FOSS4G NA 2024

Evolution of GRASS GIS
09-11, 13:00–13:30 (America/Chicago), Grand A

The GRASS GIS community celebrated two milestones last year: its 40th birthday and a sizable grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). In this talk, we will present how the evolution of GRASS GIS is supported by this funding.

The GRASS GIS community was awarded a grant from the NSF Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystem (POSE) program. This program is relatively new and will support the transition of GRASS GIS into a sustainable scientific platform for the creation of new technological solutions to important national and societal problems. We are working together to modernize its build system by migrating from the Autotools to CMake for better cross-platform compilations and an easier integration into the Conda ecosystem, create new standardized datasets, provide workshops to its potential developers and users, and support their activities. These collaborative efforts will bring the 40 years' evolution of GRASS GIS to a wider audience of its potential contributors and users including new generations of software developers, geospatial scientists and researchers, and students for its sustainable growth into the future. As always, we welcome new contributors for development, documentation, and translation!