Kart: Data versioning in QGIS
09-10, 13:30–15:00 (Europe/Bratislava), B310

Kart is a powerful cross-platform version control system for geospatial datasets: vectors, rasters, tables, and point clouds; built to enable collaboration. The workshop will introduce you to Kart and walk through its key functionality so you're ready to use it on your next project.

Kart has a QGIS plugin and we'll primarily be working there, but we'll also demonstrate collaboration with our non-QGIS friends working in other software ecosystems.

We'll be creating new repositories by importing open data sets; editing and committing data changes; reviewing history; cloning & pushing datasets; using and understanding different working copy formats; performing branching and merging; building repositories over existing Raster & Point Cloud data; and collaborating with other users.

See also:

Kiwi in Scotland, CTO at Koordinates, and a passionate dad, sailor, and FOSS4G contributor.

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