Elisa Puccioni
Elisa is the current chair of OsGeo Oceania board and has been contributing to the community since 2019, serving first as board member, then as Grant committee chair and now as the board chair.
Elisa was born in Italy and moved to New Zealand in 2008, where she currently resides. She has over 18 years of experience in GIS and database administration and has been working with most of the proprietors and open-source GIS packages. She is a great supporter of GIS open-source software as she strongly believes that everybody should be able to know and use GIS, especially people belonging to minority groups or living in remote areas.
New to PostgreSQL or considering it for managing your data? This workshop is for you, then! We’ll cover all the necessary basics, like creating and managing spatial databases in PostGreSQL, installing and using the PostGIS extension, connecting with QGIS and play with the data using all these software combined.
An open discussion about OSGeo Oceania, who we area, what we've done and where we're going.