NDVeye: how to count corn plants on a field using Astropy
09-09, 14:30–15:00 (Europe/Bratislava), B320

We developed a QGIS plugin to quickly count the number of corn plants on a field. The aim is to speed up analysis of agricultural experiments.

We used the plugin primarily on drone-obtained NDVI rasters. Hence the name, NDVeye. Other use cases also exist, such as finding reefs on Sentinel-2 images.

The core part of the plugin relies on Astropy. The astronomical community is interested in taking light intensity rasters from telescopes to detect individual light sources using image segmentation. We perform a similar computation, but instead of galaxies, we count corn plants; instead of telescopes, we use a drone.

One can read more about the plugin here: https://github.com/zabop/ndveye#readme.

Data Engineer at Glint Solar with an education in Astronomy. One of my hobbies is QGIS.