Andrew Jacombs
Andrew is a geospatial developer in the Basemaps team at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, previously working in the Topographic Data Publishing team as a Location Data Analyst focusing on aerial imagery QC and publication. Andrew is relatively new to the geospatial world, having previously worked as a graphic designer for many years before starting with LINZ, and identifies as a "very nerdy designer".
A presentation on the new Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) LiDAR QC command line application that has been developed using open-source software and libraries, including Python, GDAL, PDAL, and LASTools.
How Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received, processed, and published high resolution satellite and aerial imagery using cloud-based processing pipelines with Argo Workflows, Kubernetes and GDAL as part of the Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response.