Stream processing of raster- and vector data with dask-geomodeling
Céline Vilain

National Geographic Institute of Belgium

  • FAIR-ization of INSPIRE datasets
Charles Stern

Charles is a Data Infrastructure Engineer at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory working on Pangeo Forge. He is endlessly curious about elegant, open-source tools that help us understand our changing planet. Charles loves exploring in the mountains and tinkering with anything electronic or mechanical.

  • Pangeo Forge: Crowdsourcing Open Data in the Cloud
Chia Li Juan

Data Scientist @ Gojek Cartography

  • Use of FOSS4G at Gojek to automate map error detection at scale
Chris Rampersad

Chris Rampersad is the VP of Engineering at EarthDaily Analytics. He has extensive experience working in space and ground segment engineering for several Earth Observation missions including the WorldView and RapidEye satellite constellations. He is currently leading the engineering team for the upcoming EarthDaily Constellation that is designed to image the world everyday with scientific quality.

  • "Earth in Colour" with EarthDaily Analytics
Christopher Beddow

Christopher Beddow is map analyst focusing on Mapillary and OpenStreetMap at Meta Reality Labs. He has worked on the OSM, GIS, and map data products at Mapillary since 2016. He codes in Python, SQL, and JavaScript, and enjoys traveling widely while editing OpenStreetMap. Chris lives in Switzerland and enjoys meeting people from every corner of the global FOSS4G and mapping community.

  • Open Data in OpenStreetMap’s RapiD Editor
  • How to Mapillary - Getting started with Street-level Mapping
  • The most accurate cameras to generate map data from street-level imagery
Christopher Nuth

Senior Scientist at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment. Masters and PhD from the University of Oslo in natural sciences and geomatics and a Bachelor of Environmental Science from McGill University.

  • Lidar classification, accuracy and change detection using the Norwegian open lidar data archive.
Christopher Webb

I'm a data scientist based in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

  • If a tree falls in the forest, does the river notice?: Creating and Visualizing Equivalent Clearcut Area using Satellite Imagery, Python and Crossfilters
Cihan Sahin

Mr Cihan Sahin works at ECMWF as an analyst. His work focuses on development of web services both backend and frontend with a special interest on meteorological and climatological data manipulation and preparation.

  • A high performing data retrieval system for large and frequently updated geospatial datasets
Claudia Schulte

Claudia has worked in the GIS industry for over for 15 years, specializing in projects related to cutting edge developments in geodata management. She has experience in international project management, research management, applied research and the application of geodata to develop smart cities and energy efficient buildings.

As a Senior Consultant at wetransform, she is in charge of mission-critical projects that are focused on making EU data more interoperable and useful. She leads projects such as the pan-European GO-PEG project and the Future Forest project and is the co-lead on the fAIRport project.

  • Building Germany’s drone corridors with hale»studio
Claudio Navacchi

Claudio Navacchi was born in Austria in 1994 and studied Geodesy and Geoinformation at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). During his M.Sc. studies, he began to work as a project assistant in the Microwave Remote Sensing Research Group and was soon getting involved in national and international projects dealing with earth observation data processing, analysis and dissemination, e.g. the Austrian Data Cube (ACube) or openEO.

After he graduated in 2019, he started to do a Ph.D. in 2020 focusing on improving Sentinel-1 data pre-processing routines and curating backscatter time series to minimise the influence of Sentinel-1's distinct observation pattern. He is currently part of the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) and satellite-based grassland monitoring (SatGrass) project allowing to pursue his research interests in satellite data processing, radiation and land-surface interactions, vegetation and water-cycle dynamics, and scientific programming.

  • yeoda - providing low-level and easy-to-use access to manifold earth observation datasets
Clément Albinet

Clement Albinet is a Data Quality and Cal/Val Manager in the Mission Management and Ground Segment Department, of the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, at the European Space Agency - ESA.

  • Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP)
Cody D Smith

Cody Smith is a Senior Developer at Simtable. He received his B.S in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico. He is based in Albuquerque, NM, where he works on a wide array of products including an interactive geospatial oriented augmented reality sand table. Beyond the augmented reality sand table, Cody works on web-based solutions that enable users to seamlessly incorporate agent-based modeling, ambient computing, projective augmented reality and distributed geospatial information systems that help users better understand complex environmental and social phenomena in communities local and abroad.

  • Teaching GIS Through Geospatially Aware Agent-Based Modeling
Corey White
  • OpenPlains - Is it the new web GRASS?
Craig Taverner

I am an open source software developer, technology enthusiast and entrepreneur working on many kinds of projects, but most involve analytics and data modeling of big data, especially if it includes an element of GIS, search, or graphs. I work at Elastic Search on Analytics and Geo.

Before this I spent 7 years at Neo4j working on their Cypher query planner as well as their support for spatial storage, indexing and querying. And before that I worked for over a decade in mobile telecom analytics, including spatial and temporal analytics of mobile telecom data.

  • What’s new in geospatial Elasticsearch
Cristiano Giovando

Cristiano is a senior technical advisor at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and international consultant in FOSS geospatial technology and data.

  • OpenAerialMap V2 Design and Development
Crystal Wai

I am an undergraduate student at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada. My areas of research interest are in epidemiology and public health. I use R programming language for all my computing projects.

  • spatialEpisim: an open-source R Shiny app for tracking COVID-19 in low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries
Cynthia Hall

Cynthia Hall is currently the Community Coordinator for the Transform to Open Science (TOPS) program, promoting NASA’s commitment to open-source science and NASA’s 2023 Year of Open Science. She is working to enhance and promote the use of all of NASA’s science data collections and open resources to scientists, researchers, decision makers, all with a varied range of needs.

  • NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) Initiative
Daniel J. Dufour

Daniel Dufour is the CEO of GeoSurge, a geospatial tech company with a focus on data compression, natural language processing, remote sensing, and visualization. He created or co-created several open-source geospatial projects, including, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, geoblaze, geowarp, and proj4-fully-loaded.

  • State of GeoBlaze: A Blazing Faster Raster Analysis Engine in Pure JavaScript
  • State of GeoRasterLayer: A LeafletJS Plugin for Visualizing GeoTIFFs (and soon other rasters)
  • Cloud-Native Geospatial with JavaScript
Daniel Koch

Lead Developer @terrestris

  • The GeoStyler Project - Status Report
  • Stable Open Source Software in production; the case of MapProxy
Daniel McGlone

Daniel McGlone is a Product Manager & Senior GIS Analyst at the geospatial software company Azavea.

  • DistrictBuilder, or how TopoJSON was the cause of and solution to all of our problems
Darius Andreas Görgen
  • The MAPME Initiative: Leveraging the power of open data and FOSS GIS to improve public expenditure in the development aid sector.
Darren Wiens

Geospatial Developer at Sparkgeo (Canada)

  • Maps in Motion: Introduction to the STAC Video Extension
Dave Bianco

Dave Bianco is a Sr Geospatial Architect at Amazon Web Services with over two decades experience building geospatial platforms. Based in San Francisco, his background specialties include data ETL pipelines, data storage, data management, and data access.

  • Serverless Geospatial
David Berry
  • Introducing WIS 2.0 in a box: an open source and open standards platform for international weather, climate and water data discovery, access, and visualization
david blasby

David has been working on Open Source GIS projects for 20 years - GeoServer/GeoTools, GeoGig, GeoNetwork, PostGIS, and others.

  • European (Inspire) Data Tour
Dennis Bauszus

Having relocated as a Land Surveyor from his native Germany; His 25 years of professional experience in the spatial information sector have seen many transitions; From field work and paper maps to digital, from desktop to cloud, and most recently from proprietary to open source technologies.

  • Composing Software: Spatial for the JAMstack generation
Devis Peressutti

Data Scientist at Sinergise developing open-source tools and applications leveraging satellite imagery.

  • HIECTOR: Hierarchical object detector for cost-efficient detection at scale
Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro

Based in Brindisi, Italy, he is the Chief of the Solutions and Support Unit and UN Maps Product Manager at the United Nations Global Service Centre. He leads a team of almost 50 GIS professionals dedicated to provide location based services and tools to humanitarian actors in UN peacekeeping and political missions.

  • UN Maps: OpenStreetMap supporting Peace and serving Humanity
Dimas Ciputra

Dimas is an exceptionally well organised and productive software developer with deep coding skills and problem solving abilities
who strives for the highest levels of perfection and quality in his work. He is a graduate in Informatics Engineering, holding dual
Bachelors degrees in this field. He has been working working in a production environment since 2013, building mobile (both iOS and
Android) and web applications. He loves building beautiful and functional user-facing applications and is equally happy to dive into
the technical details of an application backend. He has been an active contributor to various Open Source projects since 2015. Dimas
is a passionate gamer - he built several mobile games and also won a number of ‘hackathons’ with game concepts he developed
during his student days.

  • The Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) – mobilising data for monitoring freshwater ecosystems
Dimitar Tasev

Full stack web developer for EFAS

  • 10 years of open-source software in emergency management: the case of the European Flood Awareness Service
DK Benjamin

DK is currently the DevOps Manager for HOT's Technology and Innovation Team. They were building FOSS since 2013, working on OpenDroneMap development, and have been attending FOSS4G since Bonn in 2016. With HOT, they are building open geospatial applications in the cloud that support disaster response and humanitarian development.

  • OpenAerialMap V2 Design and Development
  • Using Terraform to manage HOTOSM's infrastructure as code
Dr. Christian Beilschmidt

Christian Beilschmidt is a computer scientist and did his doctoral research at the University of Marburg, Germany, in the field of geodata processing and machine learning methods for the aggregation of spatio-temporal data. He was also substantially involved in the development of a web-based platform for spatio-temporal processing, explorative analysis and visualization of Big Spatial Data within projects on biodiversity and environmental monitoring. He is currently working in the EXIST research transfer project Geo Engine on a start-up that will further develop this platform into a cloud-ready service that bundles the integration and efficient processing of spatio-temporal data and intuitively opens up the latest visualization and analysis methods, such as deep learning.

  • Geo Engine: Exploratory data analysis with spatio-temporal workflow processing
Dusabe Larissa

Work at WASAC( Water and Sanitation Corporation in Rwanda) as a District Water and Sanitation Engineer.

  • Rural water supply mapping by using FOSS4G application in Rwanda
Dylan Halpern

Senior software engineer for CSDS at UChicago. Loving web graphics, interactivity, spatial analytics, and data engineering. Contributor to Matico.

  • Matico a new federated FOSS platform for spatial analysis, data management, visualization, and app building
Edoardo Neerhut

I first got involved in mapping when I joined Mapillary in 2015, but my love of maps started long before that. In fact it started when I was gifted a Dorling Kindersley geographic atlas as a kid. Since then I've been fascinated by maps and the way they help us understand the world.

Mapillary is now part of Meta, and I work as a Program Manager, supporting groups and individuals utilising street-level imagery to solve geospatial problems.

I chaired OSGeo Oceania in 2021, serve as a Director on the OSGeo Oceania Board, and have helped to organise OSGeo Oceania conferences since 2018. I also contribute regularly to OpenStreetMap.

  • The most accurate cameras to generate map data from street-level imagery
  • The story of OSGeo in Oceania
Eduard Rosert

Software Developer at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

  • SkinnyWMS Meteorological Web Map Service
Edward Boamah

Edward Boamah works as the Technical Manager for Digital Earth Africa, where he supports institutions and countries within Africa to make use of the Analysis Ready Earth Observation data for impact and decision making. My vision is that all Africans, from highly technical professionals to government, policymakers and civil society, will embrace DE Africa. I am most passionate about sharing how EO can be used for managing water, understanding deforestation impacts and informing city planning and urbanisation, but sees EO being used by everyone and anyone because of how easily accessible it will be.

  • Cloud Native Geospatial: Lessons Learnt Building Digital Earth Africa
Edward Comyn-Platt

I am a data analyst and developer at ECMWF working on the Climate Data Store (CDS) project. My role ensures that the complex datasets available on the CDS are accessible and useful to a wider audience.
Prior to working at ECMWF I spent about 10 years in research roles in the fields of Earth Observation and Land Surface Modelling. Transitioning to the Climate Data Store project was an logical progression as it was clear to me that non-scientific communities need access to research outputs and data to make more informed decisions.

  • The Copernicus Data Store (CopDS) - a reimagining of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS)
Edzer Pebesma

I am a professor at the institute for Geoinformatics since 2007, where I lead the spatiotemporal modelling lab. I am an active contributor to the R-Spatial community, and an ordinary member of the R consortium. During the pandemic I started playing the double bass, en enjoy doing that a lot.

  • openEO: Open Science for Earth Observation Research
Egemen Okten
  • Public Transportation GTFS Editor
Ekaterina Grudinskaya

Ekaterina is a business analyst at Kontur. Kontur took part in the project to redesign OpenAerialMap

  • OpenAerialMap V2 Design and Development
Eleni Valtopoulou

Eleni is an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual with almost 9 years of experience working in the engineering and environmental industry. Strong background in Data Management, GIS analysis and a broad range of technical skills.

  • EVRYMAP - An extensible web mapping framework based on Angular, NodeJS, Leaflet and Mapserver.
Elif Karagümüş

She is an urban planner at Parabol. She received her BS degree from City and Regional Planning Department, Middle East Technical University (METU). She is continuing master program at Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies in METU. She has 4 years of experience in the field of urban transport, urban mobility, public transport planning, traffic modeling, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). She analyzes the mobility data from different sources on a geographical basis and produces meaningful information. She has mainly worked on public transportation systems. Within the scope of R&D projects, she works on public transportation accessibility maps, performance analysis, O-D analysis, public transportation travel demand, passenger behavior at macro and micro levels in 3 different cities. She also has studies on public transportation system modeling at the macro level.She carries out traffic modeling studies along a certain corridor with the use of data from the sensors.

  • Public Transportation GTFS Editor
Elisa Puccioni

I'm a Senior GIS Analyst at Kenex Ltd, a GIS consulting company based in Wellington, New Zealand and I'm currently Deputy Chair at OSGeo Oceania.
I have more than 15 years of experience in the GIS Industry and have been involved in a wide range of GIS projects for several industry sectors, including mineral exploration, renewable resources, land management and environment. I am a strong supporter of open source geospatial software as I believe everyone should be able to use GIS. I've been involved in the OSGeo Oceania community since 2019 and I'm currently in charge of the Microgrant and Good Mojo programs for the community.

  • The story of OSGeo in Oceania
Elise Stenholt Sørensen
  • Not too big, not too small: open source geospatial units that are just right
Emanuele Geri

Head of the office of Data Governance, Opendata, GIS, Analytics at the Municipality of Florence, IT Department

  • MapStore, a year in review
Emmanuel Belo

Head of Camptocamp Geospatial Solutions department, with a sharp focus on GIS Open Source software, tailored solutions, innovation and Agile/DevOps projects.
Camptocamp is present in Switzerland, France and Germany with offices in Paris, Munich, Lausanne, Chambéry and Olten near Zürich.
Camptocamp staff is core contributor to: QGIS, OpenLayers, GeoNetwork and many more free and open source software for geospatial (FOSS4G/OSGEO).

  • Contributing to Geospatial Cloud Native Solutions
  • - Geology in 3D: new features
Epa Utabajimana
  1. Name: Epa Utabajimana (Mr)
  2. Position: GIS Officer, (Team Leader)
  3. Employer: United Nations
  4. Field Mission: United Nations Stabilization Mission in DRC (MONUSCO).
  5. Duty Station: Goma city, Eastern DRC
  6. Experience: About 20 years of International experience in implementing and using GIS to support Peacekeeping Missions to implement assigned UN mandates. So far worked in 5 different countries.
  7. Qualifications: MSc in GIS, MBA.
  • UN Open GIS Initiative: Geopaparazzi Survey Server and SMASH for Mobile Data Collection in a UN Peacekeeping Mission (MONUSCO)
Eric Theise

Software engineer; photographer, experimental filmmaker, cartographer, geographer, vocalizer, yoga student, reader & writer, eater & drinker.

  • Carto-OSC: Real Time Cartography in Performance
Erik Meerburg

Founded the Geo Academie, based a strong belief that education in geo-information is more than ‘knowing which buttons to push’. Sees developments like open source software and crowdmapping as the most promising in years and recognizes the challenge that it provides to traditional geo-information science. Currently employed by B3Partners, aiming with them to change the world of geo by changing to open. Promotor of QGIS and opensource mapping platforms (Tailormap!). Organizer of the late (only?) Maptime Summercamp @GeoFort. Did voluntary work for MissingMaps. Rotarian. Husband, father, cat owner. Guitar and upright bass player. Quite forgetful.

  • From a national map publication platform to infinity. And beyond, of course.
Erin Stein

Head of Operations of Data Clinic | Two Sigma

  • Not too big, not too small: open source geospatial units that are just right
Ernesto Martínez Becerra

Currently a Product Manager at CARTO, strongly focused on cloud-native geospatial analytics.

  • A new SQL library to enable spatial analytics in Spark
Esra Cansizoglu

Esra Cansizoglu is a Machine Learning Engineer working in the Map Building group at Meta. Her area of expertise is in computer vision and 3D geometry. She holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University and a MS in Computer Science from Boston University.

  • A Graph-Based Road Conflation Method Preserving Connectivity
Etienne Trimaille

I'm an active contributor in the OpenStreetMap community, mainly on the QuickOSM project, a QGIS plugin to extract OSM data within QGIS.

For work, I'm a GIS developer at 3Liz, mainly focused on QGIS desktop and server plugins.
3Liz is a opensource GIS solution based in France, we are working on Lizmap, the opensource project for publishing a QGIS project on the web.

  • Dataviz in QGIS and on the web
  • State of OSM in QGIS
  • State of Lizmap - Past / Present / Futur
Etienne Trimaille

OpenSource GIS enthusiast since 2005
Love QGIS & PostgreSQL
Contribute to Lizmap Web Client, QGIS scripts and plugins
Work in 3liz, France

  • PgMetadata - A QGIS plugin to store the metadata of PostgreSQL layers inside the database, and use them inside QGIS
  • QGIS Server into the wild
Even Rouault

GDAL developer and chair of the GDAL Project Steering Committee. Manager and lead developer of Spatialys, consultancy dedicated to providing to its clients the best of its expertise around Open Source geospatial software and standards.

  • State of GDAL
Evren Payuz-Charrier

Lead Geologist at Oslandia.

  • OpenLog - Open Source drillhole data visualization in QGIS
Fabian Schindler-Strauss

Studied Game Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien.

Working for EOX ever since.

  • pygeofilter: geospatial filtering made easy
  • geotiff.js - efficient GeoTIFF exploration in the browser and server
  • EO Open Science Catalogue initiative by ESA
Fabio Giannetti

Geologist, remote sensing specialist is responsible of the GIS, remote sensing and ICT laboratory at IPLA , public company providing technical support to the Piemonte Region in environmental field with specific reference to agro-forest sector

  • Use of remote sensing and GIS processing for mapping Chestnut stands decline in Piemonte Region
Federico Mensio

I started working with GIS in 1993 dealing with cartography projects and in particular with the integration of CAD and DB. Over the years I have been responsible for cartography projects and I have been interested in the development of GIS software, arriving in the last 5 years to deal with the transaction from proprietary software to software and DB FOSS. Currently I work on data analysis and big data in the GIS field, both with GIS tools such as QGIS, and with DB solutions such as PostgreSQL / PostGIS

  • Pedological Information System of Piedmont Region in Italy
Felipe de Carvalho Diniz

Captain Cartographic Engineer at Brazilian Army with specialisation in quality evaluation and quality management of Geospatial Data at the University of Jaén and Master of Science in Geoinformatics at Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente in The Netherlands. Currently working on multiple Mapping projects, with the main one being MGCP (Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program).

  • Geoinformation Production Management System - A QGIS based open-source solution to nationwide geospatial data production management
Felix Palmer

Master in Physics by the University of Oxford. Full stack developer with a experience and interest in a wide range of technologies. Currently working at CARTO as Principal Rendering Engineer.

  • Fast rendering from vector tiles in
Florent Gravin

Tech lead and solution architect at Camptocamp Geospatial.
Living in the mountains in Chambery.

  • Datahub: the confluence of open data and geo data
  • Baremaps studio: dynamic vector tiles map rendering
  • State of GeoNetwork
Francesco Bartoli

OSGeo charter member and contributor

  • Implementing OGC APIs using Elasticsearch and pygeoapi
  • pygeoapi project status 2022
Francesco Bursi

Civil Eng
works in GIS field

  • From photographic survey to street-level imagery integration in an OpenSource webgis: complete workflow
Francois Prunayre
  • State of GeoNetwork
Frederic Jacon

Geospatial Solutions Project Manager and Branch Manager, open source enthusiast working at Camptocamp

  • The Carto 2 Project
Gakumin Kato

Associate Geospatial Information Officer, Geospatial Analysis Unit, Geospatial Information Section, UN

  • United Nations Mission in South Sudan GeoStories
Gerald "Stinger" Guala

Dr. Gerald "Stinger" Guala coordinates the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) activities at NASA Headquarters and is a Program Scientist, on long term detail to the Earth Science Data Systems Program within the Earth Science Division in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA.

  • Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP)
Gérald Fenoy

He obtained a Master degree in Computer Science for University of Montpellier II. After graduation, he worked in a private company as a developer for Web-GIS application and PostGIS based system integration. He established his company GeoLabs, in 2006, and have done several projects in France and overseas. He's been actively developing and promoting OSGeo technologies. He is a regular participant and contributor to FOSS4G Conferences. He is working on implementing the ZOO-Project. On top of this processing engine, he works on implementing a user interface to manage web applications and OGC web services, called MapMint.

  • ZOO-Project: News about the Open WPS Platform
  • MapMint: The service-oriented platform
Gijs Hillenius

To be filled in later

  • Open source at the European Commission
Giovanni Allegri

I've started my career as a GIS/EO data scientist and Spatial Data Infrastructures specialist, based for the most part on open source technologies and business models. In this context, I've worked for several public institutions and private companies, as a consultant, developer and solutions provider.

Over the years my job and interests expanded into the broader fields of a solution architect, embracing and deepening engineering and "soft skills" methodologies to lead projects along all their lifecycle.

I've had the opportunity to contribute to and lead the development chain of several projects, ranging from mobile apps and web platforms to data infrastructures and distributed data processing pipelines.
Whatever the kind of product it is, I enjoy translating a customer idea into an effective solution.
My current main technical focus is software design and product management.

Hobbies? Sound design, music technologies, and programming.

  • State of GeoNode
Gordon Logie

I am a data scientist working at Sparkgeo, a geospatial technology consulting company. Previously, I worked as a remote sensing scientist and remote sensing team manager at Farmers Edge, a precision agriculture company. My background is in optical remote sensing. I attended the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada for both my MSc. and BSc. I live on a small plot of land in the countryside in southern Alberta, Canada along with my wife and our many pets.

  • A tool for mapping fire burn severity and extent in watersheds for flood risk assessment

Haldun Yıldız is a Computer Engineer at Parabol. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University (METU). He has 5 years of general professional working experience in full stack development and 10 years of software development experience. He developed various IOT applications using Hybrid Technologies, Intelligent Transportation Management Platform (METIS) and its software services which are being used in 25 cities and big data tools, software platforms and services for multimodal (ATMS, public transport, bike) mobility management which are being used in more than 50 cities in more than 10 countries. He develops a distributed system processing billions of daily mobility data. Also he develops big data and data mining algorithms for mobility management and decision support systems.

  • Public Transportation GTFS Editor
Hannes Blitza

Learned Geographer (University of Marburg and Bonn). Employee at terrestris - Sales Manager, Developer

  • The Masterportal project – Highly customizeable feature-rich WebGIS
Hannes Blitza
  • The Masterportal project – Highly customizeable feature-rich WebGIS
Hannes I. Reuter

Hannes is a geoecologist with a PhD in soil science. He is specialised in spatial research projects for natural resource management from global, continental, to local scales. Before joining the European Commission Hannes has worked in national and inter-national, multi-disciplinary research institutes such as at the World Data Center for Soils at ISRIC World Soil Information (ISRIC), the European Commissions Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Leibniz Centre for Agriculture Landscape Research (ZALF) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). One of Hannes focal points is transforming valuable tacit knowledge into statistical, uncertainty-related information, which can be used to run multi-scale decision making models for sound policy decision making. In the EC he works in the GISCO team (GIS COordination) and tries to bridge technical feasibilities and functional requirements serving a wide community of EC colleagues.

  • Usage and contribution of FOSS at GISCO
Hinrich Paulsen

Co-founder of terrestris and mundialis from Bonn, Germany, Hinrich has spent the past 20 years in the geoinformatics sector dedicated to supporting the development of Free and Open Source Software. Mainly dedicated to business development, human resources and finances he has participated actively in numerous international projects that led to assignments in Asia, Africa and South America.

