FOSS4G NA 2024

Faster, Better Spatial Relationship Evaluation with RelateNG
09-10, 15:30–16:00 (America/Chicago), Grand B

RelateNG is a new algorithm for evaluating spatial relationships developed for the JTS/GEOS geoprocessing ecosystem. It offers many improvements in functionality, robustness, and performance.

Evaluating spatial relationships (such as intersects and contains) is likely the most common operation performed in geoprocessing. Many systems implement the Dimensionally-Extended 9 Intersection Model as defined in the OGC Simple Features specification. A large number of those systems use the JTS and GEOS geometry libraries, which have provided full-featured support for DE-9IM spatial relationships since their inception. Recently a new JTS/GEOS algorithm called RelateNG has been developed. It offers significant improvements in functionality, robustness, and performance. This talk gives an overview of spatial relationship evaluation, some challenges in implementing them, and describes the design and capabilities of the RelateNG algorithm.