FOSS4G 2023

Ariel Anthieni

CEO of Kan Territory & IT, SDI specialist, computer-based with a track record between Open Source and the integration of systems for decision-making in the territory, with more than 20 years of experience in public administration and Spatial Data Infrastructure .
Entrepreneur and active communicator of the potential of geospatial technologies as facilitators for sustainable development, especially in emerging economies. Active member of international open data and open source technology communities, currently President of Geolibres Argentina.
Current advisor to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for the development of new technologies for the integration of geographic and statistical data within the framework of the ISO and SDMX Standards. Member of the Board OsGeo.

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Implementing Digital Twin City in MapLibre with the integration of different information sources
Ariel Anthieni, Sebastian Lopez

Use case for the implementation of a platform that supports data that contributes to the publication and management of Digital Twins, based on the use of MapLibre as a web viewer and at the same time consuming information from different geospatial sources, including Mesh, Raster, DEM; and near real time data sources such as OneBusWay or OpenTripPlanner based on GTFS formats, for the comparison and analysis of information.

Use cases & applications
UBT C / N111 - Second Floor
Implementation of Statistical Geoportals in Latin America and the Caribbean
Ariel Anthieni, Walter Shilman

Based on the implementation of the Global Statistical and Geospatial Framework (GSGF) proposed by the UN and implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), a set of specific technological components were developed, such as a geoportal, a statistical manager and an API with the possibility of consuming information from different applications. At the same time, components already existing in the community were implemented such as Kobo Toolbox, GeoNode, Airflow, MapLibre, Nominatim and Metabase for the integration of information from the collection in the territory to the publication of the data. The project was initially carried out with a group of countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Ecuador.

Use cases & applications
Data Governance with Open Metadata Integrating OGC - CSW Services
Ariel Anthieni, Walter Shilman

The Open Metadata platform allows the integration of data and metadata for the management of governance within an organization to integrate different sources, control its publication, its access, standardize the processing and even to be able to analyze the lineage. What we are going to share is the adaptation of one of the data sources to the OGC - CSW service to be able to consume the cataloged metadata transparently in the system.

Open Data
Outdoor Stage