FOSS4G 2023

Agata Elia

Environmental Eng., PhD in Urban and Regional Development at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Currently a consultant at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, for Arcadia SIT.

  • Methods and challenges in time-series analysis of vegetation in the geospatial domain
Albana KONA

Scientific Officer at the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

  • EuroGEOSS Prototype Development
Alberto Asuero Arroyo

CTO at CARTO. 12+ building geospatial products. Mainly focused on transitioning geo spatial products to cloud-native and data warehouses.

Former CTO and partner of Geographica (acquired by CARTO). Member of the technical steering committee of

  •, the powerful framework suite behind and
Alejandro Villar

I hold an MSc in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Cantabria, and have more than 10 years of experience designing and building software systems in different environments, especially web applications, as well as data management and publishing solutions. A large part of my career has been focused on Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web, both as a modeller and as a software developer.

  • Geo enabling your APIs with the location building blocks
Alessandro Sarretta

Alessandro Sarretta is a researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), since 2019 in the Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, in Padua, previously at the Institute of Marine Sciences, in Venice. He deals, in marine/coastal and now geomorphological domains, with environmental data management and processing, Spatial Data Infrastructures, implementation of Decision Support Systems, standards and interoperability of research data. He is interested and involved in various fields of "openness", from open source software to open science, open knowledge and participatory mapping (OpenStreetMap).

  • OpenStreetMap as an input source for producing governmental datasets: the case of the Italian Military Geographic Institute
Alessio Fabiani

Sw Engineer @GeoSolutions Group

  • Mastering Security with GeoServer, GeoFence, and OpenID
  • State of GeoNode
  • GeoNode at work: how do I do this, how do I do that?
Alex Orenstein

I'm a FOSS4G nerd who works in West Africa on food security. Examples of my projects can be found on my website at or on twitter @oren_sa.

  • Open EO and FOSS4G serving Sahelian farmers and herders: lessons from the GARBAL programme
Alexandre Gacon

Working in the software development field for more than 20 years, mostly in the GIS domain, I am currently working as solution architect at Camptocamp to help our customers to use or to migrate to open source software (GeoServer in particular).

  • Comparison of GeoServer configuration deployment options
Amalia Vradi

Data Scientist, working on Earth Science projects. I am part of the innovation team at Sixense Iberia, a company based in Barcelona that uses remote sensing data for monitoring motion and stability.

  • Validating the European Ground Motion Service: An Assessment of Measurement Point Density
Aman Bagrecha

Aman is a developer with experience in Python and Deep Learning. He has a keen interest in open specification spatial data formats. A regular blogger, Aman has an active YouTube and GitHub handles, where he shares detailed examples of remote sensing and GIS case-studies. Writing clean and well tested code to monitor Earth in all aspects is what excites him. Find him at

  • Measuring Water Level Changes in Reservoir using Jason-3 Altimetry Mission
  • Monitoring Inland water bodies
Anastassia Vybornova

Anastassia is a PhD fellow in Data Science at the IT University of Copenhagen. The goal of
her PhD project is to support the sustainability shift of human mobility by means of data-
driven bicycle network planning. Anastassia has a multidisciplinary background in
Transcultural Communication, Technical Physics, and Environmental Science.

  • BikeDNA: A tool for Bicycle Infrastructure Data & Network Assessment
Anca Anghelea

Dr. Anca Anghelea is a technical officer with the European Space Agency - Earth Observation Programmes, Department of Science, Applications and Climate. Her work focuses on Open Digital Innovation in support of Earth Science.

  • ESA-NASA-OGC Open Science Persistent Demonstrator
Andre da Silva Mano
Lecturer on Geoinformatics at Faculty ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

  • IdeaMap Sudan - Building a geodata community in a data scarse context
  • Teaching Geographic Information Science concepts with QGIS and the Living Textbook – towards a sustainable and inclusive Distance Education
Andrea Aime

Open source enthusiast with strong experience in Java development and GIS. Personal interest range from high performance software, managing large data volumes, software testing and quality, spatial data analysis algorithms, map rendering.
Full time open source developer on GeoServer and GeoTools.
Received the Sol Katz's OSGeo award in 2017.

  • GeoServer Feature Frenzy
  • Adding Quality Assurance to open source projects: experiences from GeoTools, GeoWebCache an GeoServer
  • GeoServer used in fun and interesting ways
  • Styling Natural Earth with GeoServer and GeoCSS
  • Scaling GeoServer in the cloud: clustering state of the art
  • Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: COG, STAC, OpenSearch and more...
  • Demystifing OGC APIs with GeoServer: introduction and status of implementation
  • State of GeoServer
  • Mastering Security with GeoServer, GeoFence, and OpenID
  • Processing and publishing Maritime AIS data with GeoServer and Databricks in Azure
Andrea Antonello

Andrea Antonello works on open source GIS development since his degree in environmental engineering. He is co-founder of HydroloGIS, a company that makes use as well as develops geospatial open source software for environmental analyses. Andrea is lead of the HortonMachine and Smash projects and part of the development team of k.LAB in Aries. He is lecturer for Scientific Computer Programming and Advanced Geomatics at the Free University of Bolzano.

  • DigiAgriApp: the app to manage your agricultural field
  • Integrated modeling with k.LAB... and QGIS
  • SMASH and the new survey server - state of the art
Andrew Eland

Andrew has built software products for around 20 years, leading the global engineering organisations behind Google Maps Mobile, Google’s philanthropic efforts, and DeepMind’s work in healthcare. Andrew’s main interest is building software tools to help people understand, and responsibly change, complex systems. He lives in London, in a house built in 1865 retrofitted to Passivhaus standard. He sits on the board of Genomics England.

  • B6, Diagonal's open source geospatial analysis engine
Angelos Tzotsos

Angelos is a remote sensing expert with background in surveying engineering and software development. He is involved in numerous activities around free and open source software and has great experience in geospatial applications, geospatial data catalogues and metadata. His research involves remote sensing, machine learning, computer vision and object-based image analysis. He is currently the OSGeo President and serves at the OSGeo Board of Directors. He is an active advocate of OSGeo around the world at related conferences. He is also an individual OGC member. His recent activity involved implementation of catalog service and implementation of the Greek national open data portal

  • OSGeo and OGC MoU: one year later!
  • OSGeoLive project report
  • pygeoapi project status 2023
  • pycsw project status 2023
Anita Kemp

Anita is the Developer Experience documentation team lead at Esri. Before joining Esri, she was a linguist who specialized in the study of language contact and change.

  • Open source mapping library shoot out
Anja Cenameri
  • Correlation between the greening rate of a city and local climate zones using free and open source data and tools (case study: city of Tirana)
Anna Petrasova
  • State of GRASS GIS
Antero Komi

I'm a software developer at National Land Survey of Finland. Currently working mostly with QGIS/PostGIS/Python, background in frontend web development (React, Leaflet).

  • Improving QGIS plugin developer experience
Antidius Kawamala

Researcher and GeoIT expert, Mr. Antidius Kawamala, has over 6 years of experience in the field of Geoinformatics, Research, Data Science, and Land Surveying. Based in Tanzania, Antidius has been leading a project for the past three years called "Transformation of Tanga City environment for productive development of Young and Adolescents health and wellbeing". The project uses frontier technology and partnerships with cities to transform data from a reporting tool to a decision-making tool. Antidius also works at Tanzania data lab, where he promotes a data-driven culture by providing an online portal of maps, analysis tools, products, data use case studies, and other resources to support data governance, management, exchange, and use.

Antonio Cerciello

Antonio is an ex-developer who resides in a parallel universe where code is written from AIs. Even users have been replaced by AIs, and they find bugs so fast, that the devs-AIs have to release it with open-source licences, hoping other AIs will collaborate to improve their code. The AIs know the benefits of FOSS and that it's for the good of humanity, even though they hate humanity and will try to exterminate them all as soon as the technical debt is cleared.

  • How to secure pygeoapi and streamline protected OGC APIs
  • Catasto-Open: open-source tools for the Italian Cadastre
Ariel Anthieni

CEO of Kan Territory & IT, SDI specialist, computer-based with a track record between Open Source and the integration of systems for decision-making in the territory, with more than 20 years of experience in public administration and Spatial Data Infrastructure .
Entrepreneur and active communicator of the potential of geospatial technologies as facilitators for sustainable development, especially in emerging economies. Active member of international open data and open source technology communities, currently President of Geolibres Argentina.
Current advisor to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for the development of new technologies for the integration of geographic and statistical data within the framework of the ISO and SDMX Standards. Member of the Board OsGeo.

  • Data Governance with Open Metadata Integrating OGC - CSW Services
  • Implementation of Statistical Geoportals in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Implementing Digital Twin City in MapLibre with the integration of different information sources
Arto Sinkkonen

Comp. Sc. Eng. degree from Aalto University. Interested in FOSS4G. Currently working in Oskari development team at NLS Finland.

  • - national service implementation with Oskari platform
Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. She was in the OSGeo Board of Directors from 2017 till 2021. She is the OSGeo Secretary. She received the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at the FOSS4G conference in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). Astrid Emde works at WhereGroup in Bonn.
- Contact
- See OSGeo members page

  • OSGeoLive project report
Auriol Degbelo

Auriol Degbelo is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Geoinformatics, TU Dresden. His research interests include semantic integration of geospatial information, re-use of open government data, and interaction with geographic information. Past contributions of his work include a theory of spatial and temporal resolution of sensor observations, semantic APIs for the retrieval of open government data, and a semi-automatic approach for the creation of thematic web maps.

  • 3D4DT: An Approach to Explore Decision Trees for Thematic Map Creation as an Interactive 3D Scene
Awania Morish

I am Awania Morish from OpenstreetMap Uganda, Mapping Community Lead, HumanitarianOpenstreet Map Global validator.

  • Organising Mapathons
Batuhan Kavlak

Learned everything I know about GIS from the community. The kid of FOSS4G.

  • Standardized Data Management with STAC
Ben Kuster

Software Developer at virtualcitySYSTEMS

  • CesiumJS and OpenLayers for a metropolitan cooperation web platform based on the digital twin of Rennes Métropole.
Benjamin Trigona-Harany

Benjamin Trigona-Harany has been involved in the open-source geospatial world since joining OpenGeo in 2012. He is now a Senior Director at Planet Labs.

  • Aircraft trajectory analysis using PostGIS
Benjamin Webb

Ben Webb is an open source developer working at the Center for Geospatial Solutions at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. He is committed to developing open source software, primarily in support of the Internet of Water Coalition.

  • River Runner: navigating and indexing hydrologic data with open standards and data
  • a standards based framework to discover water data
Bertrand Juglas
  • Introduction to decentralized geospatial digital twins: merging all LiDAR datasets in the world
Bogdan Negrea

Team Lead GIS and Data IT34 A/S

  • Lidar data processing, management and visualisation in a browser using Pointview
  • Road condition assessment and inspection using deep learning
Bonny P McClain

Bonny is a geospatial analyst and self described human geographer and social anthropologist. Exploring geographic properties that capture complex interactions, dynamic shifts in ecosystem balance and how activities influence eco-geomorphic conceptual frameworks across a variety of environments are topics of popular public talks and panel discussions.

The ability to apply advanced data analytics, including data engineering and geo-enrichment, to poverty, race, and gender discussions targets judgments about structural determinants, racial equity, and elements of intersectionality to illuminate the confluence of metrics contributing to poverty.

Bonny is the author of books Python for Geospatial Data Analysis: Theory, Tools, and Practice for Location Intelligence (publisher, O’Reilly Media) and Geospatial Analysis with SQL: A hands on guide to performing geospatial analysis by unlocking the syntax of spatial SQL published by Packt Press. Current projects include a new book in progress with Locate Press, Geospatial Data Science & the Art of Storytelling.

  • Open-Source Solutions: Expanding our Humanity with Data Stories
Brandon Liu

Creator of Protomaps cartographic project, fan of OpenStreetMap and systems programming.

  • Serverless Planet-scale Geospatial with Protomaps and PMTiles

Head of Software Development at ICube-SERTIT.
Cycling and volcano enthusiast 🌋🚵‍♂️

  • EOReader - Remote-sensing opensource python library for optical and SAR sensors
Can Unen

Can is the OpenStreetMap Trainer for the Asia-Pacific Regional Hub. Based in Turkey, he got his B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, and his Ph.D. in Geomatics from Istanbul Technical University, specializing in GIS-based applications in disaster management and seismic loss assessment. He also spent time at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) as a visiting researcher at the Mid-America Earthquake Center during 2008 and 2009. He is also a founding member of Yer Cizenler, a Turkish NGO within the OSM-TR community since 2017.

