Standalone GIS for Civil Defence Events
10-18, 14:15– (Pacific/Auckland), Te Iringa

After noting how comms and systems went down during the Gabrielle event on the east coast of New Zealand, here at WDC we have setup a standalone GIS system based on two high end laptops - only dependency is power for the laptops and for charging tablets.

Each laptop can operate independently of the other or as a master/slave setup using the WIFI router.

GIS functionality available during an event is:

  • GIS Viewer for Maps, Dashboards and GeoStories
  • GIS Routing Application for direction finding routes and travel isochrones
  • GIS Project Management based on Kanban Board (for auditing tasks undertaken, after the event)
  • QField Fieldwork Application
  • QGIS Desktop
  • PostgreSQL Databases (incl. weekly copy of our normal corporate GIS databases)

Simon is highly regarded throughout New Zealand as a leader in his field and has also undertaken numerous work in Australia. He has provided over 30+ years of GIS consulting and training services to organizations, focusing on both desktop and web mapping systems. His core strengths are as a GIS Full Stack Developer and Implementer, GIS Database Administrator, and GIS Project Manager. An acknowledged web mapping technology expert amongst his peers, Simon brings a vast knowledge of not only web mapping technology but also web platforms, desktop GIS Systems and GIS services in general.

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