FOSS4G NA 2024

Intro to GIS using R
09-09, 13:00–16:00 (America/Chicago), Maryville

An end-to-end workshop discussing how to use R to create data visualizations and neighborhood level spatial analysis within the healthcare domain.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in combination with the structural determinants of health are the social and physical conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, play, and age. Given the spatial nature of the social determinants of health, mapping this data has long been crucial to epidemiologists, healthcare data scientists, researchers, and policy makers for identifying inequities and engaging in community-level efforts to prioritize community resources. With R, an open source programming language, it is possible to run reproducible end-to-end geo-computation ranging from feature engineering to spatial modelling to allow for more thorough investigation of geographic disparities between neighborhoods. Utilizing publicly available health data sources and the US census data, this tutorial will explore how to use R to create data visualizations and neighborhood level spatial analysis within the healthcare domain.

This workshop will help healthcare data scientists, research and professionals develop stronger geo-computation and cartography skills.
Module 1: Getting Started with Geospatial Data in R
Module 2: Basic Cartography and Data Visualization
Module 3: Spatial Interpolation and Feature Engineering
Module 4: Spatial Clustering
Module 5: Spatial Regression

- Basic knowledge of R
- Experience with Rstudio