FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul

Doing Geospatial analysis with Python
11-28, 09:30–13:30 (Asia/Seoul), Seoul Archive

This workshop will provide an introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain.


I'm krishna, I'm a web GIS Developer focusing on FOSS stack. I help my clients escape the trap of paying $$$ every month for technologies, that are available for free using FOSS.
Apart from development, I also do lot of content creation at related to GIS

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I have been honing my skills in the geospatial domain, gaining diverse experience in Climate tech startups, Agritech solutions, and more.
My experience extends to working with satellite data (including Sentinel and Landsat), geospatial data modeling, and handling large datasets at scale in the cloud using Docker, Python, S3, etc
I am most interested in building a generic spatial-temporal database that can handle a wide variety of data and use cases.

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Aman is a Geospatial Scientist at GalaxEye Space with experience in Python and Deep Learning. He has a keen interest in open specification spatial data formats. A regular blogger, Aman has an active YouTube and GitHub handles, where he shares detailed examples of remote sensing and GIS case-studies. Find him at

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