  • Developing a pilot method to measure biodiversity related financial risk at financial portfolio level using Earth Observation and other spatially explicit data
Howard Butler

Howard Butler is the founder and president of Hobu, Inc., an open source software consultancy located in Iowa City, Iowa that focuses on point cloud data management solutions. He is an active participant in the ASPRS LAS Committee, a Project Steering Committee member of both the PROJ and GDAL open source software projects, a contributing author to the GeoJSON specification, and a past member of the OSGeo Board of Directors. With his firm, Howard leads the development of the PDAL and Entwine open source point cloud processing and organization software libraries.

  • Cloud Optimized Point Cloud: Compressed, Geospatial, Lossless and Compatible Data Organization for Analysis Ready Point Cloud Data
Ian Turton

I am a part-time GIS consultant with Astun Technology and a self-employed computational geographer. I am a GeoTools developer in my spare time.

  • How to get a good response on stackexchange
Ichchha Moktan

Ichchha is a Tech & Innovation Lead at KLL whose loves mobile app design & development. She has been involved in building various apps around eCommerce, online learning platforms to map-centric apps helping people make decisions during emergencies and provide critical infrastructure information. However, her recent interest lies in exploring strategies and tactics to emphasize the value of delivering user expectations on a software project.

She graduated with a bachelor's in CSIT from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She also served as Vice-Secretary of the Women Leaders in Technology organization for 2019–21 as she loves to support initiatives in bringing more women into the tech industry.

Now, she is leading the KLL team as a project coordinator in the HOT Tasking Manager tech_collective. After the journey began in Feb 2022, a lot of things happened. With the community's continued support, she looks forward to exciting updates in the future.

  • Open Tech Collective: sharing HOT's journey
Ilie Codrina

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS power user, actively working in improving open data services development at Terrasigna. In the last 5 years, her work has been divided between open data initiative development, geodata standardization and EO data processing. In her 10 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS solutions for data management, processing andvisualization. As an advocate for foss4g, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member of the OSGeo and currently servers on the OSGeo Board of Directors.

  • We are Open! OGC and OSGeo Collaboration
  • FOSS4G and Open Data to the rescue: a European story!
Ilya Zverev

Member of OpenStreetMap project since 2010, editor of the russian news blog SHTOSM, author of several OSM-related articles, had spoken at many conferences and developed some tools for editing and processing OSM data. Currently working at Wheely.

  • Surveying amenities for OSM at scale

** Bachelor's Degree in surveying and geomatics Engineering***
** Master's Degree in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Management ***

** GIS Consultant at Esri Rwanda
(Sept 2015 Up to June 2016)**

GIS Survey Officer at EDCL/REG
( 01 July 2016 Up 4 October 2019)
MIS Specialist at Water & Sanitation Corporation ***
( 07 October 2019 Up to date )*

  • Rural water supply mapping by using FOSS4G application in Rwanda
Irene Pleizier

Team lead of the GIS team of Van Oord.

  • The challenges and benefits of implementing OS geo within a large contracting company
Ismail Sunni

Geospatial Software Engineer (Camptocamp)

  • Implementation of the Chinese Postman Problem in the Valhalla Routing Engine

Iván has been a web developer and FLOSS advocate since the early 2000s; then he bought a GPS receiver and got involved in OpenStreetMap and OSGeo. He’s worked with nautical charts, indoor positioning, USB microcontrollers, LibreOffice, multispectral rasters, all of it with unhealthy amounts of Javascript.

  • Gleo: Reinventing WebGL maps
Jaakko Lehto

GIS Consultant and software developer at Gispo Ltd.

  • Using QField to manage traffic sign inventory
Jacky Volpes

I qualified as an engineer in electronics and industrial data processing through a three-year M.Sc.
My interest in computer programming reinforced during 3 years of data processing at STMicroelectronics.
After university, my 3 years at CEA-LETI created a passion for image/geometry processing and python language.
At Unistellar, I bring my knowledge in algorithmic and signal processing in order to work with embedded informatics constraints in terms of performance, optimization, and platform.
In 2019, I am in charge of a GIS in a consulting mission during which I increase my python skill, and capitalize on my experience in data and geometry processing. As a result, I discover the power and huge scope of open source software QGIS, and the strength of its community.
After this mission, I joined Oslandia in 2021 to get closer to opensource values, to cartography, and to QGIS community.

  • From CAD to GIS: where are we?
James Banting

James Banting is Vice President of Research for Sparkgeo. He helps lead a team providing geospatial consultation to technology companies. He is a remote sensing scientist and lives in British Columbia, Canada.

  • Cleaning and processing global resource data for game development
James Hilton

James Hilton is a principal research scientist in Data61, CSIRO. His current role involves the development of methods and analytical frameworks for geospatial analysis as well as modelling of natural hazards such as wildfires and floods.

  • Geostack: a high performance geospatial processing, modelling and analysis framework
James O'Connor

James O'Connor is a geospatial engineer at Satellite Vu, a company which will launch and operate a constellation of 7 thermal imaging satellites

  • Early use of FOSS4G in a space start up
James Varndell

I am a Scientific Software Engineer working across the Web Services and Climate Data Store (CDS) teams at ECMWF. I develop Python tools and web applications for exploring, analysing and visualising climate data.

  • The Copernicus Data Store (CopDS) - a reimagining of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS)
Jan Suleiman
  • M.Sc. Geoinformatics
  • Full-Stack Developer at terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • GeoStyler Core Developer
  • The GeoStyler Project - Status Report
Jani Kylmäaho

Jani Kylmäaho has been working with geospatial data infrastructures, data production and distribution for 20+ years. He has been involved in national and international collaboration and projects, working both for the public and private sector. During his career, Jani has contributed to extended use of open source geospatial solutions in the Finnish public sector. Currently Jani is the Chief Digital Officer at National Land Survey of Finland.

  • Openness - a Strategic Choice
Jashanpreet Singh

Technical lead at BlueSky Analytics (building a catalogue of environmental datasets) I work with the entire stack from devops, APIs and frontend all in day's work!

  • Spatio-temporal Database - Creating a high availability easily scalable Spatio-temporal database cluster with Postgres, PostGIS, and timescaleDB!
Jean Baptiste Barré

Research engineer at CNRS. France.

  • As a scientist, how to dive into JavaScript for data visualization? An example with a particle stream to illustrate the movement of glaciers.
Jean Felder

Jean Felder is a research engineer in image processing. He worked on data processing and filtering in the oil and gas industry for almost ten years. He joined Oslandia in 2022 to contribute to open source GIS. He has been contributing to QGIS 3D viewer.

  • OpenLog - Open Source drillhole data visualization in QGIS
Jeroen Ticheler

CEO/Owner of GeoCat – Chair and founder of the GeoNetwork opensource. GeoCat was founded by Jeroen Ticheler in 2007. Jeroen studied Tropical Forestry at Wageningen University specialising in GIS and Remote Sensing. Following graduation in 1997, he worked for the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in Rome for nine years. Jeroen held various positions for the FAO in GIS/remote sensing and established the GeoNetwork opensource project. The FAO GeoNetwork is the first implementation based on this software, releasing a large quantity of geospatial data to the public. Today GeoNetwork opensource is accepted as the definitive open source geospatial catalogue application with implementations from smaller projects to national and international level catalogs.

  • State of GeoNetwork
  • Revamped INSPIRE Geoportal - Cooking the next generation of spatial data catalogues
Jerome St-Louis

Jérôme is founder and CTO of Ecere, designed the eC programming language, initiated the FOSS Ecere Cross-Platform SDK and GNOSIS geospatial software. Jérôme is an OSGeo charter member, co-chair of the Ottawa Local Chapter, OGC API – Tiles, OGC API - Coverages, and OGC Styles & Symbology Standard Working Groups.

  • Update on Modular OGC API Workflows specifications
Jin Igarashi

Jin IGARASHI is senior software engineer specializing in GIS field with 10 years of work experience in Japan and Eastern Africa. Developed various GIS applications in Fujitsu at the beginning of my career in Japan. Then, worked in Eastern Africa for water supply management by using GIS. Developed GIS systems for assets management of water supply facilities and Non-Revenue Water management and conducted trainings for FOSS4G (Free and Open Source for Geospatial) applications such as QGIS and PostGIS. Since 2020, I am involved in the development of Mapbox Vector Tiles application, and I am personally contributing my own open source projects for water utilities in Eastern Africa. In addition, I am also contributing to translate some QGIS documents and QGIS mobile solution - QField and Input to Japanese language. Currently, I am studying MSc Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering in University of Leeds, UK.

  • Rural water supply mapping by using FOSS4G application in Rwanda
Joana Simoes

Joana is a software engineer with more than fifteen years experience and a strong expertise in the field of geospatial tech and analytics.
After acquiring a PhD in GIS, at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation, a research foundation and a start-up. Joana has been very involved with FOSS, in particular in what concerns geospatial. This has led her to become a charter member of OSGeo. Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics. She is also a reviewer for the European Commission, and has been involved in education, teaching the next generation of full-stack developers and data analysts. As Developer Relations at OGC, Joana is responsible for connecting the OGC standards with the wider developer community, hopefully increasing their adoption and contributing towards making them more developer-friendly.

  • Implementing OGC APIs using Elasticsearch and pygeoapi
  • We are Open! OGC and OSGeo Collaboration
  • OGC API Standards: Past, Present, and Towards an Exciting Future
Jochen Topf

Jochen Topf has been active in OpenStreetMap for many years as mapper and software developer. He is the author of the "Flex" output in osm2pgsql and maintainer of the Osmium framework and many other OSM related software. In his professional live he works as a software developer and consultant in the OSM and GIS world.

  • Creating vector tiles with osm2pgsql
Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat BV. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoTools, GeoServer and JTS projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.

  • State of GeoServer
  • GeoServer Feature Frenzy
  • How to join OSGeo (for projects)
  • State of GeoNetwork
Johannes Kröger

FOSS GIS and cartography/dataviz enthusiast, tinkerer, (Q)GIS developer and consultant at WhereGroup with a history in OSM editing, geodesy, geoinformatics, cartography, research and teaching, data analysis and consulting.

  • LERC, an innovative compression algorithm for raster data
Johannes Lauer

Johannes Lauer is working as a Principal Technical Product Manager at HERE Technologies. He holds a PhD in GIScience from the University of Heidelberg. He works on topics about open (geo)data, map making, (spatial) data analysis and the challenges of data quality and data integration.

  • MobiDataLab - Labs for prototyping future mobility data sharing solutions
Johannes Schielein

Master in Geography and Economics from University of Bonn. Worked in the conservation sector with GIZ in Brazil. Phd on conservation effectivness at the Center for Development Research/University of Bonn. Since 2018 project evaluator at the KfW development bank and co-founder of the MAPME-Initiative.

  • The MAPME Initiative: Leveraging the power of open data and FOSS GIS to improve public expenditure in the development aid sector.
John Duncan

I’m a researcher with expertise in geospatial software, data science, and remote sensing. My work focuses on i) understanding climatic and environmental impacts on society using statistical analysis and machine learning, and ii) developing geospatial data collection and visualisation applications to support environmental monitoring and decision making.

I collaborate widely across research, government, not-for-profit, and private sectors. I have recent experience working in Australia, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Pacific Island Countries. Alongside my research activities, I develop and deliver GIS and geospatial data analysis training for a range of audiences spanning university education to government officials.

  • Maplandscape - an open-source geospatial workflow for agricultural landscape monitoring
John Holden

John Holden is a lawyer, consultant, and software developer currently based in London. He holds a law degree from the College of William & Mary and a master's in Environmental Policy and Regulation from the London School of Economics. He has consulted internationally on environmental and political projects, including redistricting and reapportionment projects, and on popular video games such as Retro Bowl.

  • Political Reapportionment: Drawing Boundaries with QGIS
John Wika Haakseth

Mappy web developer based in Copenhagen, Denmark 🇳🇴 🇩🇰 🐶 🎸 🏐 🗺 💻

  • Liven up your webmaps with custom microanimations
Jon Herrmann


  • ETF testing framework: past, present and future
Jordi Escriu

Geospatial data analyst, advocate for interoperability and open standards, with more than 17 years experience in the public sector. Passionate about INSPIRE, currently working at the Joint Research Centre for developing the next generation SDI and the Common EU Data Spaces.

