FOSS4G NA 2024

Geospatial Radar Report 2024: Evolution and evaluation of emerging trends
09-10, 14:00–14:30 (America/Chicago), Grand H

Last year, Element 84 launched a geospatial technology radar. Now in its second year, our tech radar has expanded to include community submissions and to track the evolution of the technology we covered in last year’s edition.

Last year at FOSS4G NA, Element 84 launched a Geospatial Tech Radar (2023 version here: to highlight industry trends, technologies, and solutions, while functioning as a knowledge sharing platform for the geospatial community. This year, we are excited to introduce our second edition of the radar with updated trends and tech.

In such a rapidly evolving industry, it makes sense that much of what we covered last year will have changed since our last radar. By tracking these changes and adding new technology to monitor, we hope to share information with the community about what we learned throughout this process.

More specifically, this talk will present the value we’re trying to achieve for the community, how we improved the processes used to create the radar from last year’s edition, how topics (blips) are generated and assessed including the incorporation of community submissions, and some key themes we have observed over the past year.

By outlining the blips included in this year’s edition, we will be able to track how the industry has shifted from version one to version two. With this added context, we discuss whether the technology that we chose to highlight last year truly made as big of a splash as we anticipated that it would. Through this comparison, we'll present a more comprehensive look at the trends we're seeing and where we envision the industry moving in the next year.