Beyond the NDVI: Hyperspectral remote sensing in QGIS with the EnMAP-Box
09-09, 11:00–11:30 (Europe/Bratislava), B320

Thanks to Earth observation missions such as EnMAP and PRISMA as well as the future CHIME and SBG programs, more and more hyperspectral raster data is being collected for large areas and at different times. However, using hyperspectral data in QGIS poses some challenges, as, for example, raster images often have more than 200 highly correlated bands.

The EnMAP-Box plugin supplements QGIS with essential capabilities for the analysis and evaluation of such hyperspectral data. It values metadata like the wavelength information, allows for a rapid visualization of suitable band combinations and the integration of spectral libraries. In addition, the EnMAP-Box supplements the QGIS Processing Framework with more than 150 algorithms that provide easy access to state-of-the-art methods from hyperspectral remote sensing. This allows to realize comprehensive workflows for an automated processing of remote sensing data, e.g. to map biophysical variables or derive land-cover fractions per pixel.

The EnMAP-Box is now used in numerous research institutions as well as in the private sector. Our presentation shows how EnMAP data, as well as multispectral data from Sentinel-2 satellites can be explored and processed with the EnMAP-Box and gives an outlook on new EnMAP-Box features.

Benjamin Jakimow is a postdoc in the Earth Observation Lab at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. For his work with remote sensing data, he prefers to use free software such as QGIS.