FOSS4G Europe 2024 workshops

Version 0.4 June 26, 2024

We released a new schedule version!

We sadly had to cancel a session: “Practical data versioning with Kart” by Robert Coup.

Version 0.3 June 21, 2024

We released a new schedule version!

We sadly had to cancel a session: “From OpenStreetMap to GTFS to website for public transport.” by pomodoren.

Version 0.2 Feb. 21, 2024

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Use of EODAG library for cross providers Earth Observation” by Sylvain Brunato, Arnaud Le Carvennec, Aubin Lambare .

Version 0.1 Feb. 20, 2024

We released our first schedule!