Monitoring urban densification using QGIS
09-10, 11:00–11:30 (Europe/Bratislava), B319 (BAT)

Considering the tendency of growing cities and increasing urbanization of the suburban areas, it becomes crucial to monitor the processes of densification to enable regulatory intervention when necessary. The municipality of Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf aims to prevent uncontrolled densification as described by leveraging QGIS.
In order to control these processes it is essential to first determine the areas where such a intervention is necessarry and in which areas is potential for further densification. This can be achieved by surveying not only the number of inhabitants and houses but also reviewing the development of property sizes and the sealing of area.

B.Sc. Geography
M.Sc. Urban and regional planning
Used to work in a company specialized in sport-oriented urban planing, now working in the public sector in the field of urban planing. In all those stations worked with QGIS, more or less self-taught

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