FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024

11-07, 17:30–21:30 (Australia/Hobart), Hobart CBD and Surrounds

GeoRabble is open to anyone whether they're attending the conference or not but check out the conference website if you’re not already coming, because it’s going to be great!

After the OSGeo Oceania AGM, head to the Gold Bar for GeoRabble to catch up with the greater GIS Community. There is limited capacity, so please buy your tickets early at
Note that you can pay what you want, so if times are tough, grab a free ticket. If you’re in abundance, you can help us pay for snacks!
We'll be featuring a number of short presentations about recent GIS projects. If you have a story you'd like to tell in 10 minutes or less, please contact
Gold Bar - Suite 3, Ground Floor/11 Morrison St, Hobart TAS