FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024

Tisham Dhar

Tisham is a Senior Engineer at CSIRO Space and Astronomy division. Previously he held similar roles in various government agencies, private sector companies and startups. He has been pushing pixels since 2004 when he got started using medical imaging devices in Singapore. Since then he has had the priviledge of working with various space agencies such as NASA, DLR, JAXA, CNES etc. and lived through the explosion of publicly available satellite imagery.


Aquawatch Data Systems: a cloud-based solution for water quality monitoring and forecasting
Tisham Dhar

This talk focuses on using open-source software components to power the science of water quality monitoring and forecasting. The components used derive both from scientific / research grade software and state-of-the-art OSS geospatial area. How these interact and result in an operational system will be discussed.

Main Auditorium