Open Geospatial and Big Data for Airspace Risk Analysis
10-17, 14:05– (Pacific/Auckland), Te Iringa

The Airspace Risk Modelling System combines open-source geospatial technologies and data science techniques to assess risk of mid-air collisions in Australian airspace under various conditions.

This presentation will provide an overview of the Airspace Risk Modelling System (ARMS), which was developed by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) in coordination with IT company MTP Services.

ARMS provides the ability for airspace safety experts to profile the risk of mid-air collisions in a volume of airspace over a time period of interest. Users are provided with a numerical analysis of risk, as well as map visualisations which can help them understand how risk is distributed geospatially in the airspace. Various modifying factors can also be simulated to observe their impact on the risk picture. The purpose of this analysis is to inform decision making regarding changes to airspace.

This talk will include:
- Background on the project.
- Quick overview of the components of the solution.
- Discussion of how ARMS leverages open-source Python libraries to perform geospatial analysis.
- Some examples of how we’ve applied data science models to geospatial data to generate meaningful comparative analysis.
- Challenges we’ve faced as a result of needing to deal with billions of data points with limited resources, and how we addressed these hurdles.
- Future direction of the project, including plans to further incorporate open-source geospatial technologies.

I am a software developer with a passion for geospatial engineering and data science. I love applying open source geospatial technologies to help solve interesting problems for Australian government organisations and other clients.

Simon McDonald has over 10 years of experience in data science projects within the aviation industry, ranging from targeted risk analyses to introducing new safety reporting systems. He has represented Australia through several international forums where he used his expertise enhance the global understanding of collision risk in airspace.

Simon has held positions at Airservices Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority; and holds a
Bachelor of Applied Science in Aviation and a Masters of Statistics. For the past three years he has been leading the development of a framework to quantify airspace collision risk. This will deliver the capability to consistently model collision risk in Australian airspace using world leading methods.