A Dash of Leaflet
10-18, 12:25–12:50 (Pacific/Auckland), Te Iringa

To all Python fans who want to make interactive, Leaflet-powered map apps without writing much JavaScript, there is a way.
I'll describe it using Dash and Dash Leaflet, two excellent open source Python libraries.
Real examples included.

To all Python fans who want to make interactive, Leaflet-powered map apps without writing much JavaScript, there is a way.
I'll describe it using Dash and Dash Leaflet, two excellent open source Python libraries.
Real examples included.

Alex heads the Data Science Team at MRCagney, who create beautiful tools for data-driven decision making.
Besides using open source geospatial software, Alex enjoys writing songs, practising permaculure, and using his skills to benefit society.
For more detail about his professional and personal work, see
https://mrcagney.works and https://raichev.net , respectively.