08-23, 14:00–16:00 (Europe/Rome), 209
Join in on a walkthrough of the wide range of layer styling renderers available in QGIS 3.24 for vector data (points, lines and polygons) and raster data (images). Learn what each renderer does and how to use them to make effective, efficient and beautiful cartography.
You will be introduced to the range of renderers available in QGIS. You will gain access to a cheatsheet-style QGIS project containing examples of each renderer for vector and raster data.
We begin with an overview of the renderers common to all vector geometries:
1. Single symbol
2. No Symbols
3. Categorized
4. Graduated
5. Rule-based
6. Embedded symbols
Each renderer has different symbol layer types to symbolise data. Each symbol layer type, including simple markers, geometry generator, SVG and Raster fill options and combinations will be demonstrated.
Symbol layer types:
1. Simple (markers, line and fill)
2. Geometry generator
3. Ellipse marker
4. Font marker
5. Filled marker
6. Mask
7. Raster image
8. SVG image
9. Vector field marker
10. Arrows
11. Hashed line
12. Interpolated line
13. Marker line
14. Centroid fill
15. Gradient fill
16. Line pattern fill
17. Point pattern fill
18. Random marker fill
19. Shapeburst fill
20. Outline
Once the difference between the symbol layer types and the renderers is established, We will explore the unique renderers for different geometries.
Point renderers:
1. Point Displacement
2. Point Cluster
3. Heatmap
Line renderers:
1. Merged lines
Polygon renderers:
1. Merged polygon
2. Inverted Polygon
3. 2.5D
The session will then focus on the raster renderers including:
1. Singleband Gray
2. Singleband Pseudocolour
3. Hillshade, Contours
4. Paletted with uniques values
5. Multiband color
Throughout the session, useful and eye-pleasing combinations of the renderers, symbol types and color options will be explored, to make effects such as deepening water, sketched maps and 3D-looking symbols. Finally, because all good things are built on the shoulders of giants, we will work-through the QGIS resource sharing plugin and styles repository.
I am a Graduate Environmental scientist and currently work at Kartosa as a Junior GIS specialist. I am passionate about the environment and using GIS to solve complex ecological and environmental issues. I think opensource technology is the future and enjoy interacting with the QGIS community and hosting the QGIS Open Day.