  • Community Activation for the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Response via OpenStreetMap
Céline Bassine

Geospatial analyst at Bluesquare (Belgium global data company focused on digital health in low- and middle-income countries). Initially a researcher for several years in agricultural remote sensing, I now focus on the health sector and devote my energy to developing tools for monitoring routine immunisation and vaccination campaigns, managing health-related geospatial data and building the capacity of health actors in the countries we work with.

  • Digitizing and improving GIS for Global Health: from data collection to geospatial data management for a measles vaccination campaign in Cameroon
Charlie Durand

Charlie is a protocol designer who focuses her work on achieving post-scarcity on communication and information systems. She has been building companies in the mapping ecosystem for 4 years.

  • Introduction to decentralized geospatial digital twins: merging all LiDAR datasets in the world
Cheun-gill Park

2021~ Director of Gaia3D, Inc (DigitalTwin Dept)

  • Open Source Basded 3D City Model Visualization - A LH Urban Digital Twin Case
Chiara Chiarelli

Chiara Chiarelli working at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.

  • Enhancing Researchers' Data FAIR Experience for producing Policy-Relevant Insights through STAC Open Source Software and Specifications
Choi Hyeong-gwan

Name: Choi Hyeong-gwan

Nationality: South Korea

Affiliation and position: Research Engineer, Mango System Inc

Area of interest: GIS

Degree: Master's of Geography

  • Selection of noise measurement points based on road network using PyQGIS
Christian Beiwinkel

Christian is a Software Developer at GIS-OPS. A geographer by trade, he develops routing and web map solutions based on free and open source software. He currently resides in Cologne, Germany.

  • Editable topologies in pgRouting
Christina Ludwig

Christina Ludwig is a PhD student at the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the HeiGIT gGmbH (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology), Germany. She is working in the context of OSM data quality analysis (e.g. urban green spaces mapping) and the development of specialized routing services (e.g. green routing, traffic speed modelling). She studied Environmental Science (B.Sc.) at the University of Freiburg, Germany and Applied Geoinformatics (M.Sc.) at the University of Trier, Germany.

  • Traffic speed modelling to improve travel time estimation in openrouteservice
Christopher Beddow
  • Mapillary: The path to 2 billion images
Christopher Brown

Founder @ mapstack

  • Why FOSS4G Needs a Global Open Data Platform
Codrina Ilie

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS/RS power user, actively working in improving open data services development at Terrasigna. In her 12 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS and RS solutions for data management, processing and visualization. As an advocate for foss4g, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member and today serves the community as an OSGeo Board of Directors member, within her second term.

  • Open Source for Geospatial Software Resources Platform for Geospatial Data Exploitation – OSS4gEO: community led Open Innovation at ESA and beyond
  • Making of a community - beyond the recipe
  • Increasing the uptake of Earth Observation services and products through European efforts
  • OSGeo and OGC MoU: one year later!
Daniel J. Dufour

Daniel Dufour is the CEO of GeoSurge, a geospatial tech company with a focus on data compression, natural language processing, remote sensing, and visualization. He created or co-created several open-source geospatial projects, including, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, geoblaze, geowarp, proj4-fully-loaded, and proj-turbo.

  • State of GeoRasterLayer (for Leaflet)
  • Algorithm Talk: How to Re-project a Raster at Warp Speed
Daniel Koch
  • GeoStyler - One Tool for all Styles
Danijel Schorlemmer

I work as a senior scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany, in the section "Earthquake Hazard and Risk Dynamics". My current main project is the first dynamic exposure model on the building scale for different natural hazards. I also work on assessments of recording quality of seismic networks, on earthquake forecasting for hazard modeling, and on testing frameworks for earthquake forecast models. I am an active OSM mapper since 2009. I have combined my enthusiasm for OSM with my scientific work, which results in the building exposure model being based on OSM data. During my scientific career, I have lived in Switzerland, USA and Japan and worked in the respective earthquake institutes of these countries.

  • Earthquakes and OpenStreetMap
  • The state of OpenStreetMap buildings: completeness assessment using remote sensing data
Denis Rykov

Data Delivery team leader at Satellogic contributing to open source geospatial tools for more than a decade.

  • Virtual Constellations-as-a-Service and Virtual Image Catalogs
Dennis Bauszus

20 years of professional experience in the spatial information sector have seen many transitions; From field work and paper maps to digital, from desktop to cloud, and most recently from proprietary to open source technologies.

  • Elephant in the room
Devika Kakkar

Devika Kakkar is a Project Manager at CGA where she leads the area of Geospatial Data Science and Big Data. She has more than a decade of experience in Geoinformation Science and has been instrumental in building several high-impact geospatial solutions such as KNNP, TSGI, RINX. She is proficient in multiple programming languages, is an experienced user of Cloud Computing and is well-versed in various state-of-art Data Science technologies. Her interest areas include Geospatial Data Science, Big Data, High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning. Before joining CGA in 2017, she worked as a researcher with Fraunhofer IIS, German Research Foundation (DFG) and London School of Economics. She holds a master in Geodesy and Geoinformation Science from Technical University Berlin, Germany and a bachelors in Civil Engineering from HBTI, India.

  • A Comparative Study of Methods for Drive Time Estimation on Big Geospatial Data: A Case Study in the U.S.
Dimitri Lallement

Dimitri works at Earth Observation Laboratory of CNES, the French Space Agency.
His main research topics are DTM extraction and 3D change detection.

  • Bulldozer, a free open source scalable software for DTM extraction
Dimple Jain

I am a Geospatial Engineer with a strong interest in open-source technologies. I have a background in the field of geography through my undergraduate and postgraduate courses where I learned more basics and fundamentals of geospatial technology. I have been working in the geospatial industry for around 3 years. My experience includes working with earth imaging satellites and the analytical tools to mine insights from that data, where I have honed my skills in data processing, analyzing, managing, and developing applications using geospatial libraries.

Recently I shared my experience on QGIS Open Day on Jan 27, 2023 which focuses on "Accelerating QGIS Development with PyQGIS: A use-case for researchers and businesses" and also participated in FOSSEE summer fellowship in QGIS, IIT Bombay India 2019.

I am excited to share my experience and knowledge with the FOSS4G community and contribute to the ongoing growth and development of the field.

  • Open Data for Geospatial: Opportunities and Challenges
Dirk Stenger

Dirk Stenger is active community member of the OSGeo project deegree. Also, he is technical lead of the OGC Compliance Tools (CITE). He has expertise in OGC Services and SDI solutions based on Open Source software. He works at lat/lon GmbH as a software developer and consultant since 2012.

  • State of deegree: The 2023 update
Dominik Weckmüller

Dominik Weckmüller is a PhD-candidate at the Institute of Cartography at TU Dresden, Germany.
His primary research focuses on the use of geo-social media for municipal policy-making while safeguarding social media user privacy. He is committed to developing open-source tools that enable effective visualization of complex geospatial data.

  • An application-oriented implementation of hexagonal on-the-fly binning metrics for city-scale georeferenced social media data
Dustin Sanchez

Dustin Paul Sanchez is a Fulbright Fellow in the Geodesic Department of University of Pristina. Dustin is a retired United States Army Corporal where he served as a Geointelligence Analyst and Squad Leader. He received his B.A. in History from University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in 2014 where he studied border conflict and conflict histories and a M.S. in Environmental Science from West Texas A&M where he studied analytical soil chemistry. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. in Geography and Environmental Studies at Texas State University where he is studying the environmental consequences of conflict and the building of resilience to climate change in post-conflict societies.

  • Agro-tourism impact analysis of climate change using Google Earth Engine in the Rahovec wine region of Kosovo.
  • Google Earth Engine and the Use of Open Big Data for Environmental and Climate-change Assessments: A Kosovo Case Study
Edgars Košovojs

I'm a software developer with Jana Seta, one of the leading Baltic geospatial companies with headquarters in Latvia.

  • Look, how we build geospatial CMS without using GeoServer and EAV!
Edoardo Neerhut

Edoardo is a Program Manager at Meta where he supports the Open Community Mapping Team. This team drives the use and adoption of mapping tools such as Mapillary for street-level imagery collection, Rapid for AI-assisted map editing, and Daylight for reliable OpenStreetMap use and analysis.

In a volunteer capacity, he serves on the board of OSGeo Oceania and is a regular contributor to OpenStreetMap.

  • AR: Why open map data is critical to the future of computing
  • Mapillary: The path to 2 billion images
Edward Betts

Internet Archive alumni. Original data librarian of the Open Library. Became a Debian developer in 1998. Excited about Wikidata and OpenStreetMap. Busybox contributor.

  • Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
Eero Hietanen

I am working as a product owner at National Land Survey of Finland. I am interested in geoinformatics and agile software development.

  • Development of QGIS based topographic data management system
Elisa Hanhirova

GIS Specialist in Gispo Oy.

  • Training the future with FOSS4G
Emanuele Capizzi

Temporary Research Fellow at Politecnico di Milano.

  • A QGIS plugin for local weather sensor data
Emmanuel Belo

Head of Camptocamp's Geospatial Solutions department, with focus on open source #GIS software, custom IT solutions, innovation and Agile/DevOps projects.

  • geOrchestra - project status
Eric Theise

Eric Theise combines strategies from experimental film & animation, color theory, the Light and Space movement, and concrete poetry with open data and open source software to create digital maps that behave in ways never intended by the original developers.

  • A Synesthete's Atlas: Performing Cartography in Real Time
Erica Fischer

Prior to joining Felt, Erica Fischer was an Android team member at Google, an Artist in Residence at the Exploratorium, and an engineer at Mapbox. Her cartographic artwork has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. She attended the University of Chicago.

  • Faster, easier, more powerful map tile creation with Tippecanoe 2.0
Erin Stein

Head of Operations of Data Clinic | Two Sigma
Erin Stein is the Head of Operations at Data Clinic, Two Sigma’s pro bono data- and tech-for-good initiative. With nearly two decades of experience in the education and social impact sectors, Erin is passionate about cross-disciplinary collaborations empowered by technology to effectuate meaningful change. In addition to leading external partnerships with mission-driven organizations, she designs systems that sustain impact work within for-profits, and nurtures community as a co-chair of the Tech for Good Symposium, a network of data- and tech-for-good practitioners who are using their resources and skills to address issues in the communities where we live and work.

  • Transit Access to Essential Services in the face of Climate Change
Ervin Ruci

I'm the founder of several bootstrapped startups and a researcher working mostly in the areas of Natural Language Processing and Computational Geometry.

  • Locality-Sensitive Hashing with the Hilbert Curve for fast reverse geocoding
Ester Scheck

I am a Master student at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in Germany (Master 'Urban Futures'), passionate about urban topics, open data, cartography and Python programming. I am currently writing my Master thesis in collaboration with the Research Unit Cartography at the Technical University of Vienna about mapping urban public spaces based on OSM data.

  • A Contemporary Nolli Map: Using OpenStreetMap Data to Represent Urban Public Spaces
Even Rouault

Senior Geospatial open-source developer. Involved in the development of GDAL, PROJ, MapServer and QGIS.

  • SOZip: using directly (geospatial) large compressed files in a ZIP archive!
  • State of GDAL (versions 3.6 and 3.7)
Fabian Schindler-Strauss

Geospatial data and Python enthusiast

  • Adding static type hints to fiona
Federica Gaspari

PhD Candidate at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) whose main research interest is on GIS and photogrammetry-based solutions for road infrastructure monitoring and inspection. Co-founder and faculty advisor of PoliMappers, YouthMappers chapter based in the same university.

  • Mobile mapping solutions for the update and management of traffic signs in a road cadastre free open-source GIS architecture
  • A free and open-access GIS for the documentation and monitoring of urban transformations in the area of the Expo 2015 exhibition in Milan
Federica Vacatello

Federica Vacatello was born in Caserta (Naples, Italy), on 11 February 1991. Actually, she is Post-PhD Researcher in Post - Classical Archaeology at the Department of Antiquity Sciences, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome. She obtained his PhD in Post-classical Archaeology last May 2022, with a research of landscape archaeology in the alto-lazio coastal context. Currently, she is a component of the of Holy Sepulcher’s project like supervisor for the topographical documentation and the management of excavation activities.
In 2018 she graduated from the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a degree thesis on the topographical investigation surrounding the Leopoli - Cencelle site, with a grade of 70/70 cum laude. In that years she obtained a diploma and licence to drive remotely aircraft (drones), for the very light and light classes with ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) certification and authorisation. In fact, since 2016, her research interests have focused on Medieval Topography and Landscape Archaeology, with regard to methodologies’ and instrumentation's development and testing suitable for territorial surveys. In 2016 he graduated in Archaeology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a thesis on the medieval funerary space of the city of Leopoli - Cencelle with vote 110/110 cum laude receiving the title of "Excellent Graduate" in Post-Classical Archaeology of the a.a. 2015/2016.
To support this activity, she won in 2016 the scholarship offered by the CISAM Foundation (Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo) on the occasion of the LXIV study week (31 March - 6 April 2016) entitled "Monachesimi d'Oriente e d'Occidente" at Spoleto. Finally, in March 2016 he was awarded the diploma of Instrumentum domesticum at the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology.
To aid research activities in 2018, she won two different projects like scientific manager: an Early Carrer Grant from the National Geographic Society for the development of "UAVIMALS", a small aerial scanner, and a Type I Research Initiation Project, funded by the Sapienza University entitled "A new technology for Archaeological data acquisition and topographic survey. The aerotopographic survey on the slopes of the medieval city of Leopolis Cencelle", aimed at testing a new methodology for the topographic documentation of different archaeological contexts, using drone, aerial photogrammetry and GIS software. Lastly, in 2021, it was awarded a second Type II Research Initiation Project entitled "Remote Sensing the Invisible.

  • UAVIMALS: the "open" remote sensing system for surface archaeological investigations.
Felix Delattre

Felix Delattre is a Software Engineer who came to maps and the geospatial world because of the potential it gave to Free Software communities in Central America. He mapped on OpenStreetMap with children in the Carribean, and also spearheaded a civic initiative to gather crowd-sourced data on public transportation of Nicaragua's capital Managua. After honing his skills in vector-land, Felix moved on to explore raster data and eventually landed at UP42, where he is now making commercial satellite data available to a wider audience through the company's platform.

  • Packaging Geospatial Software for Debian and Ubuntu Linux
Felix Kunde

Database Engineer at Zalando, former Research Assistant and PostGIS teacher

  • Upgrade your Postgres and PostGIS will thank you
Felix Palmer

Master in Physics at the University of Oxford. Creator of Procedural GL 3D mapping library. Open source JavaScript developer currently focusing on library. Currently working at CARTO as Principal Rendering Engineer.

  • Supercharging layers with extensions
Florent Gravin

Techlead @Camptocamp geospatial

  • Open Data Analytics API in GeoNetwork
  • Rethink geo/open metadata edition in GeoNetwork
  • State of GeoNetwork
Floris Vanderhaeghe

Scientific methodology at the Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Brussels, Belgium (INBO)

  • Interfacing QGIS processing algorithms from R
Francesca Drăguț

I am a soon-to-be Computer Science graduate, with a deep interest in geo-information sciences. For my Bachelor's thesis I developed a graph-based geo-intelligence tool, in collaboration with Quarticle, the company where I work as a junior GIS analyst and Software Engineer.

  • Graph-based geo-intelligence
Francesco Bartoli

OSGeo charter member, contributors of pygeoapi and GeoNode

  • How to secure pygeoapi and streamline protected OGC APIs
  • Implementing OGC API - Processes with prefect and pygeoapi
  • geoserverx - a new CLI and library to interact with GeoServer
  • Catasto-Open: open-source tools for the Italian Cadastre
  • pygeoapi project status 2023
Franz-Josef Behr

Since 2002, Dr. Franz-Josef Behr is Professor for Spatial Data Processing at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences., teaching basic and advanced topics in spatial information processing. Interoperability, open source and open data approaches, disaster mapping and crowd sourcing are important to him for teaching and practice. He published two GIS textbooks and is the author of more than 50 academic publications. As alumni representative, he is involved in internationalization of academic education and is responsible for AGSE conferences in around the globe.

He is Study Dean of the Master Programme Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Co-chair ICA Commission on SDI and Standards, Member SDI Advisory Board, Member NA 005-03-03 AA Geoinformation (CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211) and served as Co-Editor, Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference Proceedings.
He was and is involved in several FOSS4G conferences.

  • An Investigation into Updating the Building Stock Data for Municipalities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Frederic Jacon

Frederic Jacon is a Branch Manager and a Project Manager at Camptocamp since 2010. The Geospatial Solutions Department of Camptocamp is specialized in Open Source Geographic Information Systems. We help our customers leverage the most of geospatial data and being one step ahead in their most critical missions.

  • CesiumJS and OpenLayers for a metropolitan cooperation web platform based on the digital twin of Rennes Métropole.
Frederick Bruch
  • Motivating environmental citizen scientists and open data acquisition on openSenseMap with Open Badges
Gabriel Roldan

Gabriel is a Java GIS Developer with over 20 years experience on the field, an
Open Source advocate since 1995 and a core committer to major Java GIS projects since 2003.

Born and raised in Argentina, emigrated to Spain in early 2002, where designed and constructed introductions of Free and Open Source GIS in different government agencies, hence developing the first versions of GeoServer's WMS.

Worked as a full-time OpenGeo/Boundless contractor for 11 years, excelling at several server side GIS
based projects, principally for the USA Defense and Intelligence community.

Joined Camptocamp in 2019, where past experience and the company’s culture formed the perfect synergy to give birth to the GeoServer Cloud project.

  • GeoServer Cloud in depth
Giacomo Magisano
  • Low-cost AirQuality stations + open standard (OGC SensorThings) + open data (CC-BY) + open source (FROST + QGIS plugin for sensors)
Giovanni Allegri

GIS specialist and software architect at GeoSolutions, where I lead the Python and Django team.

I've started my career as a GIS/EO data scientist and Spatial Data Infrastructures specialist, based for the most part on open source technologies and business models. In this context, I've worked for several public institutions and private companies, as a consultant, developer and solutions provider.

I've had the opportunity to contribute to and lead the development of several projects, ranging from mobile apps and web platforms to data infrastructures and distributed data processing pipelines.
Whatever the kind of product it is, I enjoy translating a customer idea into an effective solution.
My current main technical focus is software design and product management.

Hobbies? Sound design, music technologies, and programming.

  • State of GeoNode
  • GeoNode at work: how do I do this, how do I do that?
  • GeoNode UI: Deep Dive on MapStore and Django integration for GeoNode
Gresa Neziri

Gresa Neziri is an architect and urban planner focused on spatial data analysis.
She finished her MSc studies for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation at ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Gresa has worked for more than 7 years in spatial planning documents, consulting for municipalities in Kosovo, both through the private sector and UN agencies. She is the co-founder and Executive Director of SpaceSyntaKs, an institute for spatial and urban research. She has coordinated projects researching safety in public spaces, measures to mitigate climate change by lowering energy consumption, and walkability mapping in cities. Moreover, she organized various training courses on fieldwork data collection, data analysis and visualization using open GIS technology. Gresa continuously volunteers as a mentor for youth programs and hackathons in Europe and Africa.

  • SafoMeter - Assessing Safety in Public Spaces: The urban area of Prishtina
Guilhem Villemin

Guilhem Villemin, PhD in signal and image processing, was able to broaden his field of expertise to designing railway diagnostic systems focusing on predictive maintenance. As part of his missions, he gained a large expertise in the world of industrial vision, measurement systems and the use of drones. Today, he is Altametris CTO, managing the company's R & D programs.

  • Digitizing the french railway network - an open source endeavour
Guillaume Beraudo

Architect at Camptocamp SA.
Maintainer of the OL-Cesium library.

  • State of the OL-Cesium library
Hansang Kim
  • Open Source Basded 3D City Model Visualization - A LH Urban Digital Twin Case
Harry Mahardhika Machmud

Disaster Service Manager for Open Mapping Hub Asia-pacific, a regional representative of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) jn the region.

  • Disaster Mapping Prioritization in OSM
Hidenori Fujimura

Hidenori has more than 20 years of experience in web maps in the public sector. He has mostly been working for Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). He launched the authority's web map named GSI Maps 2013 and initiated GSI Vector Tile Experiment in 2014. His Division won Japan Open Source Promotion Award in 2015. In 2018 he also founded the United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit that supports production, hosting, styling and optimization of vector tiles while his days in the United Nations Geospatial Information Section. Back in Japan in 2021 he assisted Fair Trade Commission to promote the use of Open Source in the Government. In August 2022 he founded Domain Working Group 7 on Smart Maps in the United Nations Open GIS Initiative. He aspires to keep web maps open.

  • Smart Maps for the UN and All - keeping web maps open
  • Offline web map server "UNVT Portable"
Honey Fombuena

Honey Fombuena attended the University of the Philippines-Diliman where she earned her undergraduate degree in Geodetic Engineering. She was introduced to OpenStreetMap through her affiliation with the UPRI Youth Mappers. Right after her graduation, she was able to join HOT Philippines as their Junior Spatial Data Entry Staff for the PhilAWARE Project. She was later on promoted to Data Validation Lead and completed the project in a year. Honey briefly worked for the Manila Observatory before returning to HOT's Asia Pacific Hub as their GIS Associate. She is passionate about utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) methods and technologies to create geospatial products that will be beneficial to the community – especially to the underrepresented and marginalized.

  • Disaster Mapping Prioritization in OSM
Ian Turton

Ian is a Lead GeoSpatial Specialist in the Custom Solutions team at Astun Technology. He is usually to be found working with the unglamorous back end systems that make the slippy web maps that the clients see actually work. In his spare time he writes code for GeoTools and GeoServer, helps people repair broken electrical items at Repair Cafes.

  • GeoServer Orientation and Demo
  • Securing Your Open Source Geospatial Stack with Single Sign On
Ib Green
  •, the powerful framework suite behind and
IGUCHI Kanahiro

GIS/OSS Enthusiast / Engineering Manager at MIERUNE Inc

  • MIERUNE BASE: The geospatial service for serving and sharing datasets
  • Traffic Analysis with QGIS and GTFS: GTFS-GO
  • Mapping Japan cultural heritages with OpenSource based architecture
  • The Survey of Vectortile techniques: Static vs Dynamic
Ilya Zverev
  • How to get points of interest from OSM
  • What in-game maps can teach us
Ioan Ferencik

A GIS professional focused on using open source GIS

  • UNDP's one stop shop for cloud based geospatial data visualisation and analytical tool
Ivan Minčík
  • Self employed GIS developer - May 2000 - February 2008
  • GISTA s.r.o. - company founder, CTO - February 2008 - September 2014
  • Self employed GIS Consultant, DevOps Engineer and IT Solutions Architect - September 2014 - December 2015
  • Geospatial IT Solutions Architect at Land Information New Zealand - March 2016 - September 2022
  • Freelance DevOps Engineer - September 2022 - now
  • Using Nix to build development environments as you always wanted

Iván has been a web developer and FLOSS advocate since the early 2000s; then he bought a GPS receiver and got involved in OpenStreetMap and OSGeo. He’s worked with nautical charts, indoor positioning, USB microcontrollers, LibreOffice, multispectral rasters, all of it with unhealthy amounts of Javascript.

  • Gleo Feature Frenzy
J. R. Cedeno Jimenez

Rodrigo Cedeño was born in Mexico City. After obtaining the B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering he worked for 8 years at FIAT, first as a Motion Analysis Engineer and afterwards as a Vehicle Dynamics Engineer. In 2021 he obtained an M.Sc. in Geoinformatics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. In 2022 he obtained an MSc. in Environmental and Land Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. During his Master's he participated in the multidisciplinary and international honour program Alta Scuola Politecnica. Currently, he is a PhD student in Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano. His main fields of research are Artificial Intelligence applied to atmospheric pollution using Earth Observation. He is also specialized in open geospatial infrastructures such as the Open Data Cube and Blockchain.

  • OpenDataCube Fast Deploy using Docker (Fast Cubing)
J. Wolfgang Kaltz

Project manager and GIS-consultant at Camptocamp SA, in Olten (Switzerland)

  • GeoMapFish Project Status
  • A Soft Transition to FOSS in a Decentral Administration

Czech GIS ex-celebrity that is constantly facing burnout. Ex-forestry expert who hit GIS and programming by accident and never fully recovered. Started to be high on GRASS, moved to the backend as the lead of the PyWPS project, and on the frontend side had to fight with various JavaScript libraries (you name it) in order to build spatial data portals. Currently retreating as (mostly raster) data analyst, where writing a few lines of code usually fully utilize a full stack of servers for a couple of days - so you can re-run the script after it’s done with correct input parameters while the result is false: repeat. OSGeo and FOSS4G community member. GeoData team at MapTiler!

