FOSS4G NA 2024

Open Source in U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Update Applications
09-10, 10:30–11:00 (America/Chicago), Grand F

The Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) team will share how the Census Bureau is using open source GIS tools to create web-based GIS solutions that are innovative, adaptable, and versatile.

The Census Bureau is enhancing its Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS), an open source software GIS application, to more fully utilize open source and web-based technologies. GUPS enables partners to load, display, and edit geospatial data, as well as output standardized files that the Census Bureau then uses to update the Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) System.

GUPS Web is built on QGIS, OpenLayers, and GeoServer. Building on the successful implementation of functionality such as real time sharing of data with partners and automated spatial analysis principles, GUPS Web is introducing new and innovative editing processes for a more streamlined user experience.

In this presentation, representatives from the Census Bureau will showcase the technology used in developing the GUPS Web application, explore how GUPS evolved into a cloud native and license-free web-based GIS application, and provide an interactive demonstration of how GUPS Web uses open source tools for the Census Bureau’s geographic partnership programs.