  • Revamped INSPIRE Geoportal - Cooking the next generation of spatial data catalogues
  • Re3gistry: Your interoperable open source tool for managing and sharing reference codes
Jorge Herrera
  • News from actinia - let's STAC!
Jorge Martinez
  • Visualizing climate risks for disaster reduction and climate resilience programs – Interactive open-source tools for analysts and decision makers to utilize Earth observation data
Jorge Sanz

Hi, I'm Jorge and I'm from Valencia, Spain My background is in Cartography and Geodesy Engineering, and I develop my professional career around Geospatial Information Systems and Open Source Software and Data. I'm currently working at the Kibana Maps team at Elastic as a geospatial engineer. I'm a long time contributor to OSGeo Foundation activities and member of the local OpenStreetMap community.

  • What’s new in geospatial Elasticsearch
Joris van den Bossche

I am a core contributor to Pandas and Apache Arrow and maintainer of GeoPandas. I did a PhD at Ghent University and VITO in air quality research, worked at the Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science, and currently, I am a freelance software developer and teacher and working for Voltron Data.

  • State of GeoPandas and friends
  • Geospatial and Apache Arrow: accelerating geospatial data exchange and compute
Jose García

I am a software engineer working on geospatial related projects for the last 20 years. I currently work at GeoCat bv, a Dutch company specializing in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and geospatial technologies, using open source software.

I am a lead developer and PSC member of the project GeoNetwork opensource, a catalog of geospatial metadata.

  • State of GeoNetwork
Joshua Ogure

Joshua Ogure, is the general manager for Map Kibera Trust. Josh has a wide range of experience working in the informal settlements of Nairobi. He has led the team towards a successful project dubbed Open Schools Kenya. ( He strive to make the invisible visible using data and journalism for change and advocacy. Josh won an Open Data award with Map Kibera under the Social Impact category. In 2018 /2019 in collaboration with World Bank Josh led another successful Participatory Budgeting mapping project with Four Counties in Kenya. He recently was a warded by States Department for the successful completion of the C2M2 Nairobi Covid Mitigation. project.

  • Map Kibera Mapping Counties on OpenStreetMap
Juiwen Chang

Research scientist at HCU since 2017. Has worked at German Aerospace Center, Hampshire county council in UK. Finished master of science in GIS at the University of Edinburgh in year 2013.
Originally come from Taiwan.
Research interests: GIS, Data engineering, Remote Sensing
Won the academic bursary in UK FOSS4G 2013, and has started her open source journey ever since.

  • TOSCA – A Novel GIS-Toolkit in Support of Sustainable Urban Development
Julia Martinuzzi

CPO of Kan Territory & IT

  • Development of plugins in QGIS for the management of the Multipurpose Cadastre in the Government of Mexico City
Julian Meyer-Arnek

Physicist, diploma and PhD in Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry.

Since 2004 at German Aerospace Center - DLR.

Worked in the continuous monitoring of stratospheric ozone, tropospheric air chemistry, air pollution and health-related issues. Came into information technology with focus on data publication and operational processing of EO data products.

In addition: Co-founder of ajuma GmbH, Germany:
Developed, produce and market the UV-Bodyguard, a wearable which measures the solar UV-intensity and warns the user adhead of time before the sunburn.

  • LOOSE: Combining loosely coupled components into coherent architecture
Julie Brossard

My name is Julie, I am a developer on MAJA and WASP processing chain, and I am also the project manager of this projects.

  • OTB integration in operational processing chains
Julien Cabieces

I started as a C++/Python Developer in industry 15 years ago. I then become specialized in greographical applications development.

I joined Oslandia 4 years ago in order to contribute to GIS free software.

I contribute on regular basis to QGIS (mostly in PostGIS and Oracle providers, forms, and in the rendering engine more recently). I had the chance to become core committer quite recently.

I'm a strong open source advocate, and do my best to improve the GIS free software ecosystem.

I like also to share experiences or technical knowledge with people through talks or workshop.

Twitter account : @CabiecesJ

LinkedIn account :

  • QGIS & PostGIS : Tips & Tricks
Julien Moura

GIS enthusiast working at Oslandia as senior consultant and animating Geotribu, an independent French website dedicated to the promotion of geospatial open source software and initiatives.

  • Geo-commons in France : review of current initiatives
  • Better productivity for QGIS plugin developers
Julien Waddle

Cartographer then geomatician, I fell into the OpenSource world in 2012.
A fan of QGIS and PostGIS, I love finding effective solutions to simplify mapping processes.
I love sharing my knowledge of the tools I use through courses, presentations or tips.

  • Favoring Opensource Technologies for French Fire Brigades

I am a research and software engineer in the fields of satellite imagery and Machine Learning. Expert in those fields after a PhD, I currently works within the CS GROUP Space BU, developing the satellite image processing library Orfeo Toolbox (OTB). I worked at the implementation of optical sensor calibration algorithms and the conception and development of image quality centers. As I was a technical support for the CNES (French Space Agency), I participated in campaigns of massive production of Sentinel2 products level L2A creation using MAJA, and in the generation of synthesis images in preparation of futures spatial missions.

  • Orfeo ToolBox: open source processing of remote sensing images
  • OTB integration in operational processing chains
Just van den Broecke

Just van den Broecke is an independent Open Source geospatial professional working under the
trading name "Just Objects" - In his daily work
he designs, develops and deploys Open Source geospatial infrastructures, stacks and products.
He is a core contributor to the Open Source projects pygeoapi (also PSC), GeohealthCheck, Stetl, NLExtract and more. He is also founder and chair of, the Dutch Local OSGeo Chapter.

  • pygeoapi project status 2022
  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
Kaido Irdt

GIS fan for more than 10 years. Building, teaching, learning and managing GIS solutions.

  • Mapserver layer handling, production, and management in larger scale environment
Kasra Manavi

Kasra “Kaz” Manavi is the Director of Research and Communications at Simtable. He received a M.S. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University with an emphasis on robotic motion planning and received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico with a focus on computational structural biology. After graduation, he started working at Simtable LLC in Santa Fe, NM, where he has been working on developing a web-based platform to enable real-time collective intelligence by providing users the ability to seamlessly incorporate agent-based modeling, geospatial photogrammetry and distributed computation into solutions that helps users better understand complex environmental and social phenomena in their community, primarily in the wildland fire space.

  • Teaching GIS Through Geospatially Aware Agent-Based Modeling
Koko Alberti

Geographer and webdeveloper based in The Netherlands with a keen interest in geoinformatics, web mapping, and remote sensing.

  • Geofolio: Making Environmental Data Understandable and Accessible for Everyone
krishna lodha


I'm krishna, I'm a web GIS Developer focusing on FOSS stack. I help my clients escape the trap of paying $$$ every month for technologies, that are available for free using FOSS.
Apart from development, I also do lot of content creation at related to GIS

  • Creating GIS Rest APIS using Geodjango under 30 minutes
Kshitij Purwar

Kshitij is the Founder and CTO of Blue Sky Analytics, a Climate-Tech start-up using satellite data and AI to build environmental monitoring and climate-risk assessment products.

He is a college dropout with over eight years of product and software development experience. A self-taught Full Stack developer, he joined Hiver, an early-stage tech startup, as a core engineer after dropping out in the 3rd semester of his electronics & communication degree.

In 2018, working with his sister Abhilasha, Kshitij founded Blue Sky Analytics to help fight climate change with data. At Blue Sky, he leads a team of young developers and data scientists to analyze terabytes of data to deliver sophisticated environmental datasets; and build “SpaceTime”, a data visualisation platform to support open source & collaboration for Climate Action.

  • Building the Bloomberg for Climate Data with FOSS
Kurt Menke

Kurt recently moved from the US to Denmark where he works for Septima P/S. He has a broad skillset. Kurt is a spatial analyst, cartographer, educator and author. He is a leading international QGIS author, recently publishing his fifth and sixth books on QGIS: Discover QGIS 3.x and QGIS for Hydrological Applications with Locate Press. Second editions of each are due out in 2022. He manages the QGIS certification program, and while in the US he helped launch the QGIS US User Group. He has been an OsGeo Charter Member since 2015.

  • QGIS Feature Frenzy - What's New in the Last Year?
Kyoung-Soo Eom

Chief UN Geospatial Information Section, Office of Information and Communications Technology, United Nations

Mr. Kyoung-Soo Eom has been serving as Chief of Geospatial Information Section in the United Nations. He joined the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in 1999, and he identified the missed opportunities in using geospatial information and GIS tools in order to meet the operational needs to support effective decision-making of UN peacekeeping operations. In early 2000, he prepared a project proposal to use GIS and Remote Sensing to support UN peacekeeping operations with an aim to bring geospatial analysis capability to UN peacekeepers and support a common operational picture.

The UN Geospatial Information Section supports geospatial information needs of the Security Council and the UN Secretariat including UN field missions, and oversees global GIS programmes at UN Headquarters and in the UN field missions.

  • UN Open GIS Initiative
Lamidi souleman

Mr. Souleman Lamidi is a geoinformatics and surveying expert. He has over 10 years hands-on experience in geoinformation production and management (cartography), GIS tools mapping and data management, satellite imagery processing and interpretation, digital terrain model etc... in 2008, he graduated as Technologist Diploma in Geo-information Production & Management (Cartography) at Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Survey (RECTAS), Ile-Ife, Osun State Nigeria. In 2012 he was awarded the post graduate diploma in Geo-informatics and Surveying in University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). Since 2018 he has been undergoing his Master In Science (Msc)Degree in Geo-informatics and surveying in the same university. He is the Principal Consultant at Space Control and Mapping Consultancy Nigeria Limited. authors of several publication.

  • Impact of Rainfall variability on Vegetation Phenology cycle in Niger Delta Region Using QGIS Graphical Modeler
Lars Opsahl

Developer in SQL, Java and related tools for many years. Is working with projects like and

  • Data integrity risks when using simple feature
  • Postgis Topology to secure data integrity, simple API and clean up messy simple feature datasets.
Lars Schylberg

Lars Schylberg is a senior technical fellow at Saab corporation. He has a MSc in Land Surveying and a PhD in digital cartography from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. Throughout his carrier he has been involved with software development and international standardization.

  • MapServer - Make beautiful maps
Laure-Hélène Bruneton

After ten years of working for a company specialized in town planning,
I have joined Camptocamp, with which I am currently working on various project,
many including routing needs. I also specialize in frontend development and webmapping.

  • pgRouting optimization: from technical to functional
Lauri Kajan

Software developer at Gispo Oy

  • Streamlining QGIS workflows with PostgreSQL editable views and triggers
Linda Kladivova

Linda Kladivova studies the second year of Ph.D. at Czech Technical University in Prague. Her coding experience with GRASS software started during the Google Summer of Code 2020 ( Since then she has been a regular contributor to GRASS GUI. Particularly she worked on two other projects - GSoC in 2021 ( and the GRASS mini-project in 2022 (

  • Redesigning GRASS GIS graphical user interface in a community-driven way
Lior Kaplan

My name is Lior Kaplan and I've being involved in Open Source for more than 20 years. In the last 5 years I've been consulting regarding Open Source software and especially on GIS related software. QGIS, PostGIS & GeoServer the the popular tools I work with.

  • Municipal surveys with QGIS & Input
Loïc Bartoletti

Loïc Bartoletti has a dual background as a historian and urban planner (University of Grenoble), specializing in territorial analysis.
He has worked in the Geographic Information Systems and CAD/BIM for 10 years. As a developer, user and former decision maker, he can synthesize the expressions of each.
He joined the Megève Town Hall in order to take care of the municipality's major projects. Shortly afterwards, he was responsible for creating and managing the engineering office. Faced with rationalizing resources and tools, he chose to migrate data from CAD to GIS and developed business tools on QGIS.
He contributed on his free time to QGIS and to maintaining CAD and GIS tools on FreeBSD.
Loïc Bartoletti is passionate about computers and an ardent supporter of open source. He joined the Oslandia team at the beginning of 2018. He is involved in the development of QGIS and business tools.

  • From CAD to GIS: where are we?
Lorenzo Natali

Software Engineer at GeoSolutions, specialized in Front-end and GIS.

Technical lead of MapStore project.

  • MapStore, a year in review
Lorenzo Stucchi

PhD Student at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE S.p.A.
National Coordinator for OpenStreetMap for Wikimedia Italia (the OSMF local chapter in Italy)
Officiers of PoliMappers (Youthmappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano)

  • Open Source geospatial applications for energy and environment integration
Luca Battistella

Geospatial Developer and Scientific Project Officer at European Commission - Joint Research Centre

  • Identifying new conservation areas: a web multi-criteria approach using Earth Observation and other spatial information
  • The Africa Knowledge Platform
Luca Delucchi
  • Closing Session
  • Opening Session
Luca Di Leo

Graduated in Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, he has always cultivated his passion for computer science since childhood. After many years in IT consulting, he is now working on Digital Transformation projects with Digipa S.R.L., the innovative startup he co-founded in 2019.

