Detecting aliens: Geospatial data and remote sensing techniques for the management of invasive alien species in the Pacific Islands region
10-17, 17:05– (Pacific/Auckland), Plenary

In the Pacific Islands region, where there are over 30,000 islands vulnerable to invasion and isolated, geospatial data and remote sensing are suitable tools to detect, manage and monitor prolific invasive species that are causing environmental and socio-economic impact.

In this talk we highlight the utilisation of geospatial data to undertake niche similarity/equivalency test to fill in knowledge gaps to better understand the behaviour of invasives such as the African Tulip. We also highlight and provide an update on the progress on the detection techniques using available data to map the African Tulip, these include textural-based analysis using machine learning algorithms and spectral-based techniques focused on species phenology. We also highlight existing challenges and opportunities for RS for invasive species management in the Pacific Islands region.

I am currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Newcastle, Australia and have been leading and organising OSM community events in Fiji under OSM Fiji for the last three years. My research investigates the feasibility of remote sensing as a tool to monitor invasive alien plant species in the Pacific and is supported by the Pacific Regional Invasive Speices Management Support Services (PRISMSS) faciliated by SPREP. Prior to my PhD I worked in the geospatial industry across the Pacific region, based in Fiji, my home.

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