Geographer specialized on GIS by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, I've been working as GIS Analyst in BGEO for 4 years. Most of my work is related to the development of Giswater, specially its data model and user interface. I've great skills on what's related to QGIS + Postgres/Postgis, because they are my main daily tools.
- Giswater introduction

Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Alan Turing Institute | Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact
- Pangeo 101
Alessio Bulckaen holds an MSc in Economics and worked in the energy sector for about 5 years as financial and economic analyst. During this period, he pursued a post-graduation course in Sustainable Energy System and started working with Natural Capital Accounting. In 2020 joined BC3 to support the integration of this framework in ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Environment and Sustainability).
- ARIES: Semantics-enhanced open GIS
Software Engineer invonved on GIS oper source projects since 2006
- Introduction to GeoNode, the Open Source geospatial CMS
- GeoNode, a developers introduction

I am a Graduate Environmental scientist and currently work at Kartosa as a Junior GIS specialist. I am passionate about the environment and using GIS to solve complex ecological and environmental issues. I think opensource technology is the future and enjoy interacting with the QGIS community and hosting the QGIS Open Day.
- A renderers cheatsheet for QGIS: everything you need to know about renderers to make your cartography unforgettable.

Dr. Anca Anghelea is an Open Science Platform Engineer in the Science, Applications and Climate Department of the European Space Agency. She is leading several activities on Open Science, leveraging the latest EO Platform technologies to maximise the exploitation of Earth Observation data for Earth Science and commercial applications. Before joining ESA, Anca was an R&D Project Officer with the European Union Satellite Centre, where she worked to advance the use of Open EO Data for geo-intelligence applications.
- Dashboard-ready Data and Reproducible Workflows in Euro Data Cube

Open source enthusiast with strong experience in Java development and GIS. Personal interest range from high performance software, managing large data volumes, software testing and quality, spatial data analysis algorithms, map rendering.
Full time open source developer on GeoServer and GeoTools.
Received the Sol Katz's OSGeo award in 2017.
- OGC Services with GeoServer: WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS
Andrea Antonello works on GFOSS development since his degree in environmental
engineering. He is co-founder of HydroloGIS, a company that makes use as well
as develops GFOSS software for environmental analyses. Andrea is lead of the
HortonMachine and SMASH projects and is part of the development team of BC3.
He has a PhD about GFOSS development for digital field mapping and currently
holds two positions of contract professor at the Free University of Bolzano.
- ARIES: Semantics-enhanced open GIS

Andreas is an accomplished open source developer. Not only as a small business owner, but also out of personal interest, he is an active steering committee member and committer for OpenLayers. He has been working in geospatial for more than 25 years, and is a frequent teacher and speaker.
- Working with OpenLayers

- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi
- Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive
Anna is a geospatial research software engineer with PhD in Geospatial Analytics. She develops spatio-temporal models of urbanization and pest spread across landscape. As a member of the OSGeo Foundation and the GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee, Anna advocates the use of open source software in research and education.
- Unleash the power of GRASS GIS with Jupyter
- Developing custom GRASS tools
I am an experienced Research Software Engineer, leading the Nordic Collaboration on e-Infrastructures for Earth System Modeling Tools (NICEST2). I am developing training materials and teaching basic-to-advanced research computing skills to students, researchers, Research Software Engineers from all disciplines to advance FAIRness of Software management and development practices so that research groups can collaboratively develop, review, discuss, test, share and reuse their codes.
I endeavour to make Earth Science data accessible to everyone and actively involved in the Pangeo initiative.
- Pangeo 101

I'm a freelance software developer. I'm specialized in the development on web architectures. I'm passionate about many things, but they have some things in common: being open, simple, neat, and down-to-earth but with some substance.
- Diving into pygeoapi
Ariel has been contributing to FOSS4g based projects since 2010. His main contributions have been to GeoNode, Registry and various utilities like gisdata and gsconfig.
His experience in Spatial Data Infrastructure comes from projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and the Caribbean.
Github: https://github.com/ingenieroariel/
- Kubernetes for SDI (development set up and production set up)

Astrid Emde is a Geospatial Expert and works in Bonn at WhereGroup since many years and works as Senior GIS Consultant on WebGIS solutions with FOSSGIS. Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. From 2017-2021 she was in the OSGeo Board of Directors and is OSGeo Secretary. She recieved the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
- Manage your geospatial data with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- Learn how to create Web Applications with Mapbender
- Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive

- Publish your QGIS project (layers, forms, print layout...) on the internet using Lizmap

Caitlin is a 2nd year doctoral student in the GeoForAll Lab at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA. Through her work with Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras and Helena Mitasova, she has been working on improving the integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter Notebooks.
- Unleash the power of GRASS GIS with Jupyter