  • Effortless Aerial Data Management and Sharing: The DroneDB Ecosystem
Luis Calisto

A FOSS enthusiast. Passionate for all geo technologies such as QGIS, OpenLayers, OGC standards, GDAL and a fan of PostGIS. Recently an enthusiast of GraphQL with PostGIS and Graphile.

  • Web Mapping with Global Map Projections
  • A crawler for spatial (meta)data as a base for Mapserver configuration
Luís M. de Sousa

Luís is a PhD on Computer Science and an MSc on Geographic Information Systems. He is a founding member of the PyWPS Project Steering Committee. He has contributed code to various other open source projects: GeoMASON, OpenLayers 2, OWSLib, and more.

Check his web page for more:

  • Web Mapping with Global Map Projections
Maggie Cawley

Maggie currently serves as the Executive Director for OpenStreetMap US. She joined OSM US in March 2019 after 15 years as a geospatial professional supporting projects across all sectors and industries. In her role at OpenStreetMap US, Maggie works to engage, support and grow the OpenStreetMap project and community across the United States through programs, advocacy, education and events, including the annual State of the Map US conference.

  • Crowdsourcing the Future of Government Data: OpenStreetMap in the Public Domain
Marc Jansen
  • developer (e.g. OpenLayers, GeoExt, …)
  • conceptual architect (e.g. react-geo, GeoStyler, actinia …)
  • speaker and conductor of workshops
  • OSGeo Charter Member
  • general manager of terrestris & mundialis
  • Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer
  • The GreenUr project: creating an application in QGIS to manage the impacts of urban green spaces on human health
Marco Bernasocchi

Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField, currently serves as Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of, which he founded in 2011.

A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.

  • Seamless fieldwork thanks to QFieldCloud
  • Professional field data management with QField
  • 20 Years of QGIS [community]
Marco Corsi

Head of the organisational unit Geospatial Platforms at e-GEOS. He received the University Degree in Physics 2001 and has 20+ years of experience in Remote Sensing and GIS development including complex project management and team coordination. He is responsible for the development of API-based platforms for the processing and delivery of geospatial products. He worked in several international projects with technical role in the development of the earth observation service chains. He worked in the design of several internal platforms like: SEonSE (Smart Eye on Sea) for the monitoring of vessel and sea pollution; AWARE for the monitoring of assets (infrastructures, mining sites, networks, cultural heritage) using Earth Observation and sensors data; CLEOS for the scalable Cloud based processing of Earth Observation big-data; Witness for the analysis of Social Media for Disaster Rapid Mapping; Agrigeo for the monitoring of agriculture using Copernicus data.

  • ARCOS Platform for Monitoring of Arctic Region
Marco Minghini

Dr. Marco Minghini obtained a BSc degree (2008), an MSc degree (2010) and a PhD degree (2014) in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. From 2014 to 2018 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the GEOlab of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Since 2018 he works as a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, focusing on (geo)data interoperability, sharing and standardisation in support of the European data spaces, and contributing to the implementation and evolution of the INSPIRE infrastructure. He is an advocate of open source software and open data. OSGeo Charter Member since 2015, active OpenStreetMap (OSM) contributor, member of the Italian OSM community and Voting Member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. He is a regular participant and presenter at global and local FOSS4G events. He was the Secretary and organiser of FOSS4G Europe 2015.

  • A vision for INSPIRE: from a traditional SDI to a self-sustainable data ecosystem
Marco Montanari

Software Architect, Digital Humanist, History Buff, Boardgamer, Roleplayer. Oh, and geography and neocartography enthusiast. Co-founder of OpenHistoryMap, trying to create a timeline behind the current map of the world and trying to find killer applications for that.

  • Realtime multi-user mapping with MUDraw
Marco Volpini

Software Engineer at GeoSolutions S.A.S. (Italy), involved in open source projects for geospatial data dissemination. During the last years my work has been mostly focused on spatial data authorization and on serving Complex Features from various sources. I contribute to several open source projects and I'm a commiter of GeoServer and GeoTools.

  • Publishing INSPIRE datasets in GeoServer made easy with Smart Data Loader and Features Templating
María Arias de Reyna Domínguez

María Arias de Reyna is a Java Champion, geospatial enthusiast and FLOSS advocator.

She has been a community leader and core maintainer of several free and open source projects since 2004. She is currently working at Red Hat where she focuses on Middleware and maintains Apache Camel and Syndesis.

María is an experienced keynoter and speaker. Between 2017 and 2019 María was the elected President of OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation which serves as an umbrella for the most used geospatial free and open source software. She is also well known as a feminist and Women In Tech activist.

  • Kaoto: Integrate your Architecture without coding
Mark Varley

Mark Varley is the founder and CEO of Addresscloud, a leading UK provider of geocoding and geographic risk services to the insurance, lending, surveying and logistics industry. Mark is a charter member of OSGeo, has presented at every FOSS4G since Bonn 2016 and is a strong advocate of serverless geospatial computing.

  • Aggregating risk with H3 and PostGIS
Markus Besenfelder
  • The Masterportal project – Highly customizeable feature-rich WebGIS
Markus Metz

GRASS GIS developer, GDAL contributor, GIS / RS analysis, cloud and HPC processing

  • Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer
  • The GreenUr project: creating an application in QGIS to manage the impacts of urban green spaces on human health
Markus Neteler

Markus Neteler, PhD, is a cofounder of mundialis after having spent 15 years as a researcher in Italy. His focus is on Earth Observation, GIS and cloud computing. Markus managed for two decades the GRASS GIS project, and he is a founding member of OSGeo and other organizations.

  • State of GRASS GIS
  • News from actinia - let's STAC!
  • Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer
  • The GreenUr project: creating an application in QGIS to manage the impacts of urban green spaces on human health
Markus Tremmel

Geospatial software developer from germany with focus on 3D maps and cloud native geospatial

  • Using COMTiles to reduce the hosting costs of large map tilesets in the cloud
marta castelli
  • Rockfall Quantitative Risk Assessment at a medium-large scale based on FOSS4G tools. An example of applications in the North-Western Alps
Martin Dobias

Got into QGIS development during university studies back in 2005 and stayed thanks to the amazing community. Working at Lutra Consulting, delivering open source GIS to clients and helping open source GIS ecosystem to grow. Currently based in Slovakia.

  • Elevation data support in QGIS: 3D, profiles, point clouds and more!
Martin Høgh

Master, M.Sc. in Surveying, Land Management and Town and regional planning from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. He is founder of MapCentia, the creator of GC2 and Vidi.

  • GC2/Vidi: What’s new in spatial data infrastructure project
Martin Zdila

I am a software professional specializing in Java, JavaScript, and full-stack software design and development. I work at MapTiler, mainly on the geocoding services. I'm also an open source software and technology enthusiast and an active member of the OpenStreetMap community.

  • MapLibre GL 2.x - JavaScript maps with React, Vue.js, Svelte or Angular
Matteo Ghetta

I am a Python developer of Faunalia, a company based in Tuscany entirely focused on Open Source, especially on GIS software.

  • Dataviz in QGIS and on the web
Matthew Hanson

Matthew Hanson is the Geospatial Engineering Lead at Element 84. Matthew is active in the open-source geospatial community helping to develop standards supporting the interoperability of remote sensing data and is author and contributor to multiple open-source projects. At Element 84, Matthew collaborates with the small-sat industry and government satellite programs to develop open standards and software to support scalable, open science.

  • The State of Cloud-Native Geospatial
  • Analysis Ready (Meta)Data
  • STAC Best Practices and Tools
Matthias Mohr

Software engineer working on geospatial ☁ solutions. Working on openEO, openEO Platform and STAC for the University of Münster and as freelancer.

  • openEO: Open Science for Earth Observation Research
  • Cloud-Native Geospatial with JavaScript
Mattia Natali
  • Postgis Topology to secure data integrity, simple API and clean up messy simple feature datasets.
Mauro Bartolomeoli

Passionate about web development for a long time, I have been involved in open source for the companies I worked for with a lot of satisfaction. Always curious to learn new things, not limited to typing code on a keyboard. I am actually looking for better ways to design and model software, as well as working in teams.

  • Scaling down web maps for the final user
Michael Maurizi

Michael is a Software Engineer at Azavea, and the Technical Lead for the DistrictBuilder project.

  • DistrictBuilder, or how TopoJSON was the cause of and solution to all of our problems
Michael Montani

He is the Crowdsourcing Coordinator for Unite Maps at United Nations Global Service Center (UNGSC) where he coordinates a community of volunteers, UN Mappers, composed by UN personnel on the field (peacekeeping and agencies), academia, local communities and remote mappers. The community edits OpenStreetMap in support of UN Peacekeeping missions and UN Agencies, Funds and Programs.
Formerly, he has been the co-founder of PoliMappers, the first European chapter of YouthMappers and YouthMappers Research Fellow, for which he carried on a research project in Senegal to fight an endemic disease through open data and machine learning.
Over the years, he built capacities of several local OpenStreetMap communities in Africa and developed code around open data analytics and crowdsourcing.

  • UN Maps: OpenStreetMap supporting Peace and serving Humanity
Michael Schmuki

Full Stack Developer, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich

  • WebAssembly4G: Where we are, and where we're heading
Michael Smith

Mike is a Physical Scientist at the US Army Corps of Engineers and a long time MapServer user and occasional developer. Mike is on the PDAL and MapServer PSC and is a charter member of OSGeo and was first elected to the Board of Directors in 2014. He was reelected in 2016 and 2020. Mike currently serves as the Treasurer ( on the OSGeo Board

  • State of PDAL
Michael Terner

Michael currently works at Hexagon, focusing on our Google Maps Platform partnership. Michael’s work spans data science and partnership operations related to both the Google Cloud and Maps Platforms. Michael has been in the geospatial industry since 1986 and has worked in a variety of geospatial technology roles including seven years in Massachusetts state government. Michael has been a passionate volunteer in the geospatial open source software community since 2009 and was the Chair of the global Free and Open Source for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference held in Boston in 2017.

  • Is it wrong to make money with FOSS4G technology?
Michel Gabriël

Michel is a Front End developer working for GeoCat BV in the Netherlands, specialised in UI and CSS, and working on GeoNetwork.

  • GeoNetwork and a11y: Introducing accessibility in OSGeo applications
Michele Tobias

Michele Tobias is a biogeomorphologist with a background in geospatial methods for ecology. At University of California Davis (UC Davis) DataLab, she helps researchers understand and design geospatial methods and workflows, from data collection to spatial analysis to data visualization and cartography. Michele earned her PhD from UC Davis in Geography where she studied California’s sandy beach ecosystem with a mix of traditional phytosociological methods and innovative remote sensing tools. She has a bachelor’s degree in Geography (focused on biogeography) and German (focusing on linguistics) from UCLA and a master’s degree in Ecology (resource ecology & management) from University of Michigan. She worked at the UC Davis Information Center for the Environment as a postdoctoral scholar. Michele’s research interests include applying spatial analysis methods to new avenues of research. Michele has served on the OSGeo Board of Directors since December 2020.

  • Automating Generating a Web Map from Online Tabular Data: UC Davis Potential Worksite Exposure Interactive Web Map
Mikael Vaaltola

I'm a software developer specialized in developing geospatial software using modern software development methods. My strengths include diverse knowledge of various open-source geospatial technologies including QGIS, PostGIS, and GeoServer. I'm always interested in learning and implementing best practices for software development and DevOps.

  • Maintaining a national Aerial Image Registry with QGIS
Milana Vuckovic

Meteorologist, former weather forecaster, now data analyst passionate about data visualisation.

  • Towards open and accessible weather forecast data
Mitsuha Miyake

GIS engineer and a representative of MapTiler JP at MIERUNE Inc., Japan.

  • Enrich styles and enhance styling process with OpenMapTiles
Momen Mawad

QGIS Enthusiast, Data Science follower, Web design lover and anything else related to computer development.

  • Developing a pilot method to measure biodiversity related financial risk at financial portfolio level using Earth Observation and other spatially explicit data
Muhammad Saleem

Muhammad is an Alumni of Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Independent researcher and lead researcher at start-up research foundation OpenGIScience Research Lab. In this lab we answer the crucial questions of Geodata ethics and data quality.

  • OpenStreetMap Utopia: Exceptional data quality
Nathan McEachen

Nathan McEachen has a passion for creating software that is adaptable to changing business requirements. Mr. McEachen obtained his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He later worked as a consultant in the Product Lifecycle Management software industry where he implemented and designed solutions in the biomedical device and oil and gas equipment manufacturing industries. He obtained a master’s degree in computer science from Colorado State University where he taught upper-division object-oriented design courses and published scientific papers in the fields of model-driven engineering (MDE), aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and software testing. Mr. McEachen later founded TerraFrame®. TerraFrame develops open-source software utilizing spatial knowledge graphs to automate data integration and enable spatial analysis. TerraFrame’s solutions have been deployed in several countries for multiple verticals including disease intervention, economic development, media analytics, energy, and the US Department of Interior.

  • GeoPrism Registry - Using Spatial Knowledge Graphs for Managing and Integrating Geographic Data Over Time Across Multiple Information Systems
Nejc Vesel
  • HIECTOR: Hierarchical object detector for cost-efficient detection at scale
Nicera Kimani.

Nicera wanjiru is the founder of the Community Mappers and a Slum Dweller living in the slums of Kibra in Nairobi Kenya.
Many are the times she heard from people, students and communities knocking her door to as ask questions about her self, her community and daily life but she was never at any given time told why she was being asked those questions and she never saw the people again.
After attending the FOSS4G 2018 Nicera saw several gaps in her community she was realized whatever was being reported on mainstream media and in big forums was outdated or rather not true at all. For her this needed to change and through the FOSS4G networks she founded the community mappers a grassroot organization that empowers community on data and lobby for services through their findings. The organization has grown and now its in Seven Communities.

  • Trash Study Research
Nicholas Knize, PhD

Nicholas Knize serves as a committer and PMC member for the Apache Lucene and Sole projects. He is currently a Principal Engineer for Amazon Search Services. He spent 10 years as a Government Contractor working on highly scalable spatial database systems specifically for wide area motion imagery surveillance applications in there intelligence community. He has served on the Motion Image Standards Board and multiple OpenSource conference committees. He has a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science in Computer Science and a PhD in Geospatial Information Sciences and currently resides in Lucas, TX.

  • Geospatial Indexing with Apache Lucene and OpenSearch
Nick Forbes-Smith

Nick Forbes-Smith is a software engineer creating distributed data-driven web applications.

Currently, he is working for the Terria team in CSIRO's Data61 (Australia) on the open-source terriajs web mapping platform.

He is particularly interested in using open-data to create large scale interactive geospatial data visualisation and analytics

  • State of TerriaJS
  • Exploring the World’s Open Data Portals - Discovery, Visualisation and Analysis of Open Data with TerriaJS
Nick Peihl
  • What’s new in geospatial Elasticsearch
Nicolas Bozon

Nicolas Bozon is an open source and open data enthusiast. A senior GIS expert with complementary research and development experiences, Nicolas is leading cartography at MapTiler.

  • Vector tiles cartography tips and tricks
Nicolas Narçon

Remote sensing & Deep Learning research engineer at INRAE

  • pyotb: a pythonic extension of Orfeo ToolBox
Nicolas Rochard

Data Project Manager, work form spatial data infrastructure Geo2France (Hauts-de-France).
Try to promote opensource geospatial and contribute from many way as possible.

  • The benefits of COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF) outside the cloud
Nicolaus Hanowski
  • Data Management in Earth Observation - The Potential of Open Digital Twins of the Earth
Nikhil Garg

Nikhil is a research scientist within the Natural Hazard and Infrastructure team in Data61 CSIRO, which he joined 2017 as a postdoctoral before. Prior to joining Data61, he was a PhD student at School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University where he studied the effects of air-sea interaction on hurricane using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave model. His current interests include application of computational methods for modelling natural hazards such as flooding and bushfires and coupling of Conformal Cubic Atmosphere model with the Spark and Swift framework.

  • Geostack: a high performance geospatial processing, modelling and analysis framework
Nuno Oliveira

Nuno earned his BS and MS in Software Engineering from the University of Minho. He started his career in the telecommunications industry by developing solutions for managing and monitoring telecommunications infrastructures. Currently, he works at GeoSolutions where he develops advanced solutions for GIS challenges using open-source software. In the last years, he focused on distributed systems, big data technologies, and GIS. He contributes to several open-source projects and is a committer of GeoServer, MapStore, and GeoTools.

  • Processing and publishing big data with GeoServer and Azure in the cloud
  • Publishing INSPIRE datasets in GeoServer made easy with Smart Data Loader and Features Templating
  • Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence
Olivia Guyot

Geospatial developer @ Camptocamp!

  • ogc-client: OGC protocols made fun!
  • Datahub: the confluence of open data and geo data
Olli Rantanen

I studied Geography in the University of Helsinki and I graduated in 2020. I have worked in the NLS for the past three years and my current role is working as a product owner in one of the teams developing the new topographic data production systems.

  • Developing a topographic data production system based on open source
ozgenc uslu

I am manager of Geographic Information Tecnhologies Department on Türkiye General Directorate of Highways (GDM). 17 years of experience for GIS industry.Coordinated and managed GIS Projects: data visulations, geospatial solutions, analytical data managment, field data collection and building Informations Management Systems software.I am Civil Engineer and I have master’s degree is Management Information Technologies.

  • The best practices of Open Source GIS base applications on Türkiye General Directorate of Hihgways
Paolo Battino

Currently a web developer at the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast (ECMWF).

  • 10 years of open-source software in emergency management: the case of the European Flood Awareness Service
Patricia Solis

Patricia Solís, PhD, is designer, co-founder and director of YouthMappers, a consortium of student-led mapping chapters on 300+ university campuses in 65+ countries, creating open, volunteered spatial data in collaboration with USAID. She is Executive Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, and an Associate Research Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. Her expertise centers on the application of open and participatory geospatial technologies for humanitarian, environment and development needs. Solís serves a diplomatic appointment as the first woman President of the PanAmerican Institute of Geography and History for the Organization of American States.

  • YouthMappers: a global youth movement on open mapping for humanitarian and development action
Paul van Genuchten

SDI specialist at ISRIC World Soil Information. PSC member of GeoNetwork and pygeoapi. Interest in SDI standards and open source.

  • A crawler for spatial (meta)data as a base for Mapserver configuration
Pete Gadomski

Senior Geospatial Software Engineer for Element 84.

  • STAC Best Practices and Tools
  • Exploring Data Interoperability with STAC and the Microsoft Planetary Computer
Peter Petrik

Located in the Czech Republic, but 8 years a member of UK's consultancy company Lutra Consulting Ltd. fully based around FOSS4G (mostly QGIS). I am a QGIS core developer, involved in the last years mainly around Mesh Layers (MDAL) development. Last year, I became a CPO of Mergin Maps, our product that helps users to share their geo-data with others. In my free time, I like to play chess and spend time with my family.

  • Liberate your QGIS projects out of office with Mergin Maps
Petr Pridal
  • MapLibre GL 2.x - JavaScript maps with React, Vue.js, Svelte or Angular
Petya Kangalova

Joined the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team in February 2022 as an Open Tech Collective Facilitator. I am really passionate about the impact of open mapping and using technology as the enabler for people in supporting their communities. My key focus is to build and grow a dynamic collective of open tech contributors from around the world, starting with the HOT Tasking Manager!
Twitter: @PKangalova

  • Open Tech Collective: sharing HOT's journey
Philip Beavis

Philip is an experienced software engineer, architect and consultant. Since joining Telespazio (formerly VEGA) in 1996 he has worked on many software intensive systems, for a wide range of satellite missions and applications, covering Earth Observation, Communications and Navigation.

  • EOEPCA - An Open Source Exploitation Platform
Philipe Borba

Cartographic Engineer. MSc. Python Dev. GIS Specialist. Deep Learning enthusiast.

  • Geoinformation Production Management System - A QGIS based open-source solution to nationwide geospatial data production management
  • Building Footprint Extraction in Vector Format Using pytorch_segmentation_models_trainer, QGIS Plugin DeepLearningTools and The Brazilian Army Geographic Service Building Dataset
Philippe Belais

I am an agent of the IGN, the French National Geographic Institute. I have been working on the Geo-IDE project since 2013, in particular on the INSPIRE cataloging module. Since 2019, I have participated in the development of the Carto2 module as a technical leader.

  • The Carto 2 Project
Piergiorgio Cipriano

I am a GIS/SDI analyst since 1998.
Working at Dedagroup Public Services since 2005 (form Sinergis), in 2012-2013 I have joined the Joint Research Centre of European Commission, on INSPIRE-related projects.
I am passionate about maps, cartograms and storymaps, with focus on city-level data about air quality, energy performance of buildings, sustainable mobility.
In the last 7 years with my colleagues I was involved in several demonstration projects co-funded by EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Digital and Horizon2020 programs.
From 2001 to 2010 I've been involved in ISO/TC211 and CEN/TC287 working groups on standards for geographic information and services.

  • SensorThings API in practice: the AIR-BREAK project in Ferrara
  • How much “15-minutes” is your city? Using open data to measure walking proximity
Piero Toffanin

Piero Toffanin is a software developer currently focused on geospatial
and drone software development. He has been working on open source
software for over 22 years. Since 2016 he is an OpenDroneMap core
developer and frequently speaks at conferences about OpenDroneMap,
geospatial and open source.

  • Aerial Images to Maps: Technological Advancements with OpenDroneMap
  • Effortless Aerial Data Management and Sharing: The DroneDB Ecosystem
Pirmin Kalberer

Pirmin is a geospatial software developer since more than 15 years. He has contributed to GDAL, QGIS, T-Rex and several other projects. Pirmin is co-founder of Sourcepole, a Swiss company providing GIS services and solutions.

  • 3D Tiles Next
  • Spatial data processing with workflow engines

Research Associate at Digital City Science lab at HafenCity University Hamburg.

  • TOSCA – A Novel GIS-Toolkit in Support of Sustainable Urban Development
Rahul Chauhan
  • Contributed as GSoC 2020 and GCI 2020 Org Admin for OSGeo
  • Contributed as GCI 2020, 2019 and GCI 2018 Mentor for OSGeo
  • Google Summer of Code with OSGeo
Rajat Shinde

Exploring new opportunities and responsibilities.

Ph.D. Candidate - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, Prime Minister's Research Fellow.

Vice President - OSGeo Board of Directors

OSGeo Google Summer of Code Organization Administrator

Love to play flute and read books. :)

  • Google Summer of Code with OSGeo
  • ZOO-Project: News about the Open WPS Platform
  • MapMint: The service-oriented platform
  • GSoC with OSGeo
Ramya Ragupathy

Ramya is a techie, interested in products and actively involved in open-source space. She is currently working on building open-source products for a humanitarian organization. Ramya has been supporting OpenStreetMap since 2015, takes part in building a data for good community and likes fun maps, taking GPS traces, and photographic records of her travels.

  • Introduction to Spatial Data Outputs Platform - OpenStreetMap Galaxy
Raphaël Delhome

Data engineer at Oslandia for 5 years, I'm working with data on a daily basis. I spend my time on data modelling, data analysis, geospatial data pipeline conception problems. I do some AI too (2D- and 3D semantic segmentation), when Oslandia has the opportunity to work on R&D topics!

  • On the road to 3D semantic segmentation
Régis Haubourg

Passionate open source GIS data manager since 2005, I have been deeply involved in the OSGeo and QGIS project. I worked for Oslandia from 2016 to 2021. I decided to focus back on geodata management applied to energy transition and massive housing retrofit in 2021 at the Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB). I was the previsou chairman of the French Osgeo local chapter and am still involved in the current board.

  • Building a common building's(!) open dataset using FOSS4G, open data and open governement.
  • How to deal with a massive geographic database when surrounded by datascientists ?

Rémi Cresson is with the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. His research and engineering fields include remote sensing images processing at scale, high performance computing, machine learning, and geospatial data interoperability. He is member of the Orfeo ToolBox Project Steering Committee and charter member of the OSGeo foundation.

  • Status of OTBTF, the Orfeo ToolBox extension for deep learning
René-Luc Dhont

For 15 years, I have been working with OSGeo software. I co-founded 3Liz in 2007 to provide services on OSGeo software. In 2011, with Michaël DOUCHIN, we launched Lizmap. I am also QGIS core developer and QGIS Server maintainer.

  • QGIS Server into the wild
  • State of Lizmap - Past / Present / Futur
Richard Conway

Richard is an experienced (30 years) software engineer and system architect. Richard is the system architect for the ESA's EOEPCA project (EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture), and participates in the OGC EO Exploitation Platform Domain Working Group. Richard was previously the technical architect for the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS), and for the renewal of the Jupiter 2 Control Centre in the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou.

