09-09, 13:00–16:00 (America/Chicago), South Classroom
Learn how to use PostGIS and it's family of extensions. How to load and query data (geometry, geography, raster).
Time permitting we'll cover topology.
- Installing PostGIS
- Overview of basic PostGIS types - geometry, geography, raster, topology
Working with geometry and geography data
- Creating data with functions input functions
- Loading data from various file formats
- Using foreign data wrappers (ogr_fdw, postgres_fdw, file_fdw)
- Viewing data in OpenJump, QGIS, and pgAdmin4
- Proximity Queries - find top 10 closest things, pois within a distance of me,
- Geometric Processing - Buffers, Unions, and More
- Geocoding using postgis_tiger_geocoder extension
Advanced Topics (time permitting)
- Loading raster data with raster2pgsql
- Using geometry and raster in single query
- Using postgis_sfcgal extension for 3D operations
- Using postgis_topology for data management
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