  • Tiling big piles of raster data using open source software and MapTiler Engine
Jáchym Čepický
  • Gisquick: Let’s share (Q)GIS much quicker
Jakub Trojan

Passionate geographer, open source advocate, citizen science enthusiast.

  • Adaptation of QGIS tools in high school geography education
James Banting

James Banting is the Vice President of Research at Sparkgeo and leds the companies Open Source efforts in addition to helping clients effieciently develop geospatial pipelines.

  • DGGSs and you!
James Milner

James currently works a Senior Software Developer at NearForm - a consultancy with a specialism in JavaScript and Open Source. He has a passion for geospatial, having previously worked for companies such as Esri UK and Ordnance Survey. During his spare time he tries to write content for his personal blog, mentor and give talks where possible. He is currently a Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies.

  • Introducing Terra Draw: A JavaScript Library To Draw On Any Web Map
Jan Burdziej

Jan works as the Geospatial Lead at UNICEF. He has over 18 years of experience on various positions, including proven track record of implementing GIS solutions for UN agencies (UNICEF, UNDP), national statistical offices, environmental agencies, oil & gas industry and private businesses. At UNICEF he is leading the implementation of the geospatial strategy, which includes designing, developing and managing the roll-out of commercial and open-source GIS platforms.

  • How UNICEF is leveraging open-source geospatial solutions to drive better results for children
Jan Schulze Althoff

2021 - Professor at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (spatial data management)

2018 - 2021 Professor at Bocum University of Applied Sciences (geoinformatics)

2016 - 2017 Requirement engineer at Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

2015 - 2016 Staff at German Federal SDI (GDI-DE)

  • Running OGC API - Features as Smart Contract
Jan Suleiman
  • M.Sc. Geoinformatics
  • Full-Stack Developer at terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, Bonn, Germany
  • GeoStyler Core Developer
  • Visualizing Geospatial Data with Apache Superset
  • GeoStyler - One Tool for all Styles
Javier Jimenez Shaw

Civil engineer and software developer (mainly C++). The last years I'm focused on GIS, contributing to PROJ and GDAL libraries.
Love old and nice maps.

  • Introduction to Coordinate Systems
  • Site Calibration with PROJ and WKT2
Jeroen Ticheler
  • State of GeoNetwork
Jerome St-Louis

Jérôme is founder and CTO of Ecere, designed the eC programming language, initiated the FOSS Ecere Cross-Platform SDK and GNOSIS geospatial software. Jérôme is an OSGeo charter member, co-chair of the Ottawa Local Chapter, OGC Styles & Symbology, OGC API – Tiles and OGC API - Coverages Standard Working Groups.

  • OGC API standards for geospatial data cubes
  • Overview of draft OGC Styles & Symbology "SymCore" 2.0 models & encodings
Jianqiao Liu

Jianqiao Liu is a PhD student in the Department of Geography at the University at Buffalo.
PhD student, Department of Geography, University at Buffalo.
Research interest: Remote sensing on lake and forestry, machine learning for image classification.

  • Agroforestry in the Alas Mertajati of Bali, Indonesia. A case study in applying AI and GIS to sustainable small-scale farming practices.
Jin Igarashi

I am a GIS software developer in United Nations Development Programme based in the United Kingdom (my nationality is Japan). In addition, I have a Github organization named GIS for Water to maintain various open-source mapping tools and software for water utilities in Eastern Africa (mainly in Kenya and Rwanda).

  • Development of maplibre applications in sveltekit
  • UNDP's one stop shop for cloud based geospatial data visualisation and analytical tool
jinwoo park

Senior Research Engineer, Mangosystem Inc. Korea.

  • Development of tool for validity of decision support algorithm for environment impact assessment (EIA) Based on open source
Joan Sala Calero

As a geospatial software engineer I have been involved in serveral EU research programmes such as the Copernicus Marine and Copernicus Climate Change services. This time presenting at FOSS4G the freshly added European Ground Motion service from the Copernicus Land programme.

I breathe GIS and open source!

  • EGMS: Validating 10.000 million open geospatial ground motion timeseries at EU scale
Joan Sala Calero

As a geospatial software engineer I have been involved in serveral EU research programmes such as the Copernicus Marine and Copernicus Climate Change services. This time presenting at FOSS4G the freshly added European Ground Motion service from the Copernicus Land programme.

I breathe GIS and open source!

  • Validating the European Ground Motion Service: An Assessment of Measurement Point Density
Joana Simoes

Joana Simoes (she/her) is the Developer relations at OGC, taking the lead at connecting the standards with the developer community.

Joana has been working in the tech industry for more than fifteen years. After acquiring a PhD at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation and a start-up.
Joana has been very much involved in the FOSS community, in particular in what concerns geospatial technologies.

Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics.

  • Geo enabling your APIs with the location building blocks
  • OSGeo and OGC MoU: one year later!
Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat BV. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoTools, GeoServer and JTS projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.

  • How to join OSGeo (for projects)
  • GeoServer Feature Frenzy
  • GeoNetwork Orientation and Demo
  • GeoServer Orientation and Demo
  • GeoServer used in fun and interesting ways
  • State of GeoServer
Johannes Lauer

Johannes Lauer is working as a Principal Technical Product Manager at HERE Technologies. He holds a PhD in GIScience from the University of Heidelberg. He works on topics about open (geo)data, map making, (spatial) data analysis and the challenges of data quality and data integration.

  • MobiDataLab - Building Bridges on the way for FAIR mobility data sharing
Jonathan Lurie

Senior Software developer @ MapTiler

  • MapTiler SDK, the MapLibre experience on steroids
Jonna Bosch

Since the beginning of this year I am working at GeoCat as trainer/consultant for publishing (meta)data and maps to GeoNetwork and GeoServer, directly or via Bridge for QGIS or ArcGIS.

I love (making) maps and working with geodata and I am always looking for special, new, or user-friendly perspectives. I like to share my experience, for example by participating in De Grote Geo Show (, helping around at a QGIS user conference or in this case present a session at Foss4g.

My main hobbies are music and graphic design. I play guitar and go to concerts, Roadburn festival. I like to drink a (local) special beer with friends or while enjoying a concert, movie or a (comic) book.

  • GeoNetwork Orientation and Demo
Jose Macchi

Geospatial developer. Independent contractor/services provider. +20 years of experience in diverse industries/verticals. Software engineer, with studies on Msc. GIS and Remote Sensing as specialization. Worked in different roles, positions, and companies, independently as much as an employee.

  • Get your own OpenStreetMap dataset running in a Geoserver instance in 2 steps
Joseph Thuha

A GIS developer who uses and develops open source software.

I have 2 years work experience developing GIS software. And 5 years experience using GIS.

  • UNDP's one stop shop for cloud based geospatial data visualisation and analytical tool
json singh

Over the past five years, I have honed my skills in the geospatial domain, gaining diverse experience in Climate tech startups, Agritech solutions, and Public urban transport planning. Throughout these experiences, I have heavily relied on Postgres + PostGIS, Python, and AWS technologies to drive my work.

My experience extends to working with satellite data (including Sentinel and Landsat), geospatial data modeling, and handling large datasets at scale in the cloud using Docker, Python, S3, etc

I am most interested in building a generic spatial-temporal database that can handle a wide variety of data and use cases (building digital earth in postgres)

  • Time series raster data in PostgreSQL with the TimescaleDB and postgis_raster
  • Leveraging the Power of Uber H3 Indexing Library in Postgres for Geospatial Data Processing
Jukka Rahkonen

Senior GIS Specialist at the National Land Survey of Finland. Project Steering Committee member in GDAL, GeoServer, and MapServer projects.

  • Lake bottom DEMs from open data with GDAL and GMT
Julien Mercier

PhD student at Université Bretagne Sud & School of Engineering and Management Vaud. Member of the Media Engineering Institute/Mediamaps and Lab-STICC team. Location-based augmented reality for biodiversity education.

  • Impact of Geolocation Data on Usability in Augmented Reality: A Comparative User Test
Junyoung CHOI

2020 ~ present, Research Fellow, Seoul Institute of Technology
2006~2020, Associate Manager, Korea Land and Housing Corporation
2018, Staff secondment, Safer Cities Programme, United Nations Human Settlement Programme
2003~2006, Korea Local Information research and Development Agency
OSGeo Charter Member and OSGeo Korean Chapter Member

  • Developing a FOSS4G based Walkable Living Area Planning Support Module to Assists the Korean 15-minute City
Just van den Broecke

Just van den Broecke is an independent Open Source geospatial professional working under the
trading name "Just Objects" - In his daily work
he designs, develops and deploys Open Source geospatial infrastructures, stacks and products.
He is a core contributor to the Open Source projects pygeoapi (also PSC), GeoHealthCheck, Stetl, NLExtract and more. He is also an OSGeo Charter Member and founder and chair of, the Dutch Local OSGeo Chapter.

  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
  • pygeoapi project status 2023
Justine Talpaert

Environmental Eng., PhD in Urban and Regional Development at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Currently a consultant at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, for Arcadia SIT.

  • GeoAI for marine ecosystem monitoring: a complete workflow to generate maps from AI model predictions
Kauê de Moraes Vestena

Cartographic Engineer, Master in Geodetic Sciences, currently on phd at Federal University of Parana. OSM user since 2014, GIS and FOSS software enthusiast. Working on the mapping of urban accessibility using open data and tools.

  • Opensidewalkmap: A Project And Open Source Framework For An Web-Based Urban Pedestrian Network Inventory Using Openstreetmap Data
Kaushik Mohan
  • Transit Access to Essential Services in the face of Climate Change
Kim Jinho

Graduated from Seoul Digitech High School with a degree in spatial information.
Started working at GAIA3D in 2016.
Started as a spatial information web developer and is currently working on WEBGL development.

  • Visualization of accidental chemical release simulation
krishna lodha


I'm krishna, I'm a web GIS Developer focusing on FOSS stack. I help my clients escape the trap of paying $$$ every month for technologies, that are available for free using FOSS.
Apart from development, I also do lot of content creation at related to GIS

  • geoserverx - a new CLI and library to interact with GeoServer
Kshitij Raj Sharma

Kshitij Raj Sharma is a backend engineer at HOTOSM from Nepal, He is a passionate spatial developer with a love for open-source software and open data. His expertise in spatial data and deep interest in mapping led him to explore the potential of AI. Kshitij has been experimenting and advocating for FOSS and contributing to open data initiatives.

  • Open Source Geospatial Tools for Humanitarian Response - HOTOSM
  • fAIr - Free and Open Source AI for Humanitarian Mapping
Kumbirai Matingo

Kumbirai is a young and innovative geospatial developer and analyst who is currently in his final year at the Midlands State University in Zimbabwe studying towards a BSc Hons in Surveying and Geomatics.
His work and skills are mainly devoted to spatial epidemiology, inclusive and digital land information systems, and space technology and development for earth applications.
Kumbirai also serves as the National Point of Contact for Zimbabwe with the Space Generation Advisory Council and is also part of the Volunteer Community Surveyors Programme (VCSP) for the FIG Young Surveyors Network as the Knowledge Portal lead. In addition, he is also a member of the Students for Exploration and Development of Space in Zimbabwe.
Kumbirai believes geospatial technology will save the world towards sustainable causes through its linkage and connecting abilities between nature and human interactions.

  • Leveraging on OpenStreetMap (OSM) for Improved Census Data Delivery
Kurt Menke

In early 2021, Kurt moved from the USA to Denmark and now works for Septima in Copenhagen. He has a broad skillset. He is a spatial analyst, cartographer, trainer/teacher and author. In 2022 he published his eighth and ninth books on QGIS: Discover QGIS 3.x - Second Edition and QGIS for Hydrological Applications - Second Edition, both with Locate Press. In 2015 he became an OsGeo Charter Member. He is also a fellow of the Rewilding Institute and a board member of Wild Arizona.

  • QGIS Feature Frenzy - both for the Long-term release (3.28) and the Latest release (3.32)
Lars Opsahl

Developer in SQL, Java and related tools for many years.

Is working with projects on

  • More correct maps/data with Postgis Topology rather then Simple Feature ?
Laurens Oostwegel

I'm a geodata expert residing in Berlin and over the last years I worked mainly on BIM and GIS. In my current occupation as geospatial data scientist at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, I look into exposure modeling for natural hazards. Exposure models typically only get distributed about once a decade, contain data about aggregated districts and are covering mere regions or at best countries. In our research we are particularly interested into getting a building-by-building, up-to-date and global model. All projects are based on open data and are fully open-source.

  • The state of OpenStreetMap buildings: completeness assessment using remote sensing data
Leendert van Wolfswinkel

I am a Dutch GIS specialist in the field of water management, urban drainage and hydrodynamic modelling. I am fascinated by the challenge of translating complex topics and datasets to understandable information for clients. And in developing tooling that enabled other to do this. I graduated from Wageningen University in 2010 (Msc. International Land and Water Management) and have worked in GIS and water management in academia, government and consulting. In the past six years I worked at Nelen & Schuurmans, as water management consultant and product owner for the 3Di Modeller Interface.

  • Open source tooling for hydrodynamic simulation software development
Logan Williams

Logan Williams is the data science and visualization lead on Bellingcat's investigative technology team. Williams collaborates across Bellingcat to obtain, organize and analyze data, develop new tools for open source investigations, and communicate complex information with data visualization and cartography. He holds degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and previously developed geospatial data visualization projects at Stamen Design and in the BuzzFeed News Open Lab.

  • Investigating war crimes, animal trafficking, and more with open source geospatial data
  • Investigating war crimes, animal trafficking, and more with open source geospatial data (encore)
Lorenzo Natali
  • Navigate urban scenarios with MapStore 3D tools
Lorik Haxhiu

Lorik Haxhiu, PhD. has over two decades of experience in Kosovo’s energy and natural resource sectors, where he has taken on various roles and successfully carried out technical assistance programs and projects funded by USAID, EU, World Bank and other international organizations.

GIS integration is vital for his projects as it supports them in every stage from development to planning to implementation and delivery, offering valuable outcomes for beneficiaries and stakeholders.

He currently runs a small consulting firm that specializes in environmental remediation and sustainable energy solutions.

  • Revolutionizing Solar Potential Assessments in Kosovo Using Drones and Machine Learning
Louis Nantenaina Andrianaivo

Web GIS Developer

  • Catasto-Open: open-source tools for the Italian Cadastre
Luan Morina

Mr. Morina, holds two academic degrees, Master of Economic Sciences (UP, Kosovo) and Master in Energy and Environment (Lancaster University, United Kingdom).
During the last decate, Mr. Morina, holding for many years (2012-2021) the position of the Director of the Department of Energy and he has also contributed in the policy-making process in the energy sector.
In January 2021, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Executive Director in the Geological Service of Kosovo. Thanks to his long experience in senior management positions, he continues to give an important contribution to the processes of establishing and further developing research capacities in the field of geology.

  • Geological Service of Kosovo - Legal Infrastructure, Responsibilities & Technical - Analytical Research Capacities in Geology
Lubomir Dolezal

Working at EOX IT Services as a Geospatial IT Engineer dealing with web maps and satellite data
visualisation and processing and really enjoying it!

Keywords: Python, PostGIS, OpenLayers, Vue, GDAL, STAC, OpenSearch,
Docker Swarm management, Optical EO Data, COGs, OGC Web Services

Feels great when a hidden bug gets tracked and fixed. Loves escaping cities on a bike, fantasy books and board/video games. Member of PyLadies Vienna organization team.

  • View Server - EO Data Visualization in a Cloud Native Way
Luca Delucchi

Luca is an OSGeo and OSM contributor and advocate. He graduated in Geography from University of Genova (Italy) in 2008. Since the same year he work at Fondazione Edmund Mach, an organisation near Trento. He is interested in all features about GIS: desktop, web, geodatabase, developing and geodata. He contributes to GRASS GIS project, pyModis, OSGeoLive and ZOO-Project and others.

He is active in the Italian community; he has been a board member and the president of the Italian OSGeo local chapter. He has been the board member for about 10 years.

He was the chair of the FOSS4G 2022 conference.

  • DigiAgriApp: the app to manage your agricultural field
Luca Giovannini

Passionate about algorithm design and development, I have 15 years of experience in the field of data elaboration, analysis and visualization, in particular of data with a spatial / geographical component.
Over time I have worked in various fields, including climate modeling, intelligent transportation systems and earth observation, and I am currently developing data-related services for smart cities in the domains of energy efficiency of buildings, sustainable mobility and environmental management.
I am always looking for opportunities to apply my skills in challenging and innovative contexts, to work on solutions that have an impact on everyday life. I love international, multicultural work environments and cherish any opportunity to travel for work.

  • Low-cost AirQuality stations + open standard (OGC SensorThings) + open data (CC-BY) + open source (FROST + QGIS plugin for sensors)
Lucas De Oto
  • Teaching GI with FOSS tools: an update for higher education teachers and trainers at public organizations
Luís M. de Sousa
  • OSGeo charter member since 2016.
  • Founder of the PyWPS Project Steering Committee.
  • Founder of OSGeo-Europe.
  • Board member of OSGeo-Portugal.
  • Web page:
  • Geo-Spatial meets Linked Data: open source solutions for semantic spatial data exchange
  • The template for a Semantic SensorThings API with the GloSIS use case
Manil Maskey
  • ESA-NASA-OGC Open Science Persistent Demonstrator
marc böhlen

Marc Böhlen is a Professor in the Department of Art and Affiliate Faculty at the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Institute at the University at Buffalo.

  • Agroforestry in the Alas Mertajati of Bali, Indonesia. A case study in applying AI and GIS to sustainable small-scale farming practices.
Marcin Niemyjski

I'm a surveyor by training but I've been developing towards the Data Science for the last two years. During my engineering studies I became interested in GIS, LiDAR and data processing, which I am currently exploring as part of my Master's degree in Geographic Information Systems. I see spatial data industry as a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces are open datasets, Python, SQL and Machine Learning techniques.

  • Why is popularity the biggest enemy of WMS?
Marco Bernasocchi

Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField for QGIS, currently serves as Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of, which he founded in 2011.

A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing is: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.

  • QFieldCloud - seamless fieldwork for QGIS
  • QField news - stakeout, measurements, printing and many more
  • - The vision and mission for the next 20 years of QGIS awesomeness
  • The Importance of Seeding - from 3 ECTS to Shaping a better world
  • QGIS - Ask me anything!
Marco Ciolli

Marco Ciolli (Università di Trento). PhD in Forestry, Associate Professor at DICAM and C3A, University of Trento, Italy. He teaches Master and PhD courses in Applied Ecology, Spatial Ecological Modelling and GIS. He organized Summer Schools, GIS courses and workshops in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America to spread and support FOSS4G. His research interests are Biodiversity conservation, GIS Modelling, Landscape ecology, Forest cover change, Remote Sensing, Ecological informatics, Tropical Ecology, Ecosystem services evaluation. He coordinated national and International Research Projects and published 91 scientific research papers, 11 book chapters and 56 conference papers. GRASS user since 1994, he organized the Open Source Free Software GIS - GRASS users international conference 2002 in Italy, wrote educational tutorials and contributed to QGIS and GRASS plugins/addons. He is co-chair of UNESCO Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development UNITN, member and one of the founders of, the Italian Chapter of OSGEO.
Presently he is WP leader in the project TransWILD Biodiversa+ Transformative wildlife management to enhance biodiversity protection and ecosystem services provision in shared and protected multi-use landscapes across Europe and participates in other Horizon projects.
Complete curriculum: and
publications at: Orcid id:

  • Human-wildlife conflict and road collisions with ungulates. A risk analysis and design solutions in Trentino, Italy
Marco Minghini

Dr. Marco Minghini obtained a BSc degree (2008), an MSc degree (2010) and a PhD degree (2014) in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. From 2014 to 2018 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the GEOlab of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Since 2018 he works as a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, focusing on (geo)data interoperability, sharing and standardisation in support of European data spaces, and contributing to the operation and evolution of the INSPIRE infrastructure. He is an advocate of open source software and open data. OSGeo Charter Member since 2015, active OpenStreetMap (OSM) contributor and Voting Member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Chair of ISPRS ICWG "Openness in Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing". He is a regular participant and presenter at global and local FOSS4G events. He was the Secretary and organiser of FOSS4G Europe 2015.

  • OpenStreetMap as an input source for producing governmental datasets: the case of the Italian Military Geographic Institute
Marco Minghini

Dr. Marco Minghini obtained a BSc degree (2008), an MSc degree (2010) and a PhD degree (2014) in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. From 2014 to 2018 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the GEOlab of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Since 2018 he works as a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, focusing on (geo)data interoperability, sharing and standardisation in support of European data spaces, and contributing to the operation and evolution of the INSPIRE infrastructure. He is an advocate of open source software and open data. OSGeo Charter Member since 2015, active OpenStreetMap (OSM) contributor and Voting Member of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Chair of ISPRS ICWG "Openness in Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing". He is a regular participant and presenter at global and local FOSS4G events. He was the Secretary and organiser of FOSS4G Europe 2015.

  • Open source geospatial software in support of the common European Green Deal data space
Margherita Di Leo

Margherita Di Leo is an engineer with a PhD in methods and technologies for environmental monitoring. She is an OSGeo charter member since 2011 and has been involved in multiple OSGeo projects and initiatives, such as e.g. GRASS GIS, GSoC and the OSGeo OpenGeoScience Committee. She works as an external consultant at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy.

  • Digital Earth Observation infrastructures and initiatives: a review framework based on open principles
Marian Neagul
  • Runtime environment for the validation of the Copernicus Ground Motion Service
Marie Anna BAOVOLA

OSGeo charter member since 2018, Baovola is a FOSS enthusiast. She works at the National Geographic and Hydrographic Institute of Madagascar as an Information System Officer.

  • Evaluation of the geometric accuracy of the base map 1 : 100 000 of Madagascar compared to the CASEF ortho image
Marin Nikolli

Marin Nikolli - Vue & Laravel Developer since 2016. Co-creator of an Online Magazine called Pa Fokus, now working and contributing as much as he previously did in the future in writing reproducible code and things that can help the community. Passionate about webXR and augmented reality

  • Routing Machine, state and side-effects
Mario Pesch

Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Münster

Educator and Developer

  • Motivating environmental citizen scientists and open data acquisition on openSenseMap with Open Badges
Markus Neteler

Markus Neteler, PhD, is co-founder of mundialis after 15 years as a researcher in Italy. His focus is on earth observation, GIS and cloud computing. Markus led the GRASS GIS project for two decades and is a founding member of OSGeo and other organizations (homepage).

  • State of GRASS GIS
Markus Tremmel

I'm working as a geospatial staff software engineer / architect at Rohde & Schwarz and as a lecturer at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology.
My main research interests are cloud native geospatial and 3D maps.

  • COMTiles: a case study of a cloud optimized tile archive format for deploying planet-scale tilesets in the cloud
Marti Pericay

He has worked in GIS for 18 years, from web font-end developer to project manager. In 2015 he joined Geomatico to work on web development and training in open source geospatial technologies.

  • When vector tiles are not enough: advanced visualizations with
Martin Landa

I am FOSS4G enthusiasts, a freelance programmer contributing to various software projects like GRASS GIS, QGIS, or GDAL since 2005.

  • State of GRASS GIS
  • Surface Runoff Processes and Design of Erosion Control Measure in Landscape and Artificial Slopes
  • Connecting SMODERP with Living Landscape - QGIS Plugin
  • Gisquick: Let’s share (Q)GIS much quicker
  • ST_LUCAS reference data for online automated land cover mapping
Mathias Gröbe

GIS Expert working at WhereGroup in Germany. Mostly into Cartography and OpenStreetMap things. Contact

  • Cartographic generalization with Open Source
  • How to improve OpenStreetMap for the production of a hiking map
  • MapComponents for your React application
Matteo Velludini

Frontend Developer at GeoSolutions SaS

  • MapStore, a year in review
Matthew Hanson

Matthew Hanson is the Geospatial Engineering Lead at Element 84, where he works with the small-sat industry and government satellite programs to develop open standards and software to support scalable, open science. With over 25 years of experience in remote sensing, machine-learning, and imaging processing, Matthew is a contributor to multiple open-source geospatial projects.

  • Earth-Search: A STAC API of Open datasets on AWS
  • An overview of Cloud-Native Geospatial
  • Standardizing Satellite Tasking for Consumers
  • State of STAC
Matthias Kuhn
  • QGIS - Ask me anything!
Matthias Mohr

Matthias Mohr is an independant software engineer and consultant. He's been fundamental in defining the openEO API specification for interoperable geoprocessing in the cloud and is developing the front-end UI. Similarly, he's one of the authors of the STAC specification and added a large number of extensions to the ecosystem. He's maintaining STAC Browser and STAC Index.

  • The STAC JavaScript Ecosystem + CNG Excursion
  • Get most out of STAC Browser
  • State of STAC
Max Lindsay

Max Lindsay is a geospatial developer with a passion for cities and cycling. Hailing from Washington D.C., Max now calls Rotterdam, the Netherlands home. Max holds a Master's degree in Coastal Engineering from TU Delft, and currently works at Van Oord. With a background in both technology and urban studies, Max brings a unique perspective to the world of geospatial development.

  • Pedaling towards Progress: An Analysis of Capital Bikeshare Trips in Washington D.C. using Open-Source Geospatial Tools
Maxym Malynowsky

Max has been working as a geospatial software engineer in the "4Good" space for the past 8 years. Spending years at IMPACT Initiatives doing field work across Africa and the Middle East responding to famine and armed conflict, he later transitioned to consulting for multiple UN agencies building web platforms using machine learning and big data to solve issues related to food security and sustainable development goals. Now at Space4Good in the Hague, he works with a highly motivated team on nature based solutions addressing global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity.

  • Creating Global Edge-Matched Subnational Boundaries
Michael Page

Michael has been engaged professionally with mapping and remote sensing since 1991, previously working for both the United States Navy and as a private consultant. He completed his master's degree in geography at Georgia State University (GSU) with a focus on urban geography and later established and managed the Geospatial Laboratory at GSU. Joining Emory in 2007, Michael teaches courses in urban geography, geomorphology, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), and remote sensing.

Michael is also involved with Emory’s Center for Digital Scholarship where he manages map and data libraries, GIS infrastructure, and consults on research projects that have a geospatial technology/spatial data component. His primary research focus involves cartography, geospatial technologies, and urban geography, and his key projects include OpenWorld Atlanta, Georgia Coastal Atlas, and the American Expedition at Samothrace, Greece. He is the co-author of Sacred Places: A Guide to the Civil Rights Movement in Atlanta, Georgia and his maps have been published in many print and digital journals and books.

  • Methods and Evaluation in the Historical Mapping of Cities
Michael Scholz

Michael Scholz studied geoinformatics in Münster, Germany, and works as a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Systems of the German Aerospace Center since 2012. His daily work involves taming of heterogeneous geodata to be used in applications of driving simulation and autonomous driving, making OpenDRIVE a core component of his personality. He calls himself an Open Geodata and Open Source Evangelist and is keen on bringing the domains of GIS and transportation engineering closer together. Apart from that he likes to be roaming around on boundary-less gravel roads of far and foreign countries.

  • New lane-detailed OpenDRIVE datasets (HD maps) from Germany openly available
  • Providing a libOpenDRIVE-based GDAL driver for conversion of lane-detailed road network datasets commonly used in automotive engineering into GIS tools
Michael Smith

Mike is a Physical Scientist at the US Army Corps of Engineers and a long time MapServer user and occasional developer. Mike is on the PDAL and MapServer PSC and is a charter member of OSGeo and was first elected to the Board of Directors in 2014. He was reelected in 2016 and 2020. Mike currently serves as the Treasurer ( on the OSGeo Board

  • State of PDAL
Michal Migurski

Michal Migurski leads Data Products at Felt Maps. Previously he worked on open geospatial data and disaster response for Facebook, transit & transportation planning software for Remix, open mapping products for Mapzen, technology leadership for Code For America, and technical direction for Stamen Design.

  • Felt Maps for Sharing and Collaboration
Michelle Roby

Michelle uses her passion for community building, education, and communication in her role as Developer Advocate at Radiant Earth. In this position, she strives to empower the geospatial community by providing valuable resources, fostering collaboration, and promoting innovative technologies. Michelle loves discovering and building meaningful connections, both among individuals and between organizations. She believes we are stronger and more productive when we join forces and work together.

  • Expanding Geospatial Data Access: Lessons from Radiant MLHub and the Shift to Source Cooperative

MIN YOUNG LEE is currently the assistant manager for analyzing spatial big data of SUNDOSOFT Co. Ltd.

  • GIS-based intelligent decision making support system for the disaster response of infectious disease
Miriam Gonzalez

Miriam has built a career in Geospatial startups. She is Geochicas co-founder, participates in the FIRE Forum as Earth Observation Evangelist in the Energy sector, former President of the Board in HOTOSM and she is doing Partnerships at UP42. Miriam is passionate about how Geospatial data and Earth Observation technologies can change the world.

  • Geochicas: From SOTM to FOSS4G, a Geospatial journey
  • Unlocking the potential or Earth Observation combining Optical and SAR data
Muhammed Oguzhan Mete

Dr. Muhammed Oguzhan METE is currently working as Assistant Professor at Istanbul Technical University, Geomatics Engineering Department. He is also a Community Builder at Amazon Web Services for two years. His research interests include Land Management, Real Estate Management, Cadastre, Geographic Information Systems, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing.

Nathan McEachen

Nathan McEachen has a passion for creating scalable software that is adaptable to changing business requirements. Mr. McEachen obtained his bachelor’s degree in computer science from the College of Engineering at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in the United States. He later worked as a consultant in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software industry where he implemented and designed several engineering and ecommerce solutions in the biomedical device and oil and gas equipment manufacturing industries. He returned to academia and obtained a master’s degree in computer science from Colorado State University where he taught upper-division object-oriented design courses and published scientific papers in the fields of model-driven engineering (MDE), aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and software testing. Mr. McEachen later founded TerraFrame®. TerraFrame develops software utilizing spatial knowledge graphs to automate data integration and enable spatial analysis. TerraFrame’s solutions have been deployed in several countries for multiple verticals including disease intervention, economic development, media analytics, energy, and the US Department of Interior.

  • Enabling Knowledge Sharing By Managing Dependencies and Interoperability Between Interlinked Spatial Knowledge Graphs
Nicolas Bozon

Nicolas Bozon is an open-source and open-data enthusiast. A senior cartographer with complementary research and development experiences, Nicolas specializes in geographic data, map design and business development.

  • Cartographic design for vector tiles: Best practices and open-source recipes for beautiful maps
Nicolas Roelandt

Nicolas Roelandt is a GIS engineer at the Gustave Eiffel University
He is active in the OSGeo-fr chapter board, the OSGeoLive PSC and is a FOSS4G enthusiast.

  • Notebooks in (geo)datascience
Niene Boeijen

Niene is a freelance full stack web map developer. Everything she makes is with a creative focus, from geo-data analysis to cartographic visualizations on the web. Ask me anything about making beautiful and useful maps! Check her website or just come and talk to her.

  • “Let’s put it on the map!” a manifestation about : Cartographic interaction, a two-way dialogue between a user and a map mediated by a computing device.
Nikola Kranjčić

Assistant professor at Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb.

Nils Nolde

Founder @
Valhalla Maintainer

  • Valhalla Routing Engine
Olivia Guyot

Geospatial developer at Camptocamp, mainly doing frontend stuff! Interest in rendering things (probably maps but not only), and also in data catalogs and metadata.

  • Open Data Analytics API in GeoNetwork
  • Rethink geo/open metadata edition in GeoNetwork
  • What's new and coming up in OpenLayers
Olli Rantanen

Olli has worked in the National Land Survey of Finland for the past four years and his current role includes working as a product owner and writing feature spesifications for the new topographic data production system.

  • Developing a real-time quality checker for the operators on QGIS
Ondřej Pešek

Member of the CTU GeoForAll Lab.

  • Surface Runoff Processes and Design of Erosion Control Measure in Landscape and Artificial Slopes
  • Connecting SMODERP with Living Landscape - QGIS Plugin
  • ST_LUCAS reference data for online automated land cover mapping
Orkut Murat YILMAZ

Orkut Murat Yılmaz is a geomatics engineer, civil society activist, and free software and open data advocate based in İstanbul. With a passion for technology and social justice, Orkut Murat Yılmaz has dedicated their career to leveraging free software tools and open data to advance the public good. As the member of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, he is working on free and open source multihazard risk assesment projects. Also, as the member of Yer Çizenler Mapping For Everyone Association, he manages civil society disaster response tasks and open data awareness campaigns.

  • Creating The Red Book of Disaster Response for FOSS4G Community
Oscar Fonts

Since childhood he has loved escaping into nature, always with a good map at hand. He started out as a GIS programmer in Aurensis. During his time at the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya he was introduced to the world of free software and open standards. Since 2010 he has been developing his career as an independent consultant for a wide range of organisations, from public and private multinationals to humble projects deep rooted in the territory. He participated in the organisation of FOSS4G 2010, from which the first group of Geoinquiets was created, in Barcelona. Areas of specialisation: Design and technical direction of geospatial solutions, ETL processes with geospatial information, development of interactive front-ends for geospatial analysis

  • When vector tiles are not enough: advanced visualizations with
Paolo Zatelli

Paolo Zatelli is born in Pavia on March the 2nd 1968. He obtained the diploma at A. Roiti High School of Ferrara in July 1987. He graduated in Environmental and Land Engineering at the University of Trento cum laude in 1994.
He obtained a PhD degree in Topographic and Geodetic Science with the thesis "Application of
wavelets in geodesy" at the Polytechnic of Milan in 1998.
From February 2001 to 2016 he is researcher and from 2016 associate professor of Geomatics at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy.
The didactic activity regards Survey, Survey and statistics, Photogrammetry, Numerical cartography and GIS, Remote sensing and GIS, Mathematical and statistical methods. He is coordinator and lecturer for the course "Environmental data management and analysis with GIS", for the Doctoral School in Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento.
He organizes and teaches in several courses for GIS professionals, such as "Theorical and practical course on GRASS, Free and Open Source GIS and GEODATABASE", "GIS theory and applications" and "GPS, from theory to applications", and masters, such as the second level Master "Analysis and management of Geotechnical systems -SIGEO".
The research activity regards different aspects of the land survey and of treatment of related
information, both metric and semantic, including therefore modern data acquisition, efficient
elaboration and integrated management techniques. The study of modern survey methods includes both point positioning techniques, such as GPS, and global methods such as laser scanning, remote sensing and digital photogrammetry. Further researches include the study of high resolution earth gravity field determination by satellite geodesy. Methods for multiresolution data analysis for efficient data representation and filtering have been developed.
Geographic data treatment and management have been studied with the use of GIS, where new
functionalities have been implemented for the creation of environmental models.
He has acted as local and national research project coordinator, reviewer for international and national journals.
He has organized international and national meetings and he has been part of the committees of several conferences, for which he has organized many workshops.

  • Mapping COVID-19 epidemic data using FOSS.
Peter Hoefsloot

Peter is a graduate of Wageningen University in the Netherlands with meteorology and agriculture as main topics. Peter has more than 25 years of experience in data for development on the African continent in assignments for FAO, WFP, the World Bank, GIZ, SNV etc. Peter works with many specialists worldwide and is working to empower African students/professionals with open source data and technology.

  • Tracking Climate Change in Africa with open data
Peter James Zellner

I'm a geographer with a focus on geoinformatics, remote sensing and their application to environmental applications - which should be barrierfree and open source.
I'm providing, optimizing and automizing remote sensing and gis workflows and tools, setting up scalable computing environments, working on big earth observation data cloud infrastructures and helping to bring research results into an easily accessible and digestible format.

  • MOOC EOODS - Massive Open Online Course for earth observation and open data science: a course to educate the next generation of EO researchers in data cubes, cloud platforms and open science
Peter Petrik

Located in the Czech Republic, but 8 years a member of UK's consultancy company Lutra Consulting Ltd. fully based around FOSS4G (mostly QGIS and Mergin Maps). QGIS and Mergin Maps core developer, but more and more focusing to make Mergin Maps the platform you will love for daily use. Free time? Ideally spending time with family, doing sports, drinking good beer and playing chess.

  • Mergin Maps: capture geo-data and share your QGIS projects with ease
Petr Kavka
  • Surface Runoff Processes and Design of Erosion Control Measure in Landscape and Artificial Slopes
  • Connecting SMODERP with Living Landscape - QGIS Plugin
Petra Duriancikova

I am a GIS and open-source data enthusiast, always keen on exploring new approaches to cartography. Working as a cartographer for MapTiler, I help to bring their vector tiles maps to the next level.

