FOSS4G 2023

Marco Bernasocchi

Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField for QGIS, currently serves as Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of, which he founded in 2011.

A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing is: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.


QGIS - Ask me anything!
Marco Bernasocchi, Matthias Kuhn

QGIS Chairman Marco Bernasocchi and core developer Matthias Kuhn will be available for an hour to answer any QGIS-related questions. With the two of them, interested parties have access to over 20 years of combined expert knowledge in the development, use and organisation of QGIS and QGIS-based products. Questions about specific use cases, upcoming developments or the functioning of the QGIS project with its international contributors will be tackled.

Community & Foundation
The Importance of Seeding - from 3 ECTS to Shaping a better world
Marco Bernasocchi

In this keynote, we will explore the significance of seeding in the context of open-source software. Using QField as an example, we will explore the steps needed to turn a student's project into the leading fieldwork app that helps hundreds of thousands of people with their work and can help address many of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We will discuss the challenges faced during the initial stages of development and what steps played a crucial role in overcoming them. We will also highlight the importance of community and industry involvement and how these helped QField reach global success and over 800K downloads.

Through this keynote, attendees will gain insights into the role of seeding and commitment in developing and growing open-source software, highlighting its impact on innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.

Join us for an insightful discussion on planting seeds and the potential to drive positive change through open-source software.

Outdoor Stage
30min - The vision and mission for the next 20 years of QGIS awesomeness
Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS turned 20 years old last year. The first lines of code were written in mid-February 2002 and when the programme was first compiled and run, it could do precisely one thing:
Connect to a PostGIS database and draw a vector layer.

Nowadays, QGIS is the go-to GIS solution for millions of users, and to make sure that QGIS's future is as bright as its past, we did a lot of work on communication, strategy and outreach.
In this talk, I’ll overview all the work done, the current status and the future of QGIS and its community.

State of software
Outdoor Stage
QField news - stakeout, measurements, printing and many more
Marco Bernasocchi

The mobile application QField is based on QGIS and allows fieldwork to be carried out efficiently based on QGIS projects, offline or online. Developments in recent months have added additional functions to the application that are useful for fieldwork. Examples are used to present the most important new features. Discover the most recent features like 3D-layers handling, printing of reports and atlases, elevation profiling of terrain and layers, multi-column support in feature form, azimuth values in the measuring tool, locked screen mode, the QR-code reader, stakeout functionalities, the official release of the iOS version and many more.

State of software
Outdoor Stage
QFieldCloud - seamless fieldwork for QGIS
Marco Bernasocchi

QFieldCloud enables the synchronisation and consolidation of field data collected by teams using QField. From small individual projects to large data collection campaigns, the platform allows you to manage the collaboration of multiple people on the same project, assign different roles and rights to different users, work online and offline, and keep track of changes made. In 2022, QFieldCloud was testable as a beta version. Already during the beta phase, over 40,000 registered users synchronised their projects via the platform. Beginning of 2023, the official version was released. A brief overview of how QFieldCloud works and how the platform is built is given.

State of software
Outdoor Stage