  • EOEPCA - An Open Source Exploitation Platform
Riku Oja

Riku is a software developer with physicist (PhD) background and an avid interest in open data, open source software, all manner of maps, urban development and location analysis. His favorite projects include Python, databases, backend, APIs and data analysis, but he is interested in all things GIS.

  • Calculating school catchment areas - an open source solution
  • Geospatial data science for planning education systems
Robert Coup

Robert Coup is the CTO of Koordinates and has been involved in geospatial for nearly twenty years. He is a is a contributor to Kart, GDAL and several other open source projects. He has spoken at FOSS4G, State Of The Map, Git Merge, Kiwi PyCon, and other conferences.

  • Kart: an introduction to practical data versioning for rasters, vectors, tables, and point clouds
  • QGIS Data Versioning with Kart
Rodwell Chireshe

Rodwell is a GIS technician with the UN Mission in the DR Congo, responsible for geosolutions development and implementation to support the Mission mandate. Geosolutions are key to the decision making processes across the different pillars (military operations, civil-military cooperation, monitoring and evaluation teams, civil affairs, incidents monitoring, conflict analysis and resolution, security assessments, etc.)

  • UN Open GIS Initiative: Geopaparazzi Survey Server and SMASH for Mobile Data Collection in a UN Peacekeeping Mission (MONUSCO)
Ryan Abernathey

Ryan P. Abernathey, an Associate Professor of Earth And Environmental Science at Columbia University and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, is a physical oceanographer who studies large-scale ocean circulation and its relationship with Earth's climate. He received his Ph.D. from MIT in 2012 and did a postdoc at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He is a member of the NASA Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) science team and co-founder of the Pangeo open science community. Prof. Abernathey is an active participant in and advocate for open source software, open data, and reproducible science. He is a core developer for the Python packages Xarray and Zarr and contributor to many others.

  • Pangeo Forge: Crowdsourcing Open Data in the Cloud
Saber Razmjooei

I first realised the benefits of GIS when working with various engineering consultancies to deliver flood risk mapping for the UK Environment Agency. I've now been specialising in GIS solutions including web mapping, geodatabases and desktop GIS for more than 10 years.

We founded Lutra Consulting to support organisations looking to adopt open source GIS. Our services include planning and implementing migrations, training and ongoing commercial support.

  • MDAL: mesh data in QGIS
Saheel Ahmed

Saheel has graduated with a BTech. in Computer Science from G.G.S.I.P.U New Delhi. He has led to development of Blue Sky Analytics's Smart AQ (Pan India Air Quality Dataset), GHG emissions and fires dataset. He has also led data analysis efforts for all the projects undertaken by B.S.A. in the past.

  • Use of open source tools to estimate global GHG emissions.
Said Turksever

Said is the Community Project Manager at Map Building team/Meta. Said supports Meta’s Mapillary and OpenStreetMap community activities across the globe. Said is Geomatic Engineer and has a Master's degree in Geomatics Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. He is originally from Turkey and now lives in Italy. He is active in building the OpenStreetMap community in Turkey and interested in mapping POIs and its accessibilities.

  • The most accurate cameras to generate map data from street-level imagery
Sami Mäkinen

Lead developer/architect of the Oskari software.

  • State of Oskari (for developers)
Samweli Mwakisambwe

I'm a software developer currently living in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with Statistics. I have been working in software development since 2015, building web applications and plugins for QGIS. I have been an active contributor to OpenStreetMap and have published or participated in various geospatially related Open Source projects.

I'm passionate about software and always striving to improve my software development skills. In my free time I play board games, especially a Tanzanian version of checkers.

  • QGIS Temporal Controller with WMS-T layers
  • Introduction to STAC API plugin in QGIS
Sander Pukk

A spatial enthusiast

  • Mapserver layer handling, production, and management in larger scale environment
Sander Schaminee

Sander is a software engineer at GeoCat BV and a loyal Pythonista, with a background in GIS. He is the product owner of both GeoCat Bridge for QGIS and ArcGIS.

  • State of Bridge for QGIS
Sandro Mani

Software Engineer at Sourcepole AG

  • Easily publish your QGIS projects on the web with QWC2
sandro santilli
  • Postgis Topology to secure data integrity, simple API and clean up messy simple feature datasets.
Sanghee Shin

Founder, CEO of Gaia3D
Former Chair of FOSS4G Seoul 2015
Main Organizer of Annual FOSS4G Korea
OSGeo Charter Member
Contributor of QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer Translation into Korean

  • Development of Environmental Impact Assessments(EIA) Data Visualization System using FOSS4G - Phase I
Sarah Hoffmann

Sarah is a software developer and an OpenStreetMap community member and mapper. She is the maintainer for the Nominatim and Photon geocoders and the project. She is also involved in osm2pgsql and pyosmium development. She currently works as a freelancer.

  • Building a Geocoder on top of PostGIS - a Field Report
Seabilwe Tilodi

I currently work as a Junior GIS specialist at Kartoza. I hold an MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing from the University of the Witwatersrand. Not only that, but I have an Honours degree in Geography and a BSc in Geological Science, both from the University of the Witwatersrand.

I am passionate about the application of open-source software in solving complex issues in the field of agro-climatology and also exploring different open-source packages used for image processing and analysis. I am also passionate about education in geography and GIS, that is why I tutor because it allows me to be versatile and come up with different teaching methods. It allows me to not only help make learners understand a concept, but also the application of it in the real world.

  • Classroom GIS in South Africa
sefa bugra ozen

I am 32 years old. I studied Geomatics Engineering at Yıldız Technical University(2010-2014) in Istanbul. I have been working at geographical information technologies department in the General Directorate of Highways Turkiye for 5 years(2017-...). I like Open Source and I using QGIS, GeoServer, PostgreSQL (PostGIS) and MapProxy in my department for data visualization, analysis, management and publishing and create topographics maps. I started new to Python and Jupyter Notebook for data science.

  • The best practices of Open Source GIS base applications on Türkiye General Directorate of Hihgways
Seffat Chowdhury

Seffat Chowdhury is the Digital Earth Africa Platform Technical Lead. He obtained his BSc and MSc qualifications in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering from UKZN in 2009 and 2012 respectively, currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Pretoria in ML for autonomous vehicle safety. He has worked in guidance and control engineering for aerospace systems and the exploitation of remotely sensed big-data for various commercial and social applications. His interests are in AI, GIS, remote sensing, aerospace and big data. He serves as the Systems Engineer in the Data Systems Management team at the South African National Space Agency’s Earth Observation division, performing end-to-end architecture and life-cycle management of satellite data reception, processing and dissemination systems.

  • Cloud Native Geospatial: Lessons Learnt Building Digital Earth Africa
Seth Girvin

Member of the MapServer PSC, OSGeo Charter Member, and Ireland's OSGeo Chapter

  • State of MapServer 2022
  • Introducing Wayfarer - a Python Routing Library
seth hosteter

Seth Hostetter is the Director of Data Operations Systems and Analytics at the New York City Department of Transportation. He oversees the management, maintenance, analysis, application and presentation of the agency’s safety data. His team provides analytic support for project and program development, design, and prioritization. He has provided the analysis for numerous studies including Safer Cycling: Bicycle Ridership and Safety in New York City, Vision Zero Borough Pedestrian Safety Action Plans, Making Safer Streets, and Pedestrian Safety and Action Plan. Seth is a data analyst and transportation planner with over a decade of experience in New York City. He received a bachelor’s in Environmental Design from SUNY University at Buffalo and received a master’s degree in Urban Planning from Columbia University, concentrating in transportation.

  • Building a data analytics library in Python
Shai Sussman

Eng. Shai Sussman (M.Sc., Technion) He is a Civil Engineer in Geoinformation and recently graduated a master's program in Urban Planning at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) under the supervision of Dr. Meirav Aharon Gutman. As part of his thesis, he was involved in joint venture between Cornell-Tech and the Technion, where he developed a time based spatial-microsimulation platform, that would simulate demographic behavior in an urban renewal context. Today, he works at Kaplan Open Source, as a developer and GIS specialist.

  • Municipal surveys with QGIS & Input
Silvia Franceschi

MSc in Environmental engineering, master in Project
Management and PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture.
Specialized in hydrology, geomorphology and hydraulics, she developed
and applies environmental models for engineering projects in
particular related to the natural hazards and the maintenance of
natural resources.
She works also in the field of forestry and LiDAR data. She worked on
the usage of LiDAR data for inventories and for the update of the
local cartography (buildings, roads, protection structures, ...).
Silvia is a power user of Open Source GIS tools for simulating
environmental processes.

  • SMASH, state of the art of the digital field mapping project.
Simon Kassel

Simon is a Software Engineer at Azavea. He builds geospatial web applications and has contributed to open source projects such as Raster Vision and PySTAC.

  • Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning with Realtime Model Predictions using GroundWork and Raster Vision
Simone Giannecchini

Simone Giannecchini is the founder and managing director of GeoSolutions. He is a Charter Member of OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial foundation. He is also a member of the Steering committee for the GeoTools as well as the GeoServer Open Source projects.

  • Supporting precision farming with GeoServer: past experiences and way forward
Sini Pöytäniemi

GIS expert & project manager @ National Land Survey of Finland

  • Developing an UI for historical orthophotos timeseries data
Sixten Maximillian Thestrup

Postdoc at Aalborg University (BUILD), PhD in Social Statistics from the University of Manchester.

Fields of interest include:
- Bayesian methods, structural equation modelling and spatial modelling.
- Survey research methods and measurement invariance in the social and political sciences
- Data visualisation and dashboards

  • Not too big, not too small: open source geospatial units that are just right
Sophia Parafina

Sophia is a long-time user and occasional contributor to open-source software. She was formerly the Lead Developer Evangelist for HERE Technologies and is currently a Senior Developer Advocate for Amazon Web Services.

  • Where Is Everyone?: The Global Impact of COVID on Road Traffic
Sriram Ravichandran

Full stack developer hailing from India.

Currently working at Gojek for the past 2 years, trying to provide the best tracking experience to customers.

Apart from work, I love drinking and experimenting with Coffee.

  • Use of FOSS4G at Gojek to automate map error detection at scale
Stefan Brand

Cartographer, Vector Data and Python GIS Specialist | Loved by Christ, blessed by the Father. Never satisfied with superficial answers. Youth ministry leader. Reading, cooking, (train) traveling, board games, jigsaw puzzles, pilgrimages.

  • Geo-Infographics created dynamically from PostGIS using ST_AsSVG
Stefano Bovio

Frontend Developer

  • Developing with MapStore; creating a custom dashboard to map crime data
Stefano Campus

Stefano Campus is a civil engineer who works at the SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) of Regione Piemonte (an Italian local authority), contributing to all aspects related to the geographical infrastructure.
Another field of interest is natural disaster prevention, in terms of assessing and mitigating hazard and risk through a spatial approach the use of exclusively Free and Open Source Geographic software.
He is the Italian coordinator of QGIS translation and he is past President of the Italian Association for Free Geographical Information (, the OSGeo Local Chapter, from 2013 to 2017 and actually he is the vice President.

  • A Python tool for QGIS for gender recognition in street directories
Stephan Meißl

Stephan Meissl is Chief Executive Officer, founding member, and shareholder of EOX IT Service GmbH, a provider of Earth Observation solutions and services since 2008. Stephan is co-chair of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Coverages Working Groups and charter member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).

  • EO Open Science Catalogue initiative by ESA
Steve Cassidy

Steve Cassidy received his PhD from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is currently an Associate Professor at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He works on a range of problems from large scale data collection and management to the application of machine learning methods to written and spoken language. He has authored a number of open source software packages, in particular, the Emu Speech Database System is a widely used package supporting Acoustic Phonetic research based on the R platform. He is currently working on the FAIMS project to implement mobile, offline ready field data collection infrastructure.

  • Just Enough GIS: Plugging Lightweight Mobile GIS into an Offline Field Data Collection Platform
Stuart Lynn

Stuart Lynn is a Research Director and Senior Principal Software Engineer at the Center for Spatial Data Science at University of Chicago. His interests include widening the participation in scientific discussion and inquiry to non-traditional communities through the development of tools and active participation in citizen science and collaborative processes. He holds a Master in Mathematical Physics and a PHD in Astrophysics from the University of Edinburgh. In previous roles he has worked with non-profits and NGOs with the Two Sigma Data Clinic, lead the Data Science team at CARTO and was the technical lead for the citizen science platform The Zooniverse.

