The OpenStreetMap Foundation and its Board of Directors: What it is, What it does, What it isn't
12-07, 09:30–10:30 (America/Belem), Auditório
Language: English

The OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) plays a vital but sometimes misunderstood role in supporting the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project and its global community. This talk aims to clarify exactly what the OSMF is, what it does, and just as importantly, what it doesn’t do. We’ll take a close look at the Foundation’s primary functions, including its amazing Working Groups with help in providing critical infrastructure like servers, legal support, and financial resources that keep the OSM ecosystem running smoothly.

At the heart of the OSMF is its Board of Directors, a group voted in by the OSMF members that is responsible for guiding the Foundation’s direction. We’ll explore the role of the Board in making high-level decisions without interfering in the grassroots, community-led nature of the mapping process. While the OSMF Board of Directors helps ensure that OSM’s technical and organizational needs are met, it doesn’t dictate what gets mapped or how mapping is done. That power rests entirely in the hands of the community, and the Foundation supports this autonomy.

There are also many misconceptions about the OSMF’s authority and responsibilities. This session will help clear up these misunderstandings. However, we’ll also highlight the ways in which the OSMF and its Board can assist community members worldwide.

We’ll dive into how the Board of Directors helps steer the Foundation without micromanaging, offering a clear understanding of the governance model in place. Additionally, we’ll discuss how members of the OSM community can engage with the OSMF and its Board to help shape the future of OpenStreetMap.

This session is ideal for anyone curious about how the OSMF operates behind the scenes to support the community’s goals, and attendees are encouraged to bring any and all of their questions, comments, and insights.

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