dsm2dtm: Generate DTM from DSM for free!
07-04, 16:30–17:00 (Europe/Tallinn), GEOCAT (301)

Digital Surface Models (DSMs) are a valuable geospatial data source, but to analyze underlying terrain, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are essential. This presentation showcases dsm2dtm, an open-source tool automating the process of generating DTMs from DSMs.

We will cover:
- Introduction: Importance of DTMs and challenges in DTM generation workflows
- Overview of dsm2dtm: Walkthrough the code and see the core functionality
- Demonstration: How to use it
- Use cases: Some real world applications
- Contribution: How can you contribute

In the meantime, checkout dsm2dtm here - https://github.com/seedlit/dsm2dtm

See also:

Hello hello, I am a Data Science Engineer at UP42.
Interested in all things geospatial (and non-geospatial too) :)