09-10, 14:00–14:30 (Europe/Bratislava), B319 (BAT)

In order to increase the availability and re-use of spatial data from the public sector, InfraStructure for sPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) has been established in 2007. This infrastructure is based on wide range of national spatial data infrastructures (SDI), like the one established in Slovakia. Standard spatial data infrastructure is built around the spatial data, made available via network services and documented by metadata. There are also non technical components, mainly represented by data sharing conditions (licensing), monitoring of the infrastructure and governance (coordination). GIS software plays core role in establishment, maintenance and further development of such infrastructures. QGIS belongs among the main desktop GIS software solutions also in Slovakia. There has been significant effort also towards the support for INSPIRE on EU level, whilst still some challenges remains in order to fully utilise the potential of SDIs. As QGIS represents community product, capacity and involvement plays crucial role also on national level. This talk will share QGIS related experience from national INSPIRE/SDI coordinator perspective and will try to challenge what might/could be the bright future for QGIS in connection to the data sharing practice.

See also: