Lounaistieto – a unique regional GI network and service
07-04, 17:40–17:45 (Europe/Tallinn), LAStools (327)

Lounaistieto is a regional information service in Southwest Finland, representing a unique combination of reginal network builder and data service provider. Over time, our key strategy has centered on sustained adaptability through ongoing development. This approach has not only contributed to our success but has also enabled us to navigate the dynamic landscape of the continuously evolving ICT sector, shifting local requirements, and national development priorities. The lightness and agility of Lounaistieto’s operations afford us the capability to customize solutions that resonate with local nuances. This flexibility encourages even smaller stakeholders to participate. Furthermore, the recognition of regional data is often appreciated, complementing the wealth of information derived from national or global sources.

Lounaistieto GI cooperation network was established back in 2002 and has been promoting the use of geographical information since. In recent years, open data – also other than spatial – has become increasingly significant. We maintain a regional development monitoring service based on statistical data, Oskari based map service and open data services among others. Lounaistieto's services cater to a diverse audience, including authorities, decision-makers, researchers, residents, organizations, media, and businesses.

The main goals of Lounaistieto are threefold: strengthen the cooperation, skills and networking in open data and geographic information; endorse the quality, interoperability and availability of open data; and offer high value information services in Southwest Finland. We provide data services and actively work on projects to make geospatial and data services more open and interoperable.

We receive support from regional and national geographic information and open data networks, which help us to develop our activities and services. Nowadays Lounaistieto is also a partner of Location Innovation Hub. European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) are part of the EU’s new Digital Europe Programme, focusing on enhancing digital investment, especially in the digitalization of SMEs, but also the public sector. As a partner of Location Innovation Hub, Lounaistieto is at the forefront of advancing the latest innovations in the spatial data field.

See also: Presentation (6.3 MB)

Coordinator at Lounaistieto. Regional open data cooperation, development of Lounaistieto and project management.