11-06, 16:25–16:30 (Australia/Hobart), Main Auditorium
The Coastal Waters Project focuses on Maritime Limits particularly the 3 nautical miles limit. A coastal state working towards independence this is the foundation of their maritime limits. Where GIS/RS techniques will come into effect. My presentation is on the GIS/RS techniques used in the Coastal Waters Project.
Currently working on the Coastal Waters Initiative. My task revolves around delineating the coastlines based on the High-Water Mark and establishing baselines considering the exposed reefs at the Lowest Astronomical Tide. The demarcation relies on satellite imagery and remote sensing methodologies, highlighting the project's technical aspects. We source satellite imagery through Google Earth Engine and Python. Additionally, we incorporate Topographic Maps and Hydrography Charts. Our digital mapping of coastlines and baselines adheres to UNCLOS, particularly articles 5-16. The baseline is the starting point from which the various maritime zones (territorial seas, contiguous zone, EEZ, ECS and in this case the coastal waters) are measured. Adhering to UNCLOS ensures that states can exercise these rights legitimately.
Geospatial Technical Officer with the Pacific Community (SPC). Skilled in Remote Sensing with Multispectral Images and Python for data visualization, indices calculation for different spectral signatures.