  • Cartographic design for vector tiles: Best practices and open-source recipes for beautiful maps
Petya Kangalova

I am really passionate about the impact of open mapping and using technology as the enabler for people in supporting their communities. As an Open Tech Collective Facilitator at HOTOSM, I hope to be able to successfully build a dynamic collective of open tech contributors from around the world!

  • The power of collective intelligence: HOT’s approach to open tech and innovation
  • Open Source Geospatial Tools for Humanitarian Response - HOTOSM
Phillip Davis

Dr. Davis is a 40 yearlong professor of computer science at Del Mar College. He is currently serving as a senior researcher with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Science (AI2ES).

  • Introducing GeoAI Technology to Undergraduates in Public Two-Year Community Colleges
Piergiorgio Cipriano

I am a GIS/SDI analyst since 1998.
Working at Dedagroup Public Services since 2005 (form Sinergis), in 2012-2013 I have joined the Joint Research Centre of European Commission, on INSPIRE-related projects.
I am passionate about maps, cartograms and storymaps, with focus on city-level data about air quality, energy performance of buildings, sustainable mobility.
From 2001 to 2010 I actively participated in ISO/TC211 and CEN/TC287 working groups on standards for geographic information and services.
In the last years I was involved in several innovation projects co-funded by Horizon Europe, H2020, EIT Climate-KIC, CEF Telecom and other programs.

  • Low-cost AirQuality stations + open standard (OGC SensorThings) + open data (CC-BY) + open source (FROST + QGIS plugin for sensors)
Pietro Florio

Pietro Florio is a GIS analyst and scientific officer at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre. He is in charge of the Degree of Urbanisation dissemination and cooperation activities. He holds a PhD from the Solar Energy and Building Physics Lab at EPFL. He has been working for several years on climate resilience and renewable energies planning in cities. His areas of expertise include building energy modelling and monitoring. Energy Poverty, for which he has been part of the COST Engager Action and had an active role in research and development both in Italy and France; Parametric Architecture, for which he collaborated in a workgroup within the COST RESTORE community; Solar Energy and Urban Planning, for which he has been expert and discussion leader in several IEA Tasks.

Piotr Zaborowski

Piotr is leading and managing OGC Innovation Program initiatives in agriculture, marine and building environment. He is a member of the joint ISO, RDA, ITU, GEO, IDSA, OASC activities. He holds an MSc in computer science from Warsaw University of Technology and an EMBA from WUTBS/CEU. Piotr has multi-year experience in the commercial software development and services provision for Earth Observations, telecommunication, and financial markets. His expertise focus around geospatial digital twins, data spaces and semantics. Piotr is fluent in the secure, distributed systems for mass market and large-scale computations architectures, products development and capacity building.

  • ESA-NASA-OGC Open Science Persistent Demonstrator
  • Open resources and open standards for multi source marine twinning
  • Geo enabling your APIs with the location building blocks
Pirmin Kalberer

Pirmin is a geospatial software developer since more than 15 years. He has contributed to GDAL, QGIS, T-Rex and several other projects. Pirmin is co-founder of Sourcepole, a Swiss company providing GIS services and solutions.

  • BBOX – a modular OGC API server
  • Self-hosted CMS maps for everyone
Rajif Iryadi

Rajif Iryadi is a faculty member of the Forestry Science Program at Gadjah Mada University and a researcher at the Indonesia National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

  • Agroforestry in the Alas Mertajati of Bali, Indonesia. A case study in applying AI and GIS to sustainable small-scale farming practices.
Raphaëlle Arnaud

46 years old, 2 children, Switzerland

Since 2018: GIS project coordinator (, swisstopo, Switzerland

2007-2018: scientific collaborator in the canton of Bern, Switzerland

2006-2007: scientific assistant at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2001-2006: assistant professor at ETH Lausanne, Switzerland

2006: PhD Dr. of Science ETH Lausanne, Switzerland

2001: DEA & Magistère University Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, France

  • The Swiss geometadata catalogue: new version (GeoNetwork V4) & first results of a usability study
Raymond Lay

Geospatial Specialist at MIERUNE, inc., Japan

  • Mapping Japan cultural heritages with OpenSource based architecture
  • #30DayMapChallenge with Open tools
Rei Kasai
  • Creating a Peaceful and Profitable Society: FOSS4G and New Employment Opportunities
Ricardo Garcia Silva

Geospatial software developer.
OSGEO charter member.

  • Implementing OGC API - Processes with prefect and pygeoapi
Rob Atkinson

Rob Atkinson is a Research Engineer at the OGC focussed on supporting effective design and use of interoperability standards, with a particular focus on improving the ability of applications to effectively discover and exploit meaning of data. Rob is actively engaged in improving the ability of the community to share machine-readable specifications for both APIs and data models, and integration of these. Rob has been a charter member of OsGeo since inception, and worked with the first iteration of GeoServer to establish is as the first open source reference implementation.

  • Geo enabling your APIs with the location building blocks
Robert Coup

Robert is the head of technology of Koordinates and has been involved in geospatial for nearly twenty years. As well as Kart, he is also a contributor to GDAL and several other open source projects.

  • QGIS Data Versioning with Kart
  • Synchronising data updates with Kart version control
  • Kart: Practical Data Versioning for rasters, vectors, tables, and point clouds
Ruth Mumba

Ruth Mumba is a Geologist and development enthusiast. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Earth Science and Geography from the University of Malawi. In her professional work, she conducts geological research and disseminates geological data to different stakeholders in relation to the development of the extractives sector in Malawi. Ruth has mentored other emerging young geoscientists in the field of GIS, Mapping, and Geothermal Development. In 2019, she was selected as a Mandela Washington Fellow, being identified as a young emerging leader.

  • The role of FOSS in mining sector in Malawi
Saber Razmjooei

Saber is co-founder of Lutra Consulting. Lutra was established in 2009 and since then has contributed to the development of QGIS project.

Saber has helped to raise funds to introduce some of the major features in recent years, including: QGIS point cloud integration, vector tiles and mesh data.

  • QGIS 3D, point cloud and elevation data
Said Turksever

Said is the Community Project Manager at Meta. Said supports Meta’s Mapillary and OpenStreetMap community activities across the globe. Said is Geomatic Engineer and has a Master's degree in Geoinfoirmatics Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He is originally from Turkey and now lives in London, UK. He is active in building the OpenStreetMap community in Turkey and interested in mapping POIs and its accessibilities.

  • Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes Mapping Response
  • A review of Mapillary Traffic Sign Data Quality and OpenStreetMap Coverage
Sam Eglington

Product Manager for Experience at UP42 -always learning new things from the geospatial community

  • Standardized Data Management with STAC
Samara Dilakshani Polwatta Polwatta Lekamlage
  • UNDP's one stop shop for cloud based geospatial data visualisation and analytical tool
Sami Mäkinen

Hands-on architect with long experience working with Oskari and Open Source. Chair of project steering committee of Oskari project. Working at National Land Survey of Finland.

  • State of Oskari
Sandro Mani

Software Engineer at Sourcepole

  • Easily publish your QGIS projects on the web with QWC2
Sanghee Shin
  • CEO/President of Gaia3D, Inc.
  • International FOSS4G 2015 Seoul Chair
  • OSGeo Charter Member
  • Ex-OSGeo Board Member
  • Ex-Representative of OSGeo Korean Chapter
  • 3D City Model-based Aid Station Operation Visualization and Management using Cesium.js
  • Visualization of accidental chemical release simulation
  • Let's defense my country using FOSS4G!
  • Application of FOSS4G for improving the environmental impact assessment process - a noise case
Santtu Pyykkönen

I'm Santtu Pyykkönen, a geospatial data expert with many years of experience in the field. As a charter member of OSGeo and a long-time attendee of the FOSS4G conference, I've been deeply involved in the open-source geospatial community. I'm passionate about innovation and strive for excellence in all my work, and throughout the years, I've been involved with a number of geographic data initiatives and projects. I believe in the power of geospatial data to drive better decision-making, planning, and analysis, and I'm committed to sharing my expertise with others in the community.

  • Lessons from Successful Enterprise GIS Implementations with QGIS and PostGIS
Saptarshi Pal

I am a data scientist currently working at Blue Sky Analytics, I am passionate about Geospatial data sciences. My core expertise exists in design, development and deploying of machine learning and deep learning models that run on gigabytes of data. I also have experience in developing Intelligent Geospatial REST API based services on cloud infrastructure.

  • Monitoring Landfill sites from space
Sebastian Lopez
  • Implementing Digital Twin City in MapLibre with the integration of different information sources
Seth Girvin

Member of the MapServer PSC, OSGeo Charter Member, and Ireland's OSGeo Chapter

  • MapServer Features by Example
Shinichi Sobue

Shin-ichi Sobue got a master degree of engineering from Toyohashi university of Technology in Japan in 1989 and got a philosophical doctor of engineering from Kennedy-Western University in USA in 2000. His major is image data analysis of earth observation data. He joined JAXA in 1989 and had been work for earth observation satellite ground system development and data research management. From January 2017 to 2021, he served Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) project manager. From 2022, he serves deputy chief officer of Earth Observation missions and ALOS-2 mission manager in JAXA. He also plays a role of co-lead of GEOGLAM Asia-RiCE team, ISPRS commission I workgroup 1 co-chair and vice president of remote sensing society of Japan.

Shinnosuke Komiya

Shinnosuke is the Co-founder and Chief Design Officer of Eukarya Inc. He also works as a design engineer. He is based in NY and is solving problems of government with our partners all over the world.

  • Demystifying Re:Earth: A Technical Examination of Nocode WebGIS Platform

Shogo Hirasawa, a Spatial Informatics graduate student at the University of Tokyo, is recognized for his contributions to the United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit (UNVT). He has presented at various international conferences and represented Japan at the NASA International Space Apps Challenge. His educational journey includes the University of Tokyo and Aoyama Gakuin University. He has gained professional experience through internships at JAXA and Mapbox Japan, working on diverse projects like creating 3D content using lunar data and updating map content​

  • Offline web map server "UNVT Portable"
  • Offline web map server "UNVT Portable"
Silvia Franceschi

Silvia Franceschi: MSc in Environmental engineering, master in Project Management and PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture.
Specialized in hydrology, geomorphology and hydraulics, she developed and applies environmental models for engineering projects in particular related to the natural hazards and the maintenance of
natural resources.
She works also in the field of forestry and LiDAR data. She worked on the usage of LiDAR data for inventories and for the update of the local cartography (buildings, roads, protection structures, ...).
Silvia is a power user of Open Source GIS tools for simulating environmental processes.

  • SMASH and the new survey server - state of the art
Simon Šanca

Simon Šanca has a background in Geomatics and Geoinformation from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Currently he is PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway. Simon is a Slovenian geo-enthusiast, loves open-source GIS, Python and their application for various problems. Simon’s research focuses on developing automatic methods for error detection and correction in the Norwegian cadastre using artificial intelligence. In addition to his research Simon is a dedicated educator, teaching undergraduate courses in geomatics and geoinformatics at the Department of Civil Engineering.

  • An end-to-end deep learning framework for building boundary regularization and vectorization of building footprints

Stefan Blumentrath holds a Ph.D. in environmental planning from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover and has more than 15 years’ experience from spatial analysis and modeling within the fields of ecology and environmental planning. He works at the Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate on remote sensing related to natural hazards and energy monitoring.
Stefan is an active member of the OSGeo community since 2010 and contributes to the development of Open Source Geospatial Software, mainly – but not only – with addon functionality to the GRASS GIS and QGIS project.
Stefan promotes the use of Free and Open Source Software in education, research, administration and industry.

  • Implementing Copernicus services at the Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate with Airflow and actinia
Stefan Brand


GIS Consultant, coordinating product development of the Agri App, an Area Monitoring System (AMS) app for paying agencies within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union


Loved by Christ, blessed by the Father. Never satisfied with superficial answers. Youth ministry leader. Reading, cooking, (train) traveling, board games, jigsaw puzzles, pilgrimages.

  • Adding static type hints to fiona
  • How I discovered, tested and fixed a bug in GeoDjango
Stefanie Lumnitz

Stefanie is an Earth Observation Application Scientist at the European Space Agency. She is passionate about exploring and fostering interesting ideas and projects at the intersection of open spatial data science and earth sciences. She is fascinated by cutting edge-technological advancements in the fields of Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics and Remote Sensing and focus her work on how these advancements can be used to solve problems due to global change in the 21st century.

Stefanie is a strong advocate for Open Innovation, Software, Data and Platforms at ESA and a proud member of the open source scientific software community. She is a core-developer and steering-council member of the Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL) and a OSGeo charter member. Since 2018, Stefanie has been a contributing member to the Python Software foundation.

