Arnalie Vicario

Community member, OSM Philippines
Advocate, Geoladies PH
Online Community Engagement Lead, HOT
Board member, OSM Foundation

Arnalie from the Philippines, username: arnalielsewhere, advocates for open data and is passionate about building inclusive spaces in the open mapping and open geo community. She was a GIS Specialist for seven years until she shifted to (online) community engagement in 2020. She works as Online Community Engagement Lead at Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team - Philippines, and as a full time mother.

She has been an Openstreetmap contributor since 2016, the same year she joined and became part of the OSM community in the Philippines. In 2018, she met her partner at the State of the Map - Milan conference, and reconvened GeoLadies Philippines, an advocacy group for community diversity, collaborative participation, and affirmative spaces especially for women, and under-represented communities in OpenStreetMap. She is a supporter and ally of various communities and networks such as Geochicas, Women+ in Geo, Open Heroines, and more.

You can learn more about her views about community in OpenStreeMap and humanitarian open mapping in the [1] Geomob Podcast Interview - Arnalie Vicario: Building inclusive spaces in OSM as well as through her [2] OSM Diaries.



Do you know about theā€¦ OpenStreetMap Foundation?
Lanieta Rokotuiwakaya, Arnalie Vicario

Everyone knows about OpenStreetMap, but not everyone knows what is the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
