10-18, 11:10– (Pacific/Auckland), Te Iringa
How Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received, processed, and published high resolution satellite and aerial imagery using cloud-based processing pipelines with Argo Workflows, Kubernetes and GDAL as part of the Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response.
An exploration of the value of cloud-based imagery processing and how this has been implemented by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, using the emergency response to Cyclone Gabrielle as a case study. We will cover an overview of LINZ's imagery processing pipelines built with open source software such as GDAL, and the infrastructure which supports these using Argo Workflows and Kubernetes. The case study of Cyclone Gabrielle will highlight the benefits of this approach, as well as the unique challenges we faced processing satellite and aerial imagery data to contribute to the emergency response.
Andrew is a geospatial developer in the Basemaps team at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, previously working in the Topographic Data Publishing team as a Location Data Analyst focusing on aerial imagery QC and publication. Andrew is relatively new to the geospatial world, having previously worked as a graphic designer for many years before starting with LINZ, and identifies as a "very nerdy designer".
Rebecca Clarke is a Location Data Analyst within the Topographic Data Publishing team at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, working remotely from New Plymouth. She has 13 years experience working with geographical data, and for the last 7 years has worked with imagery at LINZ. She is currently the Product Owner for Topography's Aerial Imagery Publication.
Alice Fage is a Geospatial Developer working in the Topographic Data Engineering team at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Her background is in systems administration.