  • Matico a new federated FOSS platform for spatial analysis, data management, visualization, and app building
  • Write once, run anywhere: safe and reusable analytic modules for WebAssembly, Javascript, or more!
Sylvain Brunato

Python developer and Open Source Software lover

  • EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway)
Taro Matsuzawa

Born in 1981.
Graduated from Tokyo Denki University.

Started playing with Linux when he was in high school, and became active in the OpenSource community in Japan during his college years. At the time, he was the leader of Mozilla's Japanese community.

He joined Georepublic in 2012, and since then he has been active as a staff member and presenter at the FOSS4G conference in Japan and State of the Map 2017.

His hobbies are breakcore and tile making.

  • 10 years in Georepublic and OSGeo
Taro Ubukawa

Taro Ubukawa is a senior geospatial expert at the United Nations Geospatial Information Section. He is one of the co-leads of UN Vector Tile Toolkit and works for vector tile deployment in UN since December 2019. Before that, he worked for GIS data development in Japan for years.

  • UN Vector Tile Toolkit development and its application
  • United Nations Mission in South Sudan GeoStories
Thomas Gageik
  • Open source at the European Commission
Till Adams

Till is one of the founders of the German language FOSSGIS conference series and joined his first OSGeo Conference in Minneapolis in 2005 before it was even called FOSS4G. Till also put a lot of effort into building the local and regional community and helped form FOSSGIS e.V., the legal body of the German language OSGeo Local Chapter.

In his main job he is founder and consutant at terrestris, an Open Source GIS company focused on web based FOSS4G software development and also of mundialis a company that focusses on Big Data and Remote Sensing Data processing. Till actively works with FOSS4G Software for many years. Also he introduces agile methods into both companies.

Till was the chair of FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn. For some years, he chaired OSGeo's conference committee. Till is also active member of FOSSGIS e.V. and membered the OSGeo board from 2020-2022.

  • The GeoStyler Project - Status Report
  • Stable Open Source Software in production; the case of MapProxy
  • Making free climate and weather data more usable - status, ideas and products resulting from the research project "FAIR"
Tim Schaub

Principal Engineer at Planet Labs

  • OpenLayers Feature Frenzy
Timo Aarnio

Senior GIS Expert with 10 years of experience in geospatial solutions and before that 8 years in IT-administration and IT-support. Interested in data visualisation, interoperability and usability among other things.

  • State of Oskari (for end-users)
Tobia Di Pisa

Software engineer, Project Manager at GeoSolutions.

  • MapStore and geOrchestra, a match made in heaven
Tom Kralidis

Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and longtime contributor to FOSS4G. He contributes to numerous projects in the Geopython ecosystem.

Tom is the co-chair of the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group, chair of the WMO Expert Team on Metadata, and serves on the OSGeo Board.

  • Implementing OGC APIs using Elasticsearch and pygeoapi
  • Introducing WIS 2.0 in a box: an open source and open standards platform for international weather, climate and water data discovery, access, and visualization
  • pycsw project status 2022
  • pygeoapi project status 2022
  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
  • How to join OSGeo (for projects)
  • We are Open! OGC and OSGeo Collaboration
Tomas Holderness

Tomas is the CTO of Addresscloud where he leads research and development to create risk mapping services.

  • Building a scalable tiling service using Amazon API Gateway
Tomáš Pohanka

Tomas is a GIScience enthusiast with an interest in Python programming and databases. He cares about geodata and how to process them.

  • OpenMapTiles 3.14 - vector tiles from OpenStreetMap & Natural Earth Data
Tommy Charles

Tommy Charles is a YouthMappers Regional Ambassador and national coordinator of OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone. He is a Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Voting member and a contributor of the OpenStreetMap Africa community. He is an open source enthusiast and a Geography graduate.

  • Power Grid Mapping In West Africa (Sierra Leone)
Torsten Friebe

Torsten Friebe is member of the technical management committee (TMC) of the OSGeo project deegree. He has expertise in OGC Services, and SDI solutions based on Open Source software. Since 2011 he works at lat/lon GmbH, Bonn as a lead architect and member of the management team.

  • State of deegree: What's new in 2022
Trent Hare
  • Helping to Land a Mars Rover using FOSS4G Tools
Vaclav Petras

Vaclav (Vashek) Petras is a research software engineer, open source developer, and open science advocate. He received his masters in Geoinformatics from the Czech Technical University and PhD in Geospatial Analytics from the North Carolina State University. Vaclav is a member of the GRASS GIS Development Team and Project Steering Committee.

  • Take-Home Messages from Adding Code Quality Measures to GRASS GIS
  • Tips for parallelization in GRASS GIS in the context of land change modeling
  • Using GRASS GIS in Jupyter Notebooks: An Introduction to grass.jupyter
  • State of GRASS GIS
Vasile Crăciunescu

Vasile Craciunescu is a researcher with more than 20 years experience, working for the MeteoRomania and Terrasigna, being in charge with the scientific and operational activities related to rapid mapping, spatial data infrastructure and webmapping. He received his diploma in cartography and physical geography in 2001. He has a good experience in working and leading national, EU and ESA research projects. In 2006 Vasile started, a collaborative effort by and for the Romanian community to facilitate the sharing of geospatial knowledge and data. Since 2011 he is the Romanian delegate in the Copernicus User Forum at the European Commission and the representative of MeteoRomania at OGC. In august 2014 he was elected to the OSGeo board of directors. For the last eight years he has been teaching FOSS4G-based techniques at the Faculty of Geography-University of Bucharest. Vasile was the chair of the FOSS4G2019 international conference.

  • LOOSE: Combining loosely coupled components into coherent architecture
Veronica Andreo

Veronica Andreo holds a PhD in Biology and an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. She is a researcher for CONICET working at the Argentinian Space Agency. Her main interests are remote sensing and GIS tools for disease ecology research and applications. She is part of the GRASS Dev Team, currently serving as PSC chair.

  • State of GRASS GIS
Vicky Vergara

I am an Economist and Computer Scientist, pgRouting fan and developer.
Open Source Software advocate.
* pgRouting project leader and developer since 2013 Including:
* pgRouting,
* pgRoutingLayers,
* osm2pgRouting.
* Google Summer of Code mentor since 2015
* FOSS4G speaker since 2015
* PSC member of OSGeoLive
* PSC member of MobilityDB
* Currently member of the Board of Directors of the OSGeo Foundation.

  • Are you lost? Get pgRouting to find your way
  • OSGeo community interactions
Victoria Neema

Junior Developer at Kartoza (Pty) Ltd.

  • The Open Source GIS Stack (OSGS)
Vincent Gaudissart
  • EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway)
Vincent Picavet

Vincent Picavet is an engineer in applied mathematics. After a few years working on satellite imagery, he dedicates himself to GIS, designing and implementing spatial data infrastructures with PostGIS and PostgreSQL as main components. Vincent is a PostGIS contributor and has given a lot of training sessions at the university or for private companies. He regularly talks at international conferences,, FOSS4G or other events related to GIS and spatial data. He founded Oslandia in 2009, providing services in opensource GIS.

  • Manipulating text with PostgreSQL - lesser known PG jewels
  • Geo-commons in France : review of current initiatives
Vincent Sarago

Vincent is a geospatial developer at Development Seed. He builds open source tools, infrastructure and web interfaces that process and visualize geospatial data. The useable satellite interfaces he builds help break down the barrier to accessing and exploring Earth observation data.

Vincent is also heavily involved in the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (a.k.a COG) specification and communication. He is the main contributor on multiple open-source project to create / use / analyse COG such as rio-cogeo, rio-tiler or tilebench. He is also involved in other open-source project such as Rasterio or STAC-FastAPI.

Prior to joining Development Seed, Vincent created the website to develop web interface and cloud processes to access satellite data such as Landsat and Sentinel and distributes the data through simple and intuitive interfaces. Vincent previously worked as a geospatial developer at Mapbox.

  • TiTiler: Not just a tile server
Walter Lorenzetti

Web and WebGis developer. Skill Python/Django, Python/GIS, PyQGIS, PHP-PHP/Mapscript, Mapserver UMN. Good knowledge: Linux/Unix System, Apache/Nginx and PostgreSql . OGC standards and most of main FOSS4G Software.

Specialties: Web application and WebGis development

  • G3W-SUITE: an OS framework dedicated to the publication and management of QGIS projects as WebGis services
Will Field

Will Field is a Senior Application Developer at the Mapping Service at the Center for Urban Research at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center. He received his B.A. from Bard College and Masters degree from New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program. He develops software and infrastructure for the Mapping Service's projects focusing on civic engagement, elections, and New York City public resources. In his spare time he is an avid webgl shader developer.

  • Open Back-End for Vector Tile Based Web Apps
Wladimir Szczerban

I am a computer engineer specialized in Geographic Information Systems. I worked at the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (national mapping agency of Catalonia) for 15 years developing web applications with maps for various projects. Then I worked in an American startup called Tierra as a frontend developer. Now I work as Developers advocate for digital maps at MapTiler.

I am also an associate professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in the geoinformation master teaching subjects like IDEs, geoservices, web development, and web mapping development.

I am a member of the Spanish community of OSGeo and OpenStreetMap.

  • MapLibre GL 2.x - JavaScript maps with React, Vue.js, Svelte or Angular

Passionate to help water utilities to became more resilient and efficient using open technologies. Msc. Civil Engineer & Msc. Environmental Management. Partner Director at BGEO and Technical Manager at Giswater Association. Working to make the world a better place.

  • What is new in Giswater 3.5
xu cong

Designer and Front-end engineer of Re:Earth team

  • Vision and Challenge of Re:Earth - an open source WebGIS platform using Cesium
Yogesh Girikumar

Yogesh Girikumar works at Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team (HOT) in the DevOps team and handles application deployments, reliability, security and performance for all services administered by HOT.

Yogesh has over 10 years of experience with Linux and Cloud administration and has been an enthusiast mapper of public access amenities like libraries and transit routes (in India) on Openstreetmap for several years.

  • Using Terraform to manage HOTOSM's infrastructure as code
Yoichi Kayama

I first attended FOSS4G in Victoria, Canada.
I am working to promote FOSS4G in Japan.
Recently, I have been researching issues such as how information technology can be used in times of disaster.

  • Development of a disaster information collection system using smartphones and cloud computing
Yoni Nachmany

Yoni Nachmany is an R&D Engineer at The New York Times, where he works on digitizing archival articles and photographs with experimental techniques. Previously, he processed and visualized satellite and aerial imagery as a geospatial software engineer at Mapbox. He participated in the Data Science for Social Good Fellowship after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a Master’s in Data Science. You can see his latest data explorations and side projects at

  • Mapping Historical "Street View" Images of New York City: Visualizing Geotagged Archival Photos
Yuen Pakhin

Yuen is a sales engineer at MIERUNE Inc., based in Sapporo, Japan.

As a member of MIERUNE Inc, Yuen has experience in developing custom styles for vector tiles and QGIS plugins.

  • Enrich styles and enhance styling process with OpenMapTiles
Yunzhi Lin

Maps and GIS Analyst at Meta

  • Curated Major Map Features Library
  • A Graph-Based Road Conflation Method Preserving Connectivity
Yuri Astrakhan

My interests are maps, data visualizations, large datasets, Vega-js and OpenStreetMap. I'm the author of Wikipedia API, maps, and graphs systems. I work as a principal devops engineer at Elastic.

  • OpenSource to the rescue: the future of MapLibre
  • OSM planet data to vector tiles in a few hours: OpenMapTiles & Planetiler
Yves Bolognini

Project manager and team leader at Camptocamp SA, Yves Bolognini is also responsible for the GeoMapFish solution. He has been working in the open source and geospatial world for many years.

  • GeoMapFish status: vector tiles!
Zacharia Muindi

Zacharia Muindi is a data enthusiast. He has been part of the Map Kibera team since 2009, where he was part of the team of youths from Kibera who created the first digital map of Kibera (Africa's largest slum) using OpenStreetMap. Over the years he has coordinated several projects for the organization by training youths on how to use free and open digital tools to tell their stories from their own perspective.

  • Mapping impacts of Covid-19 in Nairobi
Zoltan Siki

OSGeo charter member,
Leader of Geo4All lab at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Open source developer and educator

  • A Moodle based complex system to teaching spatial data processing
Zulfikar Akbar Muzakki

Zakki is a web developer at Kartoza.

  • geojson-vt for Highly Efficient Geojson Rendering in Open Layers