I am a remote sensing and drought specialist. My work focuses on West Africa. I am passionate about open source tools and open data solutions to food security. More information on my website: www.dacarte.com
- Using Sentinel 2 images to quantify agricultural encroachment in Burkina Faso’s protected livestock reserves
She graduated in Environmental and Territorial Engineering at the University of L'Aquila, she obtained a PhD in Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Geomatics sector) at the same university. Since 2012 she collaborates with the Geomatics laboratory of the Department Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA). He carries out research and teaching activities in the field of geomatics and in particular in innovative techniques of survey. The main research topics concern the use of UAV, photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GNSS techniques applied to the study, management and monitoring of the territory, infrastructures, and structures. Since August 2019 she is Research Fellow at DICEAA of University of L'Aquila on a PON AIM (Attraction and International Mobility) with the project “SCAN TO E/HBIM PROCEDURES FOR KNOWLEDGE, MANAGEMENT, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HISTORICAL BUILT HERITAGE”. During this period, she spent a period abroad at Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry of the University of Valencia (Spain). Actually, she is a lecturer in “Geomatics”, “Digital Cartography and Gis”, “Topography and cartography” at University of L’Aquila.
- Design and implementation of an Open-Source Web-GIS to manage the public works of Abruzzo Region: an example towards the digitalization of the management process of Public Administrations
My name is Andrea Folini and I am a recent graduate at Politecnico di Milano with a Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently I am doing an internship at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Politecnico di Milano) on the application of the blockchain to geospatial data.
- Collaborative validation of user-contributed data using a geospatial blockchain approach: the SIMILE case study
- Cluster Analysis: a comprehensive and versatile QGIS plugin for pattern recognition in geospatial data
Andrea Masiero is Associate Professor of Geomatics at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence. He received his MSc Degree in Computer Engineering and his PhD degree in Automatic Control and Operational Research from the University of Padua. His research interests range from Geomatics, Mobile Mapping, Positioning and Navigation, Machine Learning to Computer Vision, Smart Camera Networks, modeling and control of Adaptive Optics systems. His research mainly focused on sensor integration and information fusion, positioning, photogrammetry, LiDAR data processing, visual and LiDAR odometry, statistical and mathematical modelling, machine and deep learning. He is committed in national and international scientific committees (secretary of the ISPRS WG I/7 Mobile Mapping Technology 2016-2021, chair of the IAG WG Vision Aided Positioning and Navigation 2020-2024) and research groups related to geomatics. He is author of 100+ articles in international scientific journals, conference proceedings and book chapters.
- Development of a graphical user interface to support the semi-automatic semantic segmentation of UAS-images
Angelica Pianegonda is an architect and engineer and currently is a PhD Student at the University of Trento (Department of Civil Environmental and Mechanical Engineering) where she also graduated in Building Engineer and Architecture (2019). She has been Research Fellow (2019-2021) at the same Department, working on the European project EIT Climate-KIC SATURN (2019-2021). She attended the 1st level International Master "Food City Design" at the University of Parma, collaborating with Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente as part of the thesis project (2021). During 2020 she was coordinator of the “Nutrire Trento #fase2” project and of the European Solidarity Corps “Controcorrente” project. Since 2020 she has been a member of the Secretariat “Rete Italiana Politiche Locali del Cibo”. Her research explores the creation of an ecological network through food landscapes.
- Multiobjective analysis of open areas invaded by forest with open source software: the case of the SATURN project

I'm a freelance software developer. I'm specialized in the development on web architectures. I'm passionate about many things, but they have some things in common: being open, simple, neat, and down-to-earth but with some substance.
- Serving Geospatial Data using Modern and Legacy Standards: a Case Study from the Urban Health Domain
Baran Topcuoglu is a civil engineer who graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2021. Due to his specific interest in Traffic Safety, he has been studying his MSc on "Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies" at METU since the beginning of 2021. He is working on developing GIS and machine learning based methods and algorithms for detecting hazardous locations in highways. Additionally, he is a member of Parabol Software Company, and contributes to research and development projects on Traffic Safety.
- Speed-related traffic accident analysis using GIS-based DBSCAN and NNH clustering
Bence Péter Hrutka is a Civil Engineer, Land-Surveyor, and PhD Student. He graduated from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), with a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering in 2019. Even this year he started his MSc studies at BME, and in 2021 he got his MSc degree in Surveying and Geoinformatics. In 2021 he started his studies at Vásárhelyi Pál Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences. At present he is working at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
- Voxel-based point cloud segmentation and building detection
Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary.
- Voxel-based point cloud segmentation and building detection
I’m a passionate software engineer and researcher who loves hacking and collaborating at the intersection of several disciplines. My area of expertise overlaps with location-aware computing, distributed systems, databases, data structures, network protocols and information security. I'm currently working as a professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES-SO/HEIG-VD) in Switzerland, where I head the software engineering group.
- Maplibre-rs: Toward portable map renderers
Bianca Federici is Professor of Geomatics at the University of Genoa (Italy). She teaches in several courses related to surveying techniques and GIS, with special focus on FOSS solutions. Her research mainly concerns the analysis of spatially distributed data with GIS and the survey and monitoring of natural and built environments. She has over 120 scientific research paper. She is currently a member of the executive committee of GFOSS.it. She organized the Italian GRASS GIS Users Meeting in 2007 and 2013, the Italian OSMit2010 Conference and several Italian FOSS4G conferences since 2017. She has been a member of their scientific committees.
- Landslide susceptibility assessment: soil moisture monitoring data processed by an automatic procedure in GIS for 3D description of the soil shear strength
- Sea water turbidity analysis from Sentinel-2 images: atmospheric correction and bands correlation
- Deployment of AI-enhanced services in climate resilience information systems
MSc EPFL engineer working in computer vision and image processing as an applied research assistant in the University of Applied Sciences West Switzerland (HES-SO).
- Earth Observation DataCubes Multi-visualization Toolbox

Environmental scientist, long time FOSS4G user.
I am currently post doc researcher at University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
- Effect of water level on bird habitat at lake Maggiore
- OGC API State of Play - A practical testbed for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Switzerland
- A knowledge graph prototype for national topographic data

PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Barcelona in 2013, followed by post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Crete, the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich and the University of Iceland. Highly mathematical fields of expertise: quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, gauge-gravity duality and numerical simulations of General Relativity. Since 2020 redirected into the area of data analysis, specifically natural language processing. Co-founder, together with the rest of my team, of the start-up 'Fléttan', aimed at producing accurate soil erosion risk assessment in the Arctic through satellite image processing.
- Remote mapping of soil erosion risk in Iceland
Master's degree in Natual Science and Ph.D. in geography for the University of Padova, specialized in spatial and multitemporal analyses in complex territories, and climate-related issues. Post-doc researcher for the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice of University of Padova
- Geo-ICTs for Good: a MOOC on GIScience for Climate Justice
Environmental Eng., PhD in Geomatics and Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (https://www.gisgeolab.polimi.it). Research interests: GIS, EO and Free and Open Source Software. Passionate about everything connected to (geo)data analysis and visualization. Charter Member of OSGeo (https://www.osgeo.org) and co-founder of GISdevio (https://gisdev.io).
- Geo Collector Bot: A Telegram-based open toolkit to support field data collection
I'm a Phd student specialized in monitoring system based on open source technologies.
- Automatic assessment of lake health status using an open source approach: Lugano lake case study

I'm a Research Assistant at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research (RSC4Earth) and a PhD Student at the University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany). I have a MSc in Data Science from the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain) and a BEng in Topographic Engineering from the University of Valle (Cali, Colombia). My research interests include Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Machine Learning and Extreme Events. I'm the creator of eemont, spectral, spyndex and other open-source projects like Awesome Spectral Indices.
- spectral: Awesome Spectral Indices for the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

Devika Jain is a Project Manager at CGA where she leads the GIS Data Science and Big Data workstream. She has 10+ years of experience in GIS, Data Science and Software Development. Before joining CGA in 2016, she worked as a Researcher with Fraunhofer IIS, Germany and London School of Economics, UK. She holds a Master’s degree in Geodesy and Geoinformation Science from Technical University Berlin, Germany and a Bachelors in Civil Engineering from HBTI, India.
- RINX: A Solution for Information Extraction from Big Raster Datasets

PhD Candidate at Politecnico di Milano with the research filed in historical cartography and great passion for humanitarian mapping and OSM in free time!
- From QGIS to Python: comparison of free and open tools for statistical analysis of cultural heritage and data representation
Research & Teaching Assistant
Department of Geomatics Engineering
Civil Engineering Faculty
Istanbul Technical University
PhD, 2017-cont., Geomatics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
Visiting Researcher, 2022, Architectural Engineering and Technology, Delft University of Technology
Visiting Researcher, 2019-2020, Geography, University of Colorado Boulder
MSc, 2015-2016, Geomatics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
BSc, 2009-2015, Geomatics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
- The Role of Open Standards in Digital Building Permitting, 3D Registration of Condominium, and Update of 3D City Models

Dominik Weckmüller studied Geography BSc at Heidelberg University with a focus on Social Geography and GIS. After completing his MSc in Geography at Bonn University in 2021, he is now pursuing a PhD at TU Dresden, Germany.
His research focuses on GIS applications, social media, governance, big data and privacy.
- Developing a privacy-aware map-based cross-platform social media dashboard for municipal decision-making

Alexander Dunkel is a graduate landscape architect and has worked 7 years as a
landscape planner. In 2016, Alexander obtained a doctorate at the University of
Technology in Dresden, with his dissertation focusing on the intersection between
crowd-sourced data and landscape perception. Since then, he joined the Faculty
of Environmental Sciences, for the Priority Program „Volunteered Geographic
Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing“. More recently,
Alexander works on integrated solutions and towards more active forms of public
participation, by using and developing open source technology. Alexander
has held workshops and presentations on data visualization at German institutions
and abroad, at the University of Waterloo, the University of Toronto,
the UC Berkeley, or CCA in San Francisco.
- Developing a privacy-aware map-based cross-platform social media dashboard for municipal decision-making

