FOSS4G 2023 workshops

Workshops are the showcase of FOSS4G projects. During 2 or 4 highly stimulating hours experienced community members will guide participants through the features of the various software projects. Often both beginner and advanced workshops are held, to cover the majority of user needs.

Everything happens in a hands-on manner and everyone is invited to use her/his own computer and bring back home all of her/his achievements.

The workshops take place between the 26nd and 27rd of June, right before the main conference days, at the Innovation and Training Park in Prizren.

Submit a workshop and be part of the foundations for a great FOSS4G!

What to consider when submitting a workshop

  • describe the workshop content to attract the right audience
  • if possible add a list of topics you will cover
  • if applicable, link to datasets and documentation that will be used, it will allow attendees to familiarize with the topic
  • mention the level of the course and the required knowledge attendees should have