Open GIS 3D Studiedag
Presentatie of workshop indienen
Would you like to present something? Nice! Presentations and workshops on open 3D applications from all over the country are very welcome.
Your presentation or workshop is preferably about things that are already functioning, but a glimpse into current and future developments is also welcome. We prefer to see many short presentations rather than few long ones. Think of the TED format: in 18 minutes you can be inspiring and to the point. We aim for 20 minutes per speaker, including questions.
Workshops are also very welcome: it is ideal if those present can get started straight away. A workshop can last half or a whole afternoon. If something needs to be installed in advance, please include it in the proposal.
Subjects we're already considering include:
- the projects Netherlands3D en 3DTilesNederland
- 3DBAG use cases
- use cases for scanners (point clouds) from UAV's or (hand) scanners
- using point clouds in QGIS
- using 3D Tiles in QGIS
You can enter proposals until 2025-02-28 23:59 (UTC), 2 weeks, 3 days from now.