An enterprising journey with opensource GIS
10-18, 12:25– (Pacific/Auckland), Plenary

With rapid growth in the company, New Zealand Carbon Farming needed a new approach to its GIS system. Using a combination of QGIS, Qserver, Lizmap, QField and PostGIS, is implementing a more user accessible GIS system for it's office and field based staff.

New Zealand Carbon Farming operates within a complex and changing regulatory environment, managing over 100,000 ha of forest land and having sequestered 25+ million tonnes of C02 to date. With a growing team, the existing ways of doing maps and data wasn't scalable so a new approach was needed. This talk outlines our journey to update our systems and approach with OpenSource GIS at the core.

Tim Barnes is the GIS Manager/Developer at New Zealand Carbon Farming. With 20 years working in GIS in a variety of public and private organizations, though mostly with licensed/paid GIS software, he is continually learning how best to use and share geospatial technology and principles to tackle real world problems.