FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024

FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024 - Call for Presentations

FOSS4G SOTM Oceania 2024 will be held from 5th - 8th November, Hobart, Australia.

We are pleased to open our Call for Presentations and Workshops. FOSS4G SotM brings geospatial professionals, software developers and users from around the region, for 4 days of workshops, talks and activities. We welcome all levels of expertise, from highly technical to end user, and from academic, professional and community projects, on subjects related to Free and Open Source GIS, Open Street Map, and publication and use of open data.

There are three available formats:

  • Presentations – full talks are limited to 20 minutes of content with 5 minutes for questions. Presentations are delivered in the General Sessions over the main conference days Wednesday Nov 6th and Thursday Nov 7th.

  • Lightning Talks – lightning talk sessions are rapid presentations strictly limited to 5 mins. Lightning talks are presented back-to-back with several other speakers, and provide a good opportunity to share smaller projects, anecdotes or lighthearted content in an informal session. Lightning talks are delivered over the main conference days Wednesday Nov 6th and Thursday Nov 7th.

  • Workshops – held during our Tuesday Nov 5th workshop day, workshops can be up to 3.5-4 hours long. These are held in a classroom setting and will be available to a limited number of registrants.

Presentations and lightning talks will be recorded and shared with the community via the OSGeo Oceania YouTube channel.
Workshops will not be recorded.

Note that all presentations and workshop content is expected to adhere to our code of conduct.

The cut-off date for submission for both presentations and workshops is Monday 15th July 2024. Presentations will then be voted on by the community until Friday 2nd August 2024. Acceptance notifications will be sent out the following week with the full program published on the 16th August.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-07-15 23:59 (Australia/Hobart).