FOSS4G 2023

Stefano Bovio

Frontend developer at GeoSolutions, interested in interactive maps and cartography


MapStore, a year in review
Stefano Bovio, Matteo Velludini

MapStore is an open source product developed for creating, saving and sharing in a simple and intuitive way maps, dashboards, charts and geostories directly online in your browser. MapStore is cross-browser and mobile ready, it allows users to:

  • Search and load geospatial content served using widely used protocols (WMS, WFS, WMTS, TMS, CSW) and formats (GML, Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML/KMZ etc..)
  • Manage maps (create, modify, share, delete, search), charts, dashboard and stories directly online
  • Manage users, groups and their permissions over the various resources MapStore can manage
  • Edit data online via WFS-T with advanced filtering capabilities
  • Deeply customize the look&feel to follow strict corporate guidelines
  • Manage different application contexts through an advanced wizard to have customized WebGIS MapStore viewers for different use cases (custom plugins set, map and theme)

You can use MapStore as a product to deploy simple geoportals by using the standard functionalities it provides but you can also use MapStore as a framework to develop sophisticated WebGIS portals by reusing and extending its core building blocks.

MapStore is built on top of React and Redux and its core does not explicitly depend on any mapping engine but it can support both OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium; additional mapping engines could be also supported (for example MapLibre GL) to avoid any tight dependency on a single engine.

The presentation will give the audience an extensive overview of the MapStore functionalities for the creation of mapping portals, covering both previous work as well work for the future releases. Eventually, a range of MapStore case studies will be presented to demonstrate what our clients (like City of Genova, City of Florence, Halliburton, Austrocontrol and more) and partners are achieving with it.

State of software
GeoNode UI: Deep Dive on MapStore and Django integration for GeoNode
Giovanni Allegri, Stefano Bovio

GeoNode is a Web Spatial Content Management System that uses the Django Python web framework. MapStore is an open source WebGIS product and highly customizable framework that has been used as the default user interface to visualize catalog, map viewer and geospatial applications in GeoNode.

This presentation provides an overview of the integration of the MapStore framework inside the GeoNode ecosystem and the main differences with the MapStore product, along with guidelines and references to resources for its customization and the development of custom functionality.

State of software
MapStore real world case study: the hybrid infrastructure of the City of Genova
Stefano Bovio

Born in 2016 thanks to the funding of the National Operational Program for Metropolitan Cities (PON METRO 2014-2020) the current Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) of the city of Genova is a hybrid infrastructure, where open source components and technologies are merged together with proprietary ones (such as the Oracle Database) in a well designed platform with respect of all national guidelines (promoted by AgID - Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale) and international standards.
To support the Geoportal initiative, the city of Genova has collaborated with GeoSolutions as a company closely involved in the most important Open Source projects worldwide in the geospatial field with the aim to provide the necessary support for all the SDI stack in terms of deployment, development but also the staff training to make it autonomous as much as possible in the maintenance of the overall system.
The city of Genova Geoportal as well as the wider Geospatial Infrastructure are both reachable online.
A simple and at the same time robust WebGIS based on the Open Source MapStore software is provided with the inclusion of both advanced GSI functionalities and also most common geospatial tools like:

  • Geospatial data search via OCG Web Services and Nominatim
  • 2D and 3D visualization of geospatial data using a map agnostic engine supporting OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium for the 3D
  • Editing and Styling of geospatial layers
  • Download functions of geospatial data working on top of OGC services
  • And many more

The aim is to provide ready-to-use tools for all users (both citizens and employed analysts worked in the PA) by leveraging the maturity of the Open Source Software as well as the simplicity of integration with the pre-existing COTS software in order to maximize the reuse of the existing infrastructure and minimize the need for customizations and a possible use of commercial support even for educational purposes.
Many cross-cutting projects usually gravitate around the SDI in the Public Administration and its own Geoportal. To date, more than 300 geospatial layers are available in the Geoportal which allows them to be viewed and consulted within preconfigured MapStore maps, dashboards and geostories and/or used through geospatial services (such as WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS and CSW) developed according to international standards (OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium) and exposed through GeoServer and GeoNetwork with also a fine grained security tier represented by GeoFence to manage authorizations on geospatial data.

State of software
Navigate urban scenarios with MapStore 3D tools
Lorenzo Natali, Stefano Bovio

This presentation focuses on the use of MapStore to navigate urban scenarios using its 3D tools and capabilities. Latest versions of MapStore include improvements and tools related to the exploitation of 3D data such as Map Views, Styling, 3D Measurements and more. Support for 3D Tiles and glTF models through the Cesium mapping library has also been greatly enhanced to provide support for more powerful integration.

Attendees will be presented with a selection of use cases around the following topics: visualization of new projects for urban planning, relations between different levels of a city and descriptions of events inside a city. At the end of the presentation attendees will be able to use the presented workflows to replicate them on different urban scenarios using the 3D tools of the MapStore WebGIS application.

Use cases & applications
UBT C / N111 - Second Floor