Gérald Fenoy
He obtained a Master degree in Computer Science for University of Montpellier II. After graduation, he worked in a private company as a developer for Web-GIS application and PostGIS based system integration. He established his company GeoLabs, in 2006, and have done several projects in France and overseas. He's been actively developing and promoting OSGeo technologies. He is a regular participant and contributor to FOSS4G Conferences. He is working on implementing the ZOO-Project. On top of this processing engine, he works on implementing a user interface to manage web applications and OGC web services, called MapMint.
This workshop will introduce the MapMint framework that provides quick and easy way to build and manage geospatial web applications using Open Source, Open Standards and Open Data.
Overview of the MapMint4ME Android application for recording data on the field.
This workshop aims at introducing the OGC API - Processes standard