FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024

Digital Earth Pacific - Cloud-Native Geospatial Infrastructure for Earth Observations
11-06, 11:00– (Australia/Hobart), Main Auditorium

Digital Earth Pacific (DEP) is formulated to deliver an operational earth observation system that enables easy access and use of decades of analysis ready satellite data, empowering decision-makers across the Pacific. The project was modeled after the successful implementation of similar initiatives such as Digital Earth Africa and Australia.

Across several consultations between the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Pacific Community (SPC) and Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTS) in 2018 and 2019, a clear need was expressed by the countries for better access and capacity for applying earth observation data to national sustainable development priorities. DEP provides a fundamental digital infrastructure that will ensure that every nation in the Pacific has access to tools, technologies and capacity to routinely monitor and track major challenges facing the PICTS through robust decision-ready products that are updated with every satellite overpass. This solution will help PICTs to better understand the changes in their environment such as the impact of sea-level rise (SLR), planning for disaster preparedness, response and recovery, enhancing food and water security and mitigating potential impacts due to changes in weather and climate. Furthermore, leveraging this technology will allow the development of decision-ready products that will support concise and analyzed information for decision makers. This data and information will support regional and global commitments such as the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Sachindra Singh is the Team Leader of the Geoinformatics Section, at the Geoscience, Maritime and Energy Division, Pacific Community (SPC). He has 15 years experience in geospatial-oriented systems and software engineering. A strong advocate of open source technologies for capacity building and sustainable development in developing countries, he has implemented robust decision-making tools and services around disaster risk analysis, climate impacts and natural resources monitoring based on geospatial and remotely-sensed data in the Pacific, both on regional and national levels. He has designed and conducted numerous capacity building exercises on open source GIS/RS and earth observation tools and systems in the Pacific Region, and currently is providing lead technical support for the Digital Earth Pacific (DEP) initiative within Pacific Community (SPC).