She is a researcher of the Geomatics group of the Politecnico di Torino. In 2021 she discussed her PhD on Artificial intelligence for land cover classification in critical areas at high-thematic and very high spatial resolution, using satellite- and drone-derived imagery. Currently, she pursues her research on artificial intelligence for very high-resolution environmental monitoring and mapping using drone-embedded multi and hyperspectral sensors and LiDAR technologies.
- Laying the foundation for an artificial neural network for photogrammetric riverine bathymetry
See my HES-SO profile
- OGC API State of Play - A practical testbed for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Switzerland
Francesco Pirotti is currently associate professor at University of Padova, teaching courses on spatial data analysis, surveying and remote sensing. His research is oriented towards the application of remote sensing for the environmental sciences. He is author of more than one hundred scientific papers (in national and international journals) and associate editor in several international scientific journals and has guest-edited several special issues for different journals. He is active in the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, in the Association of European Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) and in national academic societies.
- InforSAT: an online Sentinel-2 multi-temporal analysis toolset using R CRAN

He is a Principle Researcher in KARI, Korea.
- Development of Multi-dimensional Array Database Based Massive Satellite Information Processing and Analysis System: KIWI-Sat
Ilaria Ferrando is Research Assistant in Geomatics at Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of Genoa University since October 2020. Between December 2017 and September 2020 she was Research Fellow at the same Department. She received her Ph.D. in Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (curriculum Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering) in March 2017, with the thesis entitled “GNSS contribution to monitor severe rainfalls: an innovative procedure for wide and orographically complex area with existing infrastructures”. The thesis won the AUTeC award in Geodesy, GNSS and Navigation thematic session in 2017.
Ilaria’s research activity mainly develops in Geomatics field of knowledge, with particular focus on GNSS Meteorology, GIS applications and multi-techniques integrated survey and monitoring.
Since the beginning of the Ph.D. course she performed teaching activities in several Geomatics courses, initially as tutor and teaching assistant, more recently as co-teacher and teacher.
At present, she has published more that 30 scientific papers in international journals, international and national conference proceedings and book collections.
She participated to several international and national conferences as speaker, with oral and poster presentations.
- Photogrammetric processing and fruition of products in open-source environment applied to the case study of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii
(2001-actually) Work in the Tuscan Regional Environmental Agency (ARPAT) - Regional Environmental Information System Office.
Expert in: web programming (PHP programming language), Geomatics, Open Source Geospatial Software, Field Surveys (RPAS, terrestrial LiDAR, GPS)
- 2D/3D soil consumption tracking in a marble quarry district
- Environmental monitoring management of waste from large excavations due to infrastructure buildings

I am a computational geographer working at the intersection between geocomputation and the environmental sciences.
My research is focused on developing and applying spatial methods to broaden our understanding of processes and patterns in the environment.
Vital part of my work is to create, collaborate, and improve geocomputational software.
I am an active member of the #rspatial community and a co-author of the Geocomputation with R book.
- A method for universal superpixels-based regionalization (preliminary results)
Jan Stenkamp successfully completed an apprenticeship as Geomatiker and a Bachelor's
degree in Geoinformatics. After working as a GIS expert for administrative authorities, Jan is
currently a Master of Science student, studying Geoinformatics at the University of Münster.
He is now working as tutor in different Bachelor courses and as student assistant in the Dist-
KISS research project. Jan has specific interests of study in the topics of data science, remote
sensing, image recognition and citizen science. For a project in the last two domains he
gained funding for developing a multi-sensor tool.
- Multi-Sensor Feeder: Automated and Easy-To-Use Animal Monitoring Tool for Citizens
Jaroslav Hofierka is a professor of Geoinformatics at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. He has published a numerous papers on geospatial modelling, remote sensing, solar radiation modelling using GIS and 3-D city applications. He has been a member of the GRASS development team for more than 20 years. He is a co-author of the r.sun and v.sun solar radiation models implemented in open-source GRASS GIS. He has participated in the development of more than 10 GRASS GIS modules related to spatial interpolation and simulation of landscape processes such as solar radiation, surface hydrology and 3-D modelling.
- Assessing land surface temperature in urban areas using open-source geospatial tools

Professor in GIS and Geoinformatics, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, INSIT Institute; PhD EPFL 2010
- An open API for 3D-georeferenced historical pictures
- Collaborative validation of user-contributed data using a geospatial blockchain approach: the SIMILE case study

Joana is a software engineer with more than fifteen years experience and a strong expertise in the field of geospatial tech and analytics.
After acquiring a PhD in GIS, at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation, a research foundation and a start-up. Joana has been very involved with FOSS, in particular in what concerns geospatial. This has led her to become a charter member of OSGeo. Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics. She is also a reviewer for the European Commission, and has been involved in education, teaching the next generation of full-stack developers and data analysts. As Developer Relations at OGC, Joana is responsible for connecting the OGC standards with the wider developer community, hopefully increasing their adoption and contributing towards making them more developer-friendly.
- Serving Geospatial Data using Modern and Legacy Standards: a Case Study from the Urban Health Domain
- Digital Twin 3D Platform for collaborative representation and editing of IFC documents applied to the BIM methodology
Dr. Holler is an assistant professor of geography at Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT. He specializes in open source geographic information science, and social vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and natural hazards.
- Mainstreaming metadata into research workflows to advance reproducibility and open geographic information science

Bachelor in Computer Science from Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.
Geoinformatics Engineering MSc. Student at Politecnico di Milano.
- Building a digital twin of the Italian coasts

Kevin’s research focuses on the use of satellite remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and GIS to improve our understanding of geographical issues. Kevin’s current research includes satellite-based land use mapping and geospatial data collection for improving livelihoods and natural resource management in the Pacific Islands. Kevin also investigates the use of CubeSats for landscape monitoring as part of the University’s Centre for CubeSats, UAV's and their Applications (CUAVA) .
- An Open-Source Mobile Geospatial Platform for Agricultural Landscape Mapping: A Case Study Of Wall-to-Wall Farm Systems Mapping in Tonga
Lawrence (Larry) V. Stanislawski is a Research Cartographer for the Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (CEGIS). His work focuses on generalization and multiscale representation that support or enable automated mapping and science investigations using geospatial data, particularly the National Map datasets. Research includes machine learning and high-performance computing to extract, validate, and generalize hydrography and other features using high resolution elevation and remotely sensed data, such as lidar from the 3D Elevation Program.
- Scaling-up deep learning predictions of hydrography from IFSAR data in Alaska
Dr. Lingli Zhu received her Doctoral Degree in the field of Remote Sensing at the School of Engineering at Aalto University in 2015. She achieved a Master Degree in Photogrammetry at Helsinki University of Technology (Current: Aalto university) in 2007. Currently she works in National Land Survey of Finland. She has published 30+ SCI papers as the first author and three book chapters. One of the book chapters has reached a downloaded record of 3000+. She has been invited as a guest editor for special issues in several well known journals such as IJGI(2018, 2021, 2022), Remote Sensing (2019, 2020), and International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG) (2021, 2022). She has reviewed 40+ papers for Remote Sensing, Sensors, IJGI, and so on.
- Experiment on producing disparity map from aerial stereo-images using openCV and deep learning
I work as a researcher at the Risk, Hazard & Climate Research Group in the Z_GIS department since in April 2019. My expertise includes the handling, processing and analysis of big earth observation, remote sensing and geospatial data. My current research focuses on the use of big Earth Observation data for geohazards monitoring and mapping. I enjoy working with FOSS, mainly with R.
- An open-source-based workflow for DEM generation from Sentinel-1 for landslide volume estimation

I am an italian Geoinformatics Engineer, currently working at Politecnico di Milano
- Monitoring landslide displacements through maximum cross-correlation of satellite images

I have been working on data analytics, software development, and geospatial technologies since graduation in Statistics (1991); first as an ESRI employee, then (1997-2012) as a free-lance consultant, and currently as a member of the professional staff at the University of Melbourne.
- Mapping the Chatter: Spatial Metaphors for Dynamic Topic Modelling of Social Media
I am a researcher at the University of Salzburg and geospatial developer at triply. I enjoy working at the interplay between theory and practice. My passion is to improve the quality of our living environment by supporting design choices with spatio-temporal data science.
- Semantic querying in earth observation data cubes

Marc Böhlen is Professor of Emerging Practices in Computational Media in the ART department of the University at Buffalo.
- Who speaks for the forest? Participatory mapping and contested land cover classification in Central Bali, Indonesia
PhD Student at Microwave Remote Sensing Research Group, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, TU Wien
- Computing Global Harmonic Parameters for Flood Mapping using TU Wien’s SAR Datacube Software Stack.

Markus Neteler, PhD, is a cofounder of mundialis after having spent 15 years as a researcher in Italy. His focus is on Earth Observation, GIS and cloud computing. Markus managed for two decades the GRASS GIS project, and he is a founding member of OSGeo and other organizations.
- OSGeo, Persistent Identifiers and the shape of things to come

Maryam Lotfian Obtained her BSc in Geomatics Engineering from Tehran University (Iran) in 2013. In 2016, she received her MSc in Environmental and Geomatics Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) with a thesis on urban climate classification using satellite imagery. In collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), she began her PhD at the Politecnico di Milano Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in October 2017. Her research focuses on challenges in citizen science projects, including participants’ motivations and data quality. She works on developing machine learning algorithms for automated data validation in citizen scientist projects.
- An approach for real-time validation of the location of biodiversity observations contributed in a citizen science project
- Tourism, natural protected areas and Open Source Geospatial technologies

Massimiliano received his PhD in Gedoesy and Geomatics after his master degree in environmental engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2007 he's the head of the geomatic division within the Institute of Earth Sciences (www.ist.supsi.ch) in Switzerland. He participated in the community since it's inception at various levels. He's a former director of the Open Source Geospatial foundation (OSGeo) and member of the project steering committee of the projects and ZOO (http://www.zoo-project.org). From 2006 to 2016 he was also PSC member of the GIS GRASS (http://grass.osgeo.org). He's group lead the development of the istSOS project (http://istsos.org) implementing open standards for sensor observation services. Co-chaired the UnitedNation committee and currently the Open Geoscience committee.
- Tourism, natural protected areas and Open Source Geospatial technologies
- A method for universal superpixels-based regionalization (preliminary results)

