Collectively mapping the FOSS geospatial ecosystem to better understand it
07-03, 16:00–16:30 (Europe/Tallinn), Destination Earth (Van46 ring)

In this talk, the authors plan to take you on the development road of an initiative- community led and supported by ESA - to ingeniously map the complex and dynamic ecosystem of open source for geospatial solutions. Started in 2016 as a volunteer initiative to understand the connections and dependencies between geospatial foss by summarily documenting it in a spreadsheet, it continued with the development of a resources platform for geospatial data exploitation, that combined modern and efficiency in data collection and representation (no more spreadsheets! ), with a significantly more thorough project documentation process, as well as clear steps in the direction of community building. Having more than 300 FOSS projects documented, the team is taking the next big leap. Trying to figure out how to not only map but also extract significant quality metrics that could lead to a better, more robust understanding of the open source for geospatial ecosystem.

See also: slides in Google Slides

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS/RS power user, actively working as a project officer to support geospatial data services development at Terrasigna. In her 12 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS and RS solutions for data management, processing and visualization.
As an advocate for free and open source software for geospatial, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member and today serves the community as an OSGeo Board of Directors member, within her third term.

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