09-10, 14:30–15:00 (Europe/Bratislava), B320
Mobile network management data was typically gathered in our organisation in various inter-linked spreadsheets, which lead to data redundancy and constant user errors, making it inefficient with difficult work flows. It was therefore decided to move the spreadsheet data to a PostGIS database and manage it with QGIS. For that purpose several QGIS forms with constraints and default values (formulas and expressions) were built with the "Drag-and-Drop" designer for a number of joined layers to allow data entry and management. This presentation and short demonstration shows not only the workflows, tricks and successes, but also the challenges with this custom-built QGIS tool used by our mobile network planning specialists.
Since 1991 groundwater management and GIS specialist at various organisations in South Africa;
main developer of the Aquabase Water Management software (open-source);
since 2022 Geodata-Analyst at Mobilfunkinfrastrukturgesellschaft in Naumburg (Saale), Germany, working mainly with QGIS and PostGIS, but also ESRI ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise