11-06, 16:20–16:25 (Australia/Hobart), Main Auditorium
The AI plugin from Bunting Labs assisted in faster digitizing in QGIS, offering a much-needed solution. This new plugin reduced the time the teams spent on digitising.
A lightning talk on using the AI plugin in QGIS to efficiently and effectively capture rivers and streams as data capture for the compilation of a Geological Map in Papua New Guinea.
Dorothy D. Pion
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Email: ddpion@mra.gov.pg
Senior GIS Specialist
Mineral Resources Authority (PNG)
July 2007 - Present
Pioneered the application of spatial analysis techniques, resulting in a 30% increase in operational efficiency.
Spearheaded a team project to update the GIS data and application to improve outputs by 70%.
Developed comprehensive training materials on GIS tools, improving staff competence in GIS usage by 80%.