Carmen finished her studies in geography where she learned about spatial data and the matching software. She is a passionate geographer and loves traveling the world. After teaching remote sensing to other students and writing her bachelor thesis about a german spatial data exchange format, she started working for mundialis using and creating OSGeo software. One of these is actinia, to which Carmen actively contributes. She is an open source devotee and was very happy to take part in the FOSS4G 2016 organization team for Bonn. She is an OSGeo Charter Member since 2019.
- A gentle introduction to actinia: geoprocessing in the cloud

Emmanuel Dubois is an image processing engineer in CNES, the French Space Agency. After ten years on satellite telecommunications, he works now on 3D restitution thematic, mainly on CNES tools such as CARS, pandora, demcompare.
- CARS, a high scalability satellite 3D stereo reconstruction framework with AI enhancement

Enock is a craft OpenStreetMap contributor and community member from Ghana, West Africa and studying M.Sc. Cartography. He promotes and advocates using Free and Open Source Software and Communities of Practice. He was a member of the Local Organizing Committee for FOSS4G 2021 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). He volunteers in the OSGeo Marketing Committee and OSGeoLive PSC as well.
- Manage your geospatial data with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive

I'm an active contributor in the OpenStreetMap community, mainly with QuickOSM, a QGIS plugin to extract OSM data within QGIS.
For work, I'm working as a GIS developer at 3Liz, mainly focused on QGIS Desktop/Server plugins and the Lizmap opensource project.
- Publish your QGIS project (layers, forms, print layout...) on the internet using Lizmap
Dr.Villa’s research sits at the multi-faceted interface of linguistics, computer science, social science, ecology and economics, concentrating on artificial intelligence approaches to assist environmental decision making and natural system assessment and valuation. His 25-year career in the USA and Europe contributes to the science of coupled natural/human systems by building technologies that take sound science and “democratize” it by putting it at the fingertips of decision makers worldwide.
- ARIES: Semantics-enhanced open GIS

- GeoNetwork INSPIRE Workshop
OSGeo charter member and contributor to GeoNode and pygeoapi. Mountain lover
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi
- GeoNetwork INSPIRE Workshop

He obtained a Master degree in Computer Science for University of Montpellier II. After graduation, he worked in a private company as a developer for Web-GIS application and PostGIS based system integration. He established his company GeoLabs, in 2006, and have done several projects in France and overseas. He's been actively developing and promoting OSGeo technologies. He is a regular participant and contributor to FOSS4G Conferences. He is working on implementing the ZOO-Project. On top of this processing engine, he works on implementing a user interface to manage web applications and OGC web services, called MapMint.
- ZOO-Project an OGC API - Processes introduction
- Field data collection with MapMint4ME
- Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way.

I am a physical geographer and senior lecturer in GIS & Spatial Data Management at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the largest international graduate education institute in the field of water. In my teaching I actively promote the use of open-source tools and open data by young professionals from the Global South. I co-authored the book QGIS for Hydrological Applications and am a board member of the Dutch QGIS Users Group.
- Hydrological analysis with PCRaster in QGIS and Python

I am a computational geographer working at the intersection between geocomputation and the environmental sciences. My research is focused on developing and applying spatial methods to broaden our understanding of processes and patterns in the environment. Vital part of my work is to create, collaborate, and improve geocomputational software. I am an active member of the #rspatial community and a co-author of the Geocomputation with R book.
- Getting started with R and R-spatial

- GeoNetwork INSPIRE Workshop
- An Introduction to OpenStreetMap - the Open Data Powering Your Maps?

Joana Simoes (she/her) is the Developer relations at OGC, taking the lead at connecting the standards with the developer community.
Joana has been working in the tech industry for more than fifteen years. After acquiring a PhD at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation and a start-up.
Joana has been very much involved in the FOSS community, in particular in what concerns geospatial technologies.
Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics.
- Diving into pygeoapi

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat BV. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoTools, GeoServer and JTS projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.
- GeoServer Beginners Workshop

FOSS GIS and cartography/dataviz enthusiast, tinkerer, (Q)GIS developer and consultant at WhereGroup with a history in OSM editing, geodesy, geoinformatics, cartography, research and teaching, data analysis and consulting.
- Learn how to create Web Applications with Mapbender

Hi, I'm Jorge and I'm from Valencia, Spain My background is in Cartography and Geodesy Engineering, and I develop my professional career around Geospatial Information Systems and Open Source Software and Data. I'm currently working at the Kibana Maps team at Elastic as a geospatial engineer. I'm a long time contributor to OSGeo Foundation activities and member of the local OpenStreetMap community.
- Elasticsearch and Kibana geospatial workshop
I am a software engineer working on geospatial related projects for the last 20 years. I currently work at GeoCat bv, a Dutch company specializing in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and geospatial technologies, using open source software.
I am a lead developer and PSC member of the project GeoNetwork opensource, a catalog of geospatial metadata.
- GeoNetwork INSPIRE Workshop

