Geospatial Go
07-04, 17:30–17:35 (Europe/Tallinn), LAStools (327)

The programming language Go has established itself in various IT areas. This lightning talk offers a brief overview of Go with a focus on the existing ecosystem for processing geodata.

Go is known for its speed and accessibility. Numerous geospatial projects like pg_featureserv, pg_tileserv, and tegola already make use of Go. This presentation showcases additional tools and libraries in this language.

See also:

Geospatial Software developer at siticom in Germany. Working in the field of spatial data infrastructure using various languages and technologies like: OpenLayers, TypeScript, JavaScript, Vue, PostGIS, GDAL, QGIS (Server), GeoServer, Go, Python. Also interested in OpenStreetMap and Open Data.

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