08-24, 12:00–12:05 (Europe/Rome), Room 4
In the words of Eric Elliot; All software development is composition: The act of breaking a complex problem down to smaller parts, and then composing those smaller solutions together to form your application.
Inspired by Eric’s work we have begun to modularize all the things and combine your mapping libraries (Openlayers, Maplibre, et al.) with other open source libraries (Tabulator, ChartJS) for data visualizations.
Having finally broken the shackles imposed on us by the restrictions of the Internet Explorer age we can finally facilitate Javascript (ES6+) to its functional best and deliver the applications we dream of.
ESBuild has revolutionized the way we compile script, and dynamic imports which have long been touted as the future are finally available to us with a little help from Skypack.
In addition to tried and tested server side rendering we now have powerful vanilla Web APIs to build application views on the fly and with little reflow, and repaint.
This is a talk for the opinionated JS enthusiast.
Having relocated as a Land Surveyor from his native Germany; His 25 years of professional experience in the spatial information sector have seen many transitions; From field work and paper maps to digital, from desktop to cloud, and most recently from proprietary to open source technologies.