I am a research and software engineer in the fields of satellite imagery and Machine Learning. Expert in those fields after a PhD, I currently works within the CS GROUP Space BU, developing the satellite image processing library Orfeo Toolbox (OTB). I worked at the implementation of optical sensor calibration algorithms and the conception and development of image quality centers. As I was a technical support for the CNES (French Space Agency), I participated in campaigns of massive production of Sentinel2 products level L2A creation using MAJA, and in the generation of synthesis images in preparation of futures spatial missions.
- Discover the Orfeo ToolBox: open source processing of remote sensing images

Just van den Broecke is an independent Open Source geospatial professional working under the
trading name "Just Objects" - https://justobjects.nl. In his daily work
he designs, develops and deploys Open Source geospatial infrastructures, stacks and products.
He is a core contributor to the Open Source projects pygeoapi (also PSC), GeohealthCheck, Stetl, NLExtract and more. He is also founder and chair of OSGeo.nl, the Dutch Local OSGeo Chapter.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

I'm krishna, I'm a web GIS Developer focusing on FOSS stack. I help people escape the trap of paying $$$ every month for technologies, that are available for free.
Apart from development, I also do lot of content creation at https://www.youtube.com/c/krishnalodha related to GIS
- Doing Geospatial with Python

Software Engineer at GeoSolutions, specialized in Front-end and GIS.
Technical lead of MapStore project
- Introduction to MapStore, mashups made simple
- MapStore, a developers introduction
I am a researcher at the University of Salzburg and geospatial developer at triply. I enjoy working at the interplay between theory and practice. My passion is to improve the quality of our living environment by supporting design choices with spatio-temporal data science.
- sfnetworks: Tidy Geospatial Networks in R
Maggie currently serves as the Executive Director for OpenStreetMap US. She joined OSM US in March 2019 after 15 years as a geospatial professional supporting projects across all sectors and industries. In her role at OpenStreetMap US, Maggie works to engage, support and grow the OpenStreetMap project and community across the United States through programs, advocacy, and the annual State of the Map US conference.
- An Introduction to OpenStreetMap - the Open Data Powering Your Maps?

Marco is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField, currently serves as QGIS.org Chair, and is an OSGeo board member. Marco is the CEO of OPENGIS.ch, which he founded in 2011.
A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.
- Seamless fieldwork thanks to QField and QGIS

A geographer with more than ten years of experience in teaching topics related to GIS, remote sensing and geomorphology. A free software supporter, GRASS GIS contributor.
- GRASS GIS for remote sensing data processing and analysis

Markus Neteler, PhD, is a cofounder of mundialis after having spent 15 years as a researcher in Italy. His focus is on Earth Observation, GIS and cloud computing. Markus managed for two decades the GRASS GIS project, and he is a founding member of OSGeo and other organizations.
- GRASS GIS for remote sensing data processing and analysis
- A gentle introduction to actinia: geoprocessing in the cloud

- Introduction to MapStore, mashups made simple
- MapStore, a developers introduction
- Elasticsearch and Kibana geospatial workshop

Nicolas Roelandt is a GIS engineer at the Gustave Eiffel University
He is active in the OSGeo-fr chapter board, the OSGeoLive PSC and he is a FOSS4G enthusiast.
- Getting started with R and R-spatial
- Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive
- Working with OpenLayers

- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi
- Pangeo 101
- CARS, a high scalability satellite 3D stereo reconstruction framework with AI enhancement
Exploring new opportunities and responsibilities.
Ph.D. Candidate - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, Prime Minister's Research Fellow.
Vice President - OSGeo Board of Directors
OSGeo Google Summer of Code Organization Administrator
Love to play flute and read books. :)
- pgRouting Basic Workshop
- ZOO-Project an OGC API - Processes introduction
- Field data collection with MapMint4ME
- Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Applications – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way.
Rhys is a cofounder and spatial data architect of Auchindown, a small company in Jamaica that deals in all things spatial.
Rhys has over 15 years of experience analyzing, identifying and transforming spatial data into useful information and business insights helping companies to leverage data to make informed decisions. He has been using Postgresql/PostGIS since versions 8.0/pre 1.
He has a keen interest in using PostGIS in the electric utility space and is the developer behind Livewire which is a power delivery modeling and management cloud solution.
- Advanced PostGIS: Beyond the basics.

