FOSS4G NA 2024

Raster Attribute Tables in GeoServer
09-10, 13:30–14:00 (America/Chicago), Grand A

Raster Attribute Tables are a way to attach a full set of attributes to raster data, giving rasters some of the vector data abilities. Come and learn how to use, mosaic and style and query RATs!

Raster Attribute Tables (RATs) is a functionality that originated in GDAL several years ago, but that is not well known in the wild.

RATs allow to attach a full set of attributes to image pixels, and then use them to perform rich querying, but also to support multiple legends and colormaps.

GeoServer added support for RATs in recent versions, with interesting abilities to generate styles out of them, see all of the attributes in GetFeatureInfo outputs, and probably unique, mosaic files with different RATs into a single seamless output.

Join this presentation to learn about the concept, its usage and the development challenges found in GeoServer as we have faced a Raster Attribute Table with more than 30 thousand entries!