FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul

STAC Specification and Implementation in Real World
11-29, 13:50–14:10 (Asia/Seoul), Taepyeong Hall

The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC), introduced in 2017, is an open standard for organizing and sharing geospatial data, and its usage also conforms to FAIR principles for data. Consequently, many organizations have adopted the STAC specification as a standard for implementing and providing their data in STAC format. As a means for spatial temporal asset indexing, STAC is presented in JSON or GeoJSON formats, enabling interoperability with various services and facilitating comprehension for both machines and humans. STAC is not constrained to specific types of geospatial data; it can be utilized to catalog a diverse range of assets, from satellite imagery to environmental datasets. Through a well-designed structure, it can be integrated into various applications, allowing organizations to harness existing datasets for diverse purposes. STAC also possesses the capability to search for metadata describing assets based on time and location, rendering spatial temporal assets easily discoverable and accessible.

In Thailand, STAC is applied in various scenarios, including the GISTDA Decision Support System for Disaster Management Platform. In the platform, STAC catalogs vector data related to flooding areas, thermal activities, and drought indices. Therefore the implemented application can efficiently browse and retrieve data from the STAC catalog, enhancing data retrieval speed and user experience. Similarly, the GISTDA Satellite Platform utilizes STAC to catalog satellite imagery. In the implemented application, users can search for desired satellite images based on time, location, and conditions. This streamlined approach simplifies the process, allowing users to find the images they need quickly and easily.

I am GIS Backend Developer at i-bitz company limited.

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Sattawat Arab holds the esteemed position of Head of Geoinformatics at I-bitz Company in Thailand

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