09-10, 12:00–12:30 (Europe/Bratislava), B319 (BAT)
Learn about the new and exciting EarthDaily Constellation flying in early 2025. Our offering includes a robust plug-in/connector to QGIS
and cloud native integration. EarthDaily is a vertically integrated provider of Earth Observation data, analytics, and solutions. Utilizing a unique combination of proven space technologies, ground-breaking AI applications, and cutting-edge big data tools, EDA provides value-added, actionable insights to decision-makers and risk managers across the public and private sectors on a global basis.
Andres Umaña is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of international experience, specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Earth Observation technologies. Currently serving as the Head of Sales for EMEA at EarthDaily Agro, Andres drives business growth across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa by leveraging cutting-edge geospatial solutions.
His career spans key roles at industry leaders including Planet, Pitney Bowes Software, MapInfo, Exacaster and TechSee, where he consistently expanded market presence for satellite imagery, mapping, and location intelligence solutions. Andres's expertise lies in translating complex Earth Observation capabilities into tangible business value across sectors such as agriculture, environment protection, and government.
With an Executive MBA from IE Business School and a background in Physics from Universidad de los Andes (including studies at UC Berkeley), Andres combines technical prowess with strong business acumen. His deep understanding of remote sensing, data analytics, and AI applications in geospatial technologies has been crucial in developing innovative solutions for diverse business environments.