B.Sc. Cartography and Geomedientechnology at TU Dresden 2013
M.Sc. Geoinformationtechnolgy at TU Dresden 2015
Research Associate at the institute of Cartography at TU Dresden since 2016
- Mapping Mt. Ushba – How to create a high-quality topographic map from open data using free software
Michele Tobias is a geospatial data scientist at the University of California Davis' DataLab with a background in geospatial methods for ecology. Michele earned her PhD from UC Davis in Geography where she studied California's sandy beach ecosystem with traditional phytosociological methods and innovative remote sensing tools and was a postdoc at the UC Davis Information Center for the Environment. At DataLab, she applies geospatial tools to new avenues of research across disciplines.
- Classifying American Viticultural Areas Based on Environmental Data
Education #
102005- 062011 Diploma in Agricultural Science
Work Experience
since 072018 scientific Assistant at the Group for Urban Planning and Land Management
- How to grow? -Modeling land use change to develop sustainable pathways for settlement growth in the hinterland of Cologne, Germany

- 2020 - present: Research Assistant at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg
Project: IDEAL-VGI - Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from Volunteered Geographic Information - 2015 - 2019: Master of Science (MSc) in Geography at Heidelberg University
Thesis: Under the Spell of Community Happenings – Analysing the Effects of Mapping Events on OpenStreetMap Contributors - 2012-2015: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography at Freie Universität Berlin
- OpenStreetMap Element Vectorisation - A tool for high resolution data insights and its usability in the land-use and land-cover domain

Being a motivated, dynamic and creative person with a great team spirit, I always dreamed of a job that would push me to increase my abilities as a development engineer. My desire to share my knowledge led me to try my hand at teaching at the beginning of my career. I teached and supervised students in Computer Science in a national institute of professional training. Then, for three years, I was also a web developer in a communication agency. I liked very quickly the world of web programming. I was able to improve my level of management and realization of several web projects because I am a rigorous, methodical and very organized person.
Then, by chance, I discovered the magical world of Space. For more than seven years now, I have been working as a research engineer at the Centre des Techniques Spatiales, an operational entity of the Algerian Space Agency. This research center of national level is in charge of several fields of applications, in particular, the Earth Observation, the Space Geodesy and the Information Systems with spatial references. My main missions are the study, design and development of applications in the research areas of geomatics (particularly GIS and web mapping). During these last years, I have acquired an expertise in engineering, development and implementation of research projects of national scope. In the same context, we also participate in various national and international scientific events.
Currently, I am the project leader of the project entitled "Development of a collaborative web mapping platform for public services - Case of the wilaya of Oran". I am very pleased with my career path and I am convinced that I am making progress in my work because I really enjoy what I do. The satisfaction comes when you work with your heart.
- Development of a collaborative platform for intelligent territorial mapping of the city of Oran
Nick Jakuschona is a Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics and currently following the
Master of Science program at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster. During
his studies, his work as student assistant and an internship at the ESRI GmbH he has gained
an expertise in collecting and analyzing spatial data. With his work in the project Opening
Reproducible Research he knows how to contribute profitably to a larger project. Through
different study projects and his bachelor thesis, he is especially experienced with processing
images, like detecting objects in images, training own image processing models or enhancing
the images with further information in Augmented Reality.
- Multi-Sensor Feeder: Automated and Easy-To-Use Animal Monitoring Tool for Citizens
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD) INSIT Institute
- An open API for 3D-georeferenced historical pictures

Nicolas Roelandt is a GIS engineer at the Gustave Eiffel University
He is active in the OSGeo-fr chapter board, the OSGeoLive PSC and he is a FOSS4G enthusiast.
- Crowdsourced acoustic open data analysis with FOSS4G tools
Dr. Nils Hempelmann (male), Innovation Program Project Manager, is responsible for planning and managing OGC Innovation Program initiatives. Mr. Hempelmann holds a PhD in Geography and provides a combination of an extensive scientific background in climate change data assessment and sustainable development as well as software engineering for environmental data processing and information delivery. Furthermore, he gained deep insights into the United Nations climate policy framework. He contributes to OGC with his almost 20 years of research, scientific software development and climate service consultation experiences from international project contributions in research environments of international cooperation organisations.
- Deployment of AI-enhanced services in climate resilience information systems

Dr. Nobusuke Iwasaki has been a board member of the OSGeo Japan chapter since 2007, as Vice Representative since 2014 and Representative since 2018. From 2009 to 2015, He participated in projects of the Japanese Ministry of Education to localize FOSS4G Tools, such as GRASS and QGIS, and to create tutorials. Currently, he is working on the utilization of Web Map tiles for deep learning and the development of map algebra tools using WebGL.
- Client-side Web Mapping system for vineyard suitability assessment

Paolo Dabove has been Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino since 2021. His principal research interests are in quality control of GNSS positioning, monitoring techniques with Geomatics instruments, low-cost INS and GNSS systems for mobile mapping, indoor positioning for navigation purposes. Paolo Dabove has over 60 scientific papers on international and Italian journals and proceedings and has also five book chapters in international books. He is actually the president of GFOSS.it, the Italian OSGeo Local Chapter.
- The use of open source software for monitoring bee diversity in natural systems: the BEEMS project
Paolo Zatelli is born in Pavia on March the 2nd 1968. He obtained the diploma at A. Roiti High School
of Ferrara in July 1987. He graduated in Environmental and Land Engineering at the University of Trento cum laude in 1994.
He obtained a PhD degree in Topographic and Geodetic Science with the thesis "Application of
wavelets in geodesy" at the Polytechnic of Milan in 1998.
From February 2001 to 2016 he is researcher and from 2016 associate professor of Geomatics at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University
of Trento, Italy.
The didactic activity regards Survey, Survey and statistics, Photogrammetry, Numerical cartography
and GIS, Remote sensing and GIS, Mathematical and statistical methods. He is coordinator and lecturer
for the course "Environmental data management and analysis with GIS", for the Doctoral School in
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento.
He organizes and teaches in several courses for GIS professionals, such as "Theorical and practical
course on GRASS, Free and Open Source GIS and GEODATABASE", "GIS theory and applications"
and "GPS, from theory to applications", and masters, such as the second level Master "Analysis and
management of Geotechnical systems -SIGEO".
The research activity regards different aspects of the land survey and of treatment of related
information, both metric and semantic, including therefore modern data acquisition, efficient
elaboration and integrated management techniques. The study of modern survey methods includes both point positioning techniques, such as GPS, and global methods such as laser scanning, remote sensing and digital photogrammetry. Further researches include the study of high resolution earth gravity field determination by satellite geodesy. Methods for multiresolution data analysis for efficient data representation and filtering have been developed.
Geographic data treatment and management have been studied with the use of GIS, where new
functionalities have been implemented for the creation of environmental models.
He has acted as local and national research project coordinator, reviewer for international and national
Ha has organized international and national meetings and he has been part of the committees of several conferences, for which he has organized many workshops.
- Modeling of forest landscape evolution at regional level: a FOSS4G approach

Peter is a Geographer. In 2000 he became the first person to join the newly founded german GRASS User Society (renamed in 2008: FOSSGIS.de). He actively advocates FOSSGIS in Science in the Earth and Space Informatics (ESSI) chapters of both the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and has been organizing OSGeo Townhall events at the annual EGU General Assembly since 2014. He initiated the acquisition and preservation of OSGeo releated scientific film and conference recordings at the German National Library's of Science and Technology (TIB) TIB AV-Portal, including the GRASS 1987 video. During FOSS4G-Europe 2015 he participated in the launch of the OSGeo Open Geoscience Committee, which he is currently chairing together with Maxi Cannata. He served as a member of the GRASS GIS steering committee from 2016 - 2021. In 2017, Peter and Maxi were appointed OSGeo Vice Presidents for Open GeoScience bei the OSGeo Board, while negotiating the Memorandum of Understanding with the American Geophysical Society. In 2019, Peter initiated the MOSS search and rescue effort, which led to the recovery of the MOSS codebase and MOSS being recognized as a OSGeo heritage project. In 2021, he supported 16 OSGeo projects to mint Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for their software repositories.
- OSGeo, Persistent Identifiers and the shape of things to come

Dr. Peter Mooney is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Maynooth University in Ireland. He joined Maynooth University in 2016 as an academic having previously worked as a researcher and software developer for the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland. He is an OSGeo Charter Member and is a member of the OSGeo Ireland steering group. He is passionate about the use of open source software and open data in both teaching and research and is actively engaged in many outreach activities related to FOSS4G.
- Geospatial data exchange using binary data serialization approaches
Peter Vogt is a research scientist in the field of remote sensing applications. He studied meteorology at the Free University of Berlin, Germany where he completed his MSc in 1992 and his PhD in 1997 on the assessment of biophysical parameters of vegetation from remote sensing data. His main expertise is in the field of radiative transfer, digital image analysis and program development for the exploitation of remote sensing data. He has worked in a variety of fields including the detection of burnt areas, forest fragmentation analysis, oil spill detection in the Mediterranean Sea, eutrophication risk assessment in coastal waters, desert locust monitoring, derivation of the vertically resolved actinic flux, surface UV-radiation, and sensor design support for the PRISM/LSPIM and VIIRS/NPOESS sensors.
- Tackling the challenges of software provision
- Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis: Open Source Release
- Tackling the challenges of software provision

1. 2020 -Now: Master of Forestry Program, Gadjah Mada University
2. 2006 - 2011: Bachelor of Science, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Gadjah Mada University
Research and Training Experience
1. 2021-Now: Research Scientist, The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
2. 2017-2021: Research Scientist, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
3. 2020: Training the Mapping basic and advanced level by Papua Mapping Center with Sky Grapher conquer Indonesia.
1. Experience in GIS Software: ArcGIS, QGIS, and Map Info.
2. Experience in Remote Sensing Software: Envi, Ilwis, and Global Mapper
3. Experience mapping with drone
4. Spatial ecology and Botanical garden
- Who speaks for the forest? Participatory mapping and contested land cover classification in Central Bali, Indonesia

Robert Spang studied computer science (B.Sc.) at the Technical University of Berlin and worked as a software developer for several years. He then moved to Scotland to study psychological science (M.Sc.) at the University of Glasgow (2018). Later that year, he joined the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin as a PhD student to work on research projects that help and support people. His research interests range from user experience, cognitive psychology, and machine learning to biofeedback-based behavior prediction. As part of a project with Charité Berlin, he is working on the analysis of mobility data to study mobility in old age.
- Making Sense of the Noise: Integrating Multiple Analyses for Stop and Trip Classification
- The STAGA-Dataset: Stop and Trip Annotated GPS and Accelerometer Data of Everyday Life
I am an Associate Professor of Transport Data Science, University of Leeds, interested in geocomputation for evidence-based policies, particularly around transport systems and decarbonisation.
- Exploring jittering and routing options for converting origin-destination data into route networks: towards accurate estimates of movement at the street level

Sahil is an experienced Architect and Urban Practitioner with more than 8 years of diverse industry and research experience in Urban Planning, Sustainable Urban Transport, and Energy Efficient Built Environment. He has worked with several research institutes which includes School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), New Delhi, and Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), New Delhi, and other reputed Infrastructure consultancies Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (ICT), New Delhi on the Government of India schemes for HRIDAY, Smart Cities and AMRUT. He uses a Research-oriented and critical thinking approach along with previous industry and research gained experience to teach students from both, empirical and academic study perspective. He has presented several research papers at National and International conferences, which are published in reputed journals like Taylor and Francis Group. Currently, pursuing Ph.D. in Architecture and Planning from Sushant School of Art & Architecture, Gurugram, India since 2019.
- Examination of Metro Stations Equal Accessibility for All using Open Data Kit (ODK) Applications: A Case Study of Noida City in India

Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), University of L'Aquila, Italy;
- Design and implementation of an Open-Source Web-GIS to manage the public works of Abruzzo Region: an example towards the digitalization of the management process of Public Administrations

I hold a BSc+MSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Granada (2012), a MSc in Environmental Hydraulics from the University of Málaga (2013) and a PhD in Fluid Mechanics from the University of Zaragoza (2021). I participated in experimental and numerical R&D projects dealing with aerodynamic design, microfluidics, non-Newtonian fluids, geophysical surface flows and CFD simulation, with direct applications to the biomedical, industry and environmental fields. My current research interests are focused on the development of efficient numerical models for transient geophysical multi-phase flows and High Performance Computing.
- Digital 3D inventory for the promotion and conservation of the architectural heritage
Wang Shuzhu studied at Hohai University for undergraduate and graduated from School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences. Her research interests are urban design and planning, urban land use, and urban green space. Won a first-class scholarship for graduate students and published a paper titled “Understanding Completeness and Diversity Patterns of OSM-Based Land-Use and Land-Cover Dataset in China” in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.
- Creating a land use/land cover dictionary based on multiple pairs of OSM and reference datasets
Pierre Soille is senior scientist at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. He is leading the JRC Big Data Analytics project and is responsible for the JRC Big Data Platform, a versatile platform for linking data, data scientists, and domain experts to generate insights and foresight in support of EU policies and decision making. URL: https://jeodpp.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
- Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis: Open Source Release
Stefania Magrì works as Marine Engineer at Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Liguria (Italy), specialised in oceanography and marine water quality modelling. She is also a PhD student at the University of Genoa, her main research field is the use of satellite images for seawater quality observation.
- Sea water turbidity analysis from Sentinel-2 images: atmospheric correction and bands correlation
Stefania Viaggio is a PHD student at the University of Genoa (Curriculum: Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Mechanics and Materials). Her research mainly concerns the study of landslide susceptibility triggering by rainfall, integrating the field of geotechnical engineering with the geomatic one. She started her activity as research fellow in the Interreg-Alcotra project of Italian and French cooperation, called AD-VITAM.
During her PhD, she was involved as a teaching support assistant in the course "Strumenti GIS Operativi", mainly based on the teaching of the open-source software QGIS
- Landslide susceptibility assessment: soil moisture monitoring data processed by an automatic procedure in GIS for 3D description of the soil shear strength
GIS Consultant – January 2021-Present
Agricultural Institute of Republic of Srpska – Banja Luka (RS, BIH)
• Collection and processing of spatial data related to agricultural land
(productivity and contamination monitoring)
• Remote sensing data acquisition and processing for land cover/land use
maps modeling
Start Up Founder – October 2020-Present
Geovektor s.p. – Banja Luka (RS, BIH)
• Drone photogrammetry (Digital Terrain Model generation, Digital Object
• Consultation services in the field of GIS.
High School Professor - September 2019 - Present
Civil Engineering High School, Banja Luka (RS, BIH)
• Applied informatics in geodesy.
• Applied geodesy in civil engineering and land planning/consolidation
• Photogrammetry.
Research fellow - September 2018 – September 2019
• Development of algorithms for processing of geo-spatial data and
computation of indicators defined by United Nation Sustainable
Development Goals, using Python (study case Central-Eastern Africa).
• OpenStreetMap (OSM) data quality assessment (completeness and
positional accuracy) using FOSS technologies.
• Elaboration of land cover maps for the extraction of human settlement
using FOSS technologies (QGIS, GRASS, Python).
• Citizen science for water quality monitoring (research on existing mobile
application, design of a new solution based on free and open source
• Duties and teaching activities of GEOlab
Field Operator - June 2017 – September 2018
GEOVARS, Banja Luka (RS, BIH)
• Topographic and hydrographic survey of river Vrbas valley.
• Topographic survey and staking out of pipeline for small hydropower
dams (Visegrad, BIH).
• Wind farms project -topography, staking out and expropriation (Glamoc,
• Excavation monitoring during Banja Luka – Prnjavor highway construction.
High School Professor - September 2016 – September 2018
Civil Engineering High School, Banja Luka (RS, BIH)
• Geodesy (theoretical and practical lessons).
Field and Office Operator - April 2016 – May 2016
3D Survey Group, Politecnico di Milano-Milan (IT)
• 3D survey of Milan Cathedral (Duomo) using laser scanner.
• Planning and surveying of topographic network for geo-referencing.
Cadastral Officer and Operator - September 2013 - October 2014
Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, (RS, BIH)
• Land surveying and staking out for river basin reclamation project.
• Analysis of data and digitalization of cadastral maps.
GIS Operator - November 2012 – September 2013
Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, (RS, BIH)
• Preparation of cartography bases for CENSUS project of 2013.
• Creation of spatial databases.
• Digital processing of images and editing of spatial units.
- Analysis of Free and open Land Cover maps for agricultural land use planning at the local level
Department of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences West Switzerland (HES-SO), Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Earth Observation DataCubes Multi-visualization Toolbox
Tom Niers holds a bachelor degree in Geoinformatics. He currently is a master student at the Institute for Geoinformatics (IfGI), where he also works as a student assistant. As a member in the research project Opening Reproducible Research, he develops possibilities to improve reproducible research. By further pursuing study projects of the master program supported by university funding programs, he has gained particular knowledge in working with environmental sensors and the application of artificial intelligence in the context of biodiversity monitoring.
- Multi-Sensor Feeder: Automated and Easy-To-Use Animal Monitoring Tool for Citizens

Dr Toshikazu Seto is a Associate Professor, Komazawa University, Japan. He is a member of OSGeo.JP, OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan and OSGeo foundation charter member. He is a social geographer and geographical information scientist. In recent years, he has been engaged in research on participatory GIS and civic-tech open data.
- Analysis of the spatiotemporal accumulation process of Mapillary data and its relationship with OSM road data: A case study in Japan

Valerio Baiocchi received his High school diploma at the age of 17 (the usual age in Italy is 19) at the Scientific High school “C.Cavour” of Rome, the oldest scientific High school of Italy. He is Geologist and Engineer, both full Graduation at “Sapienza” University of Rome, one of the oldest university of Europe, with top marks. He obtained a Ph.D. in Geodesy and survey, at 'Parthenope' University, Napoli, Italy (1996-1999), a Master in Environmental sciences (Scuola di specializzazione), at Urbino University, Italy (1995-1997), and a second Ph.D. in Infrastructures and transports, at 'Sapienza' University of Rome (2006-2009).
Author of more than 240 scientific papers, H-index 15 on Scopus, 13 on WOS and 15 on Google scholar
- Efficient three-dimensional survey techniques and their comparison in open software in the archaeological test site of "Ninfeo maggiore" and "Ninfeo minore" of Formia (latina, Italy)
- Simulation of the effects of possible regulations for the location of wind and photovoltaic power plants in the Lazio Regional Administration (Italy)

Lecturer-Geospatial Information Science at University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. National Coordinator at Unique Mappers Network(UMT), Nigeria. GODAN-Nigeria Capacity Development Lead. Member-ISPRS WG IV/4. UNFPA Nigeria Delegate FOSS4G Bucharest. Community leader for OpenStreetMap, GeoForAll & Participatory Citizen Science, Nigeria. Chair of Geoformation Society of Nigeria, Rivers State, Nigeria. Member of OSMF & Voting Member-HOT and a PhD Researcher at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria
- Analysis of Local and Remote Mappers’ Open Geographic Data Contribution to Oil Spill Disaster Response in Niger Delta Region, Nigeria

Currently, I am working as a data scientist at Rakuten group Inc., Japan. I have been working for GeoAI related for 2-3 years. I am also an OSGEO charter member since 2017. Developed modules for GRASS GIS. I received Ph.D. degree in geoinformatics from Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan, in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree in geoinformatics from a Japanese government scholarship Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. He also worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. From 2009 to 2011.
- Multi-branch Deep learning Based Transport Mode Detection using Weakly Supervised Labels
- Creating a land use/land cover dictionary based on multiple pairs of OSM and reference datasets