Peter Rushforth
I am an web map standards practitioner and enthusiast, working in the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation on the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure at Natural Resources Canada. I am the co-leader of the W3C Maps for HTML Community Group, and current editor of the Map Markup Language specification and proposal. I believe that maps should be a standard part of the web, because the web is for everyone.
The W3C Maps for HTML Community Group is working to define a new map HTML element that would be used to define map contents in a web page and would be directly supported and rendered by web browsers in a standardized way.
The specification has support for full screen maps, as well as tiled maps, and vector tiles.
The presentation will provide an introduction to the specification, then delve into how the MapML support has been integrated into GeoServer OGC services, with native support for TiledCRSs, as well as tiling and styling.
We’ll conclude by discussing the next evolution in the MapML structure and its GeoServer implementation.