Roger Bivand is an emeritus professor at the Norwegian School of Economics. His specialties are Geographical Information Analysis, Statistical programming and Spatial econometrics. Roger is author of numerous R packages and was the main author of the Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R book. He has worked on the R-GRASS interface for almost 25 years (see https://doi.org/10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00057-1 for the very beginning).
- Modernizing the R-GRASS interface: confronting barn-raised OSGeo libraries and the evolving R.*spatial package ecosystem

I first realised the benefits of GIS when working with various engineering consultancies to deliver flood risk mapping for the UK Environment Agency. I've now been specialising in GIS solutions including web mapping, geodatabases and desktop GIS for more than 10 years.
We founded Lutra Consulting to support organisations looking to adopt open source GIS. Our services include planning and implementing migrations, training and ongoing commercial support.
- Field data collection using Input app, QGIS and Mergin
Sander is a software engineer at GeoCat BV and a loyal Pythonista, with a background in GIS. He is the product owner of both GeoCat Bridge for QGIS and ArcGIS.
- GeoServer Beginners Workshop

React developer who likes to play with MapLibre
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-oscar-lopez/
- Development of interactive platforms for city modeling and digital twins using React and MapLibre
MSc in Environmental engineering, master in Project
Management and PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture.
Specialized in hydrology, geomorphology and hydraulics, she developed
and applies environmental models for engineering projects in
particular related to the natural hazards and the maintenance of
natural resources.
She works also in the field of forestry and LiDAR data. She worked on
the usage of LiDAR data for inventories and for the update of the
local cartography (buildings, roads, protection structures, ...).
Silvia is a power user of Open Source GIS tools for simulating
environmental processes.
- ARIES: Semantics-enhanced open GIS

Stephan Meißl is Chief Technical Officer, founding member, and shareholder of EOX IT Service GmbH, a provider of Earth Observation solutions and services since 2008. Stephan is co-chair of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Coverages Working Groups and charter member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
- Dashboard-ready Data and Reproducible Workflows in Euro Data Cube
- Image processing engineer, at CS GROUP
- CARS and PANDORA developer
- CARS, a high scalability satellite 3D stereo reconstruction framework with AI enhancement

Long time contributor to OpenLayers. Principal Engineer at Planet Labs.
- Working with OpenLayers
Senior GIS Expert with 10 years of experience in geospatial solutions and before that 8 years in IT-administration and IT-support. Interested in data visualisation, interoperability and usability among other things.
- Oskari Made Easy

I am an Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, where I teach GIS to postgraduates on various courses, including the MSc in GIS and a popular course on Spatial Data Visualization. I'm also a technical writer for MapTiler, helping share the news about the great geo data, software, and services they provide.
I try to promote OpenSource Geo as much as possible; I'm a committee member of OSGeo UK and co-chaired FOSS4G UK 2019. My Twitter profile is the best place to find the QGIS tips and tricks I like to share: @MapNav_Tom
- Creating Hillshades and 3D Terrain anywhere in the world with QGIS and MapTiler

Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and longtime contributor to FOSS4G. He contributes to numerous projects in the Geopython ecosystem.
Tom is the co-chair of the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group, chair of the WMO Expert Team on Metadata, and serves on the OSGeo Board.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Vaclav (Vashek) Petras is a research software engineer, open source developer, and open science advocate. He received his masters in Geoinformatics from the Czech Technical University and PhD in Geospatial Analytics from the North Carolina State University. Vaclav is a member of the GRASS GIS Development Team and Project Steering Committee.
- Unleash the power of GRASS GIS with Jupyter
- Developing custom GRASS tools
Project Manager and Product Owner at Camptocamp.
geOrchestra PSC member
- geOrchestra SDI hands-on

Veronica Andreo holds a PhD in Biology and an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. She is a researcher for CONICET working at the Argentinian Space Agency. Her main interests are remote sensing and GIS tools for disease ecology research and applications. She is part of the GRASS Dev Team, currently serving as PSC chair.
- GRASS GIS for remote sensing data processing and analysis

- pgRouting Basic Workshop
- Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive
Web and WebGis developer. Skill Python/Django, Python/GIS, PyQGIS, PHP-PHP/Mapscript, Mapserver UMN. Good knowledge: Linux/Unix System, Apache/Nginx and PostgreSql . OGC standards and most of main FOSS4G Software.
Specialties: Web application and WebGis development
- G3W-SUITE: publish and manage QGIS projects on the web

CTO of Kan Territory & IT.
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-shilman
- Development of interactive platforms for city modeling and digital twins using React and MapLibre

Passionate to help water utilities to became more resilient and efficient using open technologies. Msc. Civil Engineer & Msc. Environmental Management. Partner Director at BGEO and Technical Manager at Giswater Association. Working to make the world a better place.
- Giswater introduction