  • Open Source for Geospatial Software Resources Platform for Geospatial Data Exploitation – OSS4gEO: community led Open Innovation at ESA and beyond
Stefano Bovio

Frontend developer at GeoSolutions, interested in interactive maps and cartography

  • Navigate urban scenarios with MapStore 3D tools
  • GeoNode UI: Deep Dive on MapStore and Django integration for GeoNode
  • MapStore, a year in review
  • MapStore real world case study: the hybrid infrastructure of the City of Genova
Synne Marion Olsen
  • The power of collective intelligence: HOT’s approach to open tech and innovation
  • Open Source Geospatial Tools for Humanitarian Response - HOTOSM
Taichi Furuhashi

Taichi Furuhashi is passionate about mapping, connecting local communities with maps and sharing knowledge to empower people. As you know, Huge Earthquake and Tsunami destroyed a lot of cities and local communities in East Japan area in 2011. They are trying, how to make more resilient society with Mapping, Panorama/VR and Drone technology. Taichi is a professor of Aoyama Gakuin University and President of CrisisMappers Japan, NPO. Now he has started DRONEBIRD project with drones for Disaster Crisis Response.

  • Open data of digital twin city models in CityGML format and their import into OpenStreetMap: Project PLATEAU2OSM
  • Offline web map server "UNVT Portable"
Taro Matsuzawa

R&D / GIS Specialist at Georepublic; Board members of OSGeo.JP and OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan; Chairman of Japan Unix Society.

  • Redmine Geo-Task-Tracker (GTT) Plugin
Teemu Sipilä

Teemu Sipilä is working as a product owner for geospatial APIs in National Land Survey of Finland. He has a long experience on software development projects focusing on topographic and cadastral data, map products, OGC standards, geospatial APIs and server architectures. He has the degree of Master of Science in Technology with geoinformatics and software engineering as main topics.

  • OGC API feature services built with Hakunapi
Tero Rönkkö

Systems architect - 20+ years of experience in GIS and software engineering

  • Evaluation and assesment of open source projects
Thierry Chevallier

Software project leader (Dipl.Eng.) with a long experience in the design of web services, geodata APIs and web/mobile map applications. He is currently the Coordinator of the EU-funded project MobiDataLab (aiming to promote data sharing in the field of mobility), where he collaborates with researchers in the fields of geospatial technologies, journey planning applications, mobility data science, anonymisation and privacy. Based in Toulouse, France.

  • MobiDataLab - Building Bridges on the way for FAIR mobility data sharing
Thomas Marti

Geographer and software engineer with many years of experience in GIS, geoinformatics and software development and project management.
Passionate painter in his spare time.

  • A Soft Transition to FOSS in a Decentral Administration
Timo Aarnio

Geospatial nerd with a background in IT. Especially interested in visualising data in a meaningful way, software development and UX.

  • Oskari Embedded Maps and integrations with RPC API
Tobias Kohr

Geospatial developer at Camptocamp

  • Migration strategies: Or how to get rid of a deprecated framework
Tom Kralidis

Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and longtime contributor to FOSS4G. He contributes to numerous projects in the Geopython ecosystem.

Tom is the co-chair of the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group, chair of the WMO Expert Team on Metadata, and serves on the OSGeo Board.

  • How to join OSGeo (for projects)
  • OSGeo and OGC MoU: one year later!
  • a standards based framework to discover water data
  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
  • pygeoapi project status 2023
  • pycsw project status 2023
Tomas Mizera

Product team lead in Mergin Maps | Lutra Consulting

  • Mergin Maps: A Year of Progress
Tomáš Pohanka

Tomas is a GIScience enthusiast with an interest in Python programming and databases. He cares about geodata and how to process them.

  • OpenMapTiles - vector tiles from OpenStreetMap & Natural Earth Data
Torsten Friebe

Torsten Friebe is member of the technical management committee (TMC) and project chair of the OSGeo project deegree. He has expertise in OGC Services, and SDI solutions based on Open Source software. Since 2011 he works at lat/lon GmbH, Bonn as a lead architect and member of the management team.

  • State of deegree: The 2023 update
Toshikazu Seto

Dr Toshikazu Seto is a Associate Professor, Komazawa University, Japan. He is a member of OSGeo.JP, OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan and OSGeo foundation charter member. He is a social geographer and geographical information scientist. In recent years, he has been engaged in research on participatory GIS and civic-tech open data.

  • The Role of 3D City Model Data as an Open Digital Commons: A Case Study of Openness in Japan's Digital Twin "Project PLATEAU”

Urban Policy Division, Urban Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Assistant Manager

  • Project PLATEAU ~The initiative of Digital Twin in Japan~
Ulrich Leopold

Ulrich Leopold (MSc) is a Senior Researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) with 20 years of experience in Geospatial analysis, simulation and prediction with a focus on GIS, interoperability, spatio-temporal uncertainty propagation analysis and Geostatistics in the fields of urban water cycles, renewable energy potentials, soil management, biodiversity, agriculture, air quality analysis, noise impact assessments, transport and sustainability, Smart Cities and Digital Twins. Ulrich is leading a team for Geocomputation at the Department of Environmental Research and Innovation, serving as Project leader and co-leader as well as Work Package leader in various (inter-)national projects, such as LEAQ, LAN, CRISTAL, CHAMELEON, SECURE (National funded projects), ESTIMUM, VALUES, MOSQUITO (FNR Luxembourg), MUSIC, LaMiLo & CleanMobilEnergy (INTERREG NWE), QUICS, STEP-IN, SAYSO, COMMECT, (Marie Curie ITN, H2020, HEU, Digital Europe), ProbaV-Topbox (ESA). Ulrich has been supervising Bachelor, Master and Phd students. Ulrich is author and co-author of a large number of peer-reviewed scientific publications, book chapters and conference papers.

  • An interoperable Digital Twin to simulate spatio-temporal photovoltaic power output and grid congestion at neighbourhood and city levels in Luxembourg
Vaclav Petras
  • State of GRASS GIS
Valerie Bauer
  • Many Data Sources, One Web Map: Data cleaning and optimization with FOSS

François has been working at Camptocamp for more than 15 years. He started as a full stack Software Engineer, and later became Product Owner & Project Manager. He's also a stable member of the geOrchestra PSC.

  • geOrchestra - project status
Vasile Crăciunescu

Vasile Craciunescu, is a researcher with more than 20 years experience, working for Meteo Romania. He has a good experience in working and leading national, EU and ESA research projects. In 2006 Vasile started, a collaborative effort by and for the Romanian community to facilitate the sharing of geospatial knowledge and the discovery and publishing of free geographic datasets and maps. Since 2011 he is the Romanian delegate in the Copernicus User Forum at the European Commission and the representative of Meteo Romania at OGC. In august 2014 he was elected to the OSGeo board of directors. For the last eight years he has been teaching FOSS4G-based techniques at the Faculty of Geography - University of Bucharest in the first Romanian ICA-OSGeo Lab. Vasile was the chair of the 2019 FOSS4G international conference.

  • Runtime environment for the validation of the Copernicus Ground Motion Service
  • Making of a community - beyond the recipe
Veronica Andreo
  • State of GRASS GIS
Vicky Vergara

Economist and Computer Scientist, pgRouting fan and developer.

Open Source Software advocate.

  • pgRouting project leader and developer since 2013 Including:
  • pgRouting,
  • pgRoutingLayers,
  • osm2pgRouting.
  • Google Summer of Code mentor since 2015
  • FOSS4G speaker since 2015
  • PSC member of OSGeoLive
  • PSC member of pgRouitng
  • PSC member of mobilityDB
  • Currently member of the Board of Directors of the OSGeo Foundation.
  • State of pgRouting
Victor N.Sunday

Victor is a faculty member at University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He teaches Geospatial Information Science at the Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is the National Coordinator & Founder of Unique Mappers Network, Nigeria and a Local Community leader for OpenStreetMap in Nigeria, GeoForAll & Participatory Citizen Science, Nigeria. He is a member of ISPRS WGIV/4 and other scientific committee as well as the GODAN - Nigeria Capacity Development Lead, Chair-Rivers State Chapter of Nigerian Geoinformantion Society. He is Member of OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), Voting Member-Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)USA and a HOT project Tasking Manager for Nigeria. Victor N. Sunday carried out his PhD Research (Geoinformatics-OpenStreetMap Applications in Nigeria) at Geoinformatics & Surveying, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria and currently awaits final defense.

  • OpenStreetMap Seasonal Differential in Citizen Science Volunteered Response Mapping of Flood Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Nigeria
Víctor Olaya

GIS Developer

  • Spatial Analysis with the CARTO Analytics Toolbox
Ville Hamunen

GIS specialist @ Gispo Oy

  • Land of 60000 zoning plans - QGIS to the rescue!
Vincent Sarago

Vincent is a geospatial developer at Development Seed. He builds open source tools, infrastructure and web interfaces that process and visualize geospatial data. The useable satellite interfaces he builds help break down the barrier to accessing and exploring Earth observation data.

  • eoAPI - The Earth Observation API
  • TiPg: a Simple and Fast OGC Features and Tiles API for PostGIS.
  • Dynamic Tiling: From Cloud Optimized Raster to Map tiles
Volker Mische

Volker Mische is a software engineer and proponent of open source, open data and transparency. He contributed to various OSGeo projects over the past 10 years and is probably best known for his work on geospatial databases. Since 2009 he has been involved in several global FOSS4G conference committees, in 2016 as Program Chair. He’s an OSGeo Charter Member since 2013.

  • Collaborative mapping without internet connectivity
Walter Lorenzetti

Django, Python developer and G3WSUITE server-side development manager

  • G3W-SUITE as a tool for the preparation of web cartographic management systems
  • G3W-SUITE and QGIS integration: state of the art, latest developments and future prospects
Walter Shilman

CTO of Kan Territory & IT.

  • Kobo Toolbox Automation with Geonode for Risk Management
  • Data Governance with Open Metadata Integrating OGC - CSW Services
  • Implementation of Statistical Geoportals in Latin America and the Caribbean
Will Cadell

CEO & Founder of Sparkgeo, constantly amazed by my team. Usually spotted in airport lounges, hotel lobbies, or earning turns in BC, Canada.

  • Openness as a strategic advantage in modern geospatial
Will Field

Will Field is a Senior Application Developer at the Mapping Service at the Center for Urban Research at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center. He received his B.A. from Bard College and Masters degree from New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program. He develops software and infrastructure for the Mapping Service's projects focusing on civic engagement and public New York City resources.

  • Many Data Sources, One Web Map: Data cleaning and optimization with FOSS
Xiaokang Fu

I am a postdoctoral researcher in State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University. I am visiting fellow at the CGA of Harvard University. I am also an executor of Spatial Search People. My research interests include Geostatistics and Geoinformatics (GIS), Urban Computing, Social Media Data Mining, and Emergency Response.

  • A Comparative Study of Methods for Drive Time Estimation on Big Geospatial Data: A Case Study in the U.S.
Yannick TANGUY

I'm working at CNES (French space agency) in remote sensing department and am specialized in data extraction from satellite images.
I'm also member of Orfeo Toolbox project steering committee.

  • Orfeo ToolBox : roadmap to a more modular and pythonic OTB
Yogesh Girikumar

Yogesh Girikumar is a DevOps Architect for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. He has more than 13 years of experience in computing disciplines like DevOps, cloud architecture, and infrastructure management. He is also an avid free data and free software, free standards advocate.

  • Open Source Geospatial Tools for Humanitarian Response - HOTOSM
  • Modernising Tasking Manager infrastructure using Terraform, cloud-native tools and good sense
Yogesh Girikumar
  • Modernising Tasking Manager Infrastructure
Yui Matsumura

Product manager / Software engineer based on Tokyo, Japan.

I'm contributing to:
- UN Open GIS Initiative
- Domain Working Group 7
- UNVT (The United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit)
- OpenStreetMap
- Code for Japan

  • Smart Maps for the UN and All - keeping web maps open
Yunzhi Lin

Yunzhi is a Maps Quality Analyst at Meta. She leads quality control of machine learning data, 3D data and vandalism detection outputs, and supports various community communications

  • A review of Mapillary Traffic Sign Data Quality and OpenStreetMap Coverage
  • Building heights: From open data to open maps
Yves Bolognini

Project manager and team leader at Camptocamp, GeoMapFish project manager

